View Full Version : Massive withdrawals, New medication Lorazepam, Anyone help please

12-02-2013, 05:02 PM
Ive posted about this before but now that I'm on a new med I could use some advice. Last Monday, I went cold turkey off of 150mg of Effexor and 8mg/day of Klonapin. On Monday my new Doctor put me on 1200mg/day of Neurontin, and 10mg of Lexapro. Since Monday I have been living a dreadful nightmare. Racing mind, shaking body, MASSIVE anxiety bouts. The only savior was a couple milligrams of Xanax a day. I saw my doctor again today and explained everything and he added 4mg/day of Lorazepam because the withdrawals were so incredibly bad. Anyone have any insight into this tactic, or taken Lorazepam before?

03-17-2014, 12:18 PM
What you did was dangerous. 8 mg/day of klonopin is a very high dose. You are lucky that you didn't get a seizure.

03-17-2014, 12:20 PM
I am on lorazepam for years, however I use it only when the panic attack hits. Not very often. Quiting cold turkey was not very smart, you do not quit cold turkey benzos, without switching to others benzos. You do not quit even heroine cold turkey. What did you think for 88888 sake to do this. I am surprised by you doc who let you do it. Now lorazepam takes care of withdrawal signs at least a bit easy it. Two weeks is the most you should be on this dose of lorazepam then start cutting down...slowly so you do not get addicted to lorazepam...
Lexapro is ssri i think and neurotin helps with some sensitivity of nerves ends, and it works somehow on anxiety too...When you feel better start cuttin on lorazepam aka Ativan :)

03-17-2014, 12:39 PM
Ive posted about this before but now that I'm on a new med I could use some advice. Last Monday, I went cold turkey off of 150mg of Effexor and 8mg/day of Klonapin. On Monday my new Doctor put me on 1200mg/day of Neurontin, and 10mg of Lexapro. Since Monday I have been living a dreadful nightmare. Racing mind, shaking body, MASSIVE anxiety bouts. The only savior was a couple milligrams of Xanax a day. I saw my doctor again today and explained everything and he added 4mg/day of Lorazepam because the withdrawals were so incredibly bad. Anyone have any insight into this tactic, or taken Lorazepam before?

Hi Srm,

You said you went cold turkey off of 150mg of Effexor? And the 8mg of klonapin?

No wonder you feel so bad! I'm willing to bet that half of your trouble is from the Benzo and half is from the Effexor.

Effexor discontinuation syndrome is NASTY! Trust me I know! I lived it. Trouble is many doctors don't see it as a problem. My question to you is WHY on earth didn't your doctor wean you off the Effexor? My suggestion to you is get your butt back to him and get him to wean you off it properly. Depending on how long you were on 150mg you should at minimum do 2wks at 75mg then 2wks at 37.5mg.

Two weeks at each dosage is minimum, it may take longer than that. Sometimes doctors will give you Prozac to help you through the Effexor mess.

I was beginning to wonder if you were going through some form of withdrawal. At first I thought it might be only from the Benzo as I did not realize that you were also on Effexor and stopped it. I'm sorry I missed it.

Wondering, do you feel like your brain is shaking in your skull? Or maybe if you stop walking your brain is a few steps behind trying to catch up? Shivers in your brain? Any of these feelings are classic with coming off of Effexor.

My recommendation to you after going back to your doc is get yourself some Omega 3s as high concentration as you can find. And some Gravol. These 2 things will help the weird feeling in your brain as you come off the Effexor correctly.

As for the Benzos you have, go easy. You don't want to compound the issue.

Your massive anxiety issues right now are most definitely caused by medication!

I'm around if you have any questions, and Forwells has given you good info on the Benzos.

Don't worry, you are going to be ok, I just question where your dumb ass doctors head is?


03-17-2014, 02:23 PM
I do not want to scare you so please dont think this is what i am doing . I want you to have the correct information so you get the correct treatment . What Frankie said i guess is what you are thinking . I did this for 5 years , blaming myself and just hoping that i could fix it . Wishing , praying , begging that the next day it would be all over . It never worked and i stressed and stressed and stressed and caused the problem to be worse . I think with the right treatment you can do this with way less side effects than you have and in a way shorter time than me . So again i do not what to scare you , just to bring your attention to what i see because it is so much like me .

Nicely said Forwells, I don't want to scare either, it is not a nice place to be and I can understand feeling helpless and hopeless!!

Srm, you have help and hope. You will be well sooner than you think with the right help. Let the help in...you will be glad you did!

Thinking of you.

03-17-2014, 05:14 PM
Please get a new doctor. This is not healthy. There has been a mistake I think.
Peace my friend.