View Full Version : Do I suffer from anxiety?

12-03-2013, 10:35 AM
Hi guys,

I am a 36 year old male and think I may have been suffering from anxiety for the majority of my life. I constantly worry about everything all the time, even about stupid little things like going to the shop. The thing is I don't know why I worry about these things so much, it just happens without me even thinking about it.

I have lived with my worrying up until now, however I fear that this is getting worse. I am currently a research student and have just started giving oral presentations in front of people. When I stand up to give a presentation, my mind goes completely blank to the point where I can't even remember what I've got to say and feel stupid standing up in front of all these people. This makes me feel even worse.

I have been thinking about finally going to see a Doctor about this problem as it is starting to get me down and upset.

I guess I've just joined this forum for advice and somewhere to share my feelings as I find it hard to talk to anyone about it.

I'm even worried about going to the doctor to talk about it. :(

12-07-2013, 02:55 PM
I think I'm in the same boat, I find that I'm like that with a lot of things. Going to the register to buy something, making a simple phone call. Always hated oral presentations as well.... I'm not sure if you have anxiety or you could just be a shy and quiet person. Sometimes I consciously try to not feel anxious in those situations, which probably makes it worse and comes off as pretty unnatural. I've never been actually diagnosed with anything or seen a doctor either, so who knows? If these problems seriously bother you and effect your life you should definitely try and make some steps forward. Personally just talking about these things with others helps me out a lot, on this forum in particular. Sorry if my post wasn't the most informative, but if you want to talk more about anything or just vent here I'd be glad to listen.

12-07-2013, 03:39 PM
Hi matrix :-)
Like you I have always been a worrier but I never thought much of it until it got worse. Mine did develop in GAD. It might be perhaps that all you need is maybe help to build your confidence or self esteem. Your gp maybe be able to put you in touch with someone to help you or no where you could get support, if that's what you wanted also there are alot of online courses and advice. I would recommend a chat with your gp if only to get some advice and to get off your chest how you are feeling :-)