View Full Version : Rock bottom

anxious aussie
12-02-2013, 03:02 PM
I guys. I apologize in advance for this post but I need to get this out or I'm going to lose it.
I've hit a real low. I don't know what to do anymore. I CONSTANTLY feel like rubbish. I always have the symptoms whether it be one thing or another. At the moment it's predominantly tightness in my jaw and waking up feeling like I can't breathe or talk. And most recently feeling very uncomfortable touching certain materials (eg if my nails scratch against my sheets it makes my blood run cold and I feel gross)
I'm worrying because I don't think there's anything specific I'm worried or stressed about yet, I feel like crap all the time. I don't want to take medication and if I were to talk to someone I don't even know what I would say. I don't have any strong feelings of happiness or sadness or anything. I'm just blank. I almost cried this morning because the radio in my car wouldn't work on the way to work. My brain feels like it's a tornado of thoughts constantly spinning around but just in a big indecipherable mess. Don't know what to do.

Lee Grant Irons
12-02-2013, 03:22 PM
Hello anxy,

No need to apologize. We've all been there (or ARE there). Sounds a little like something a certified clinical psychologist or psychiatrist might be able to help you with. I have kids with similar symptoms, including annoyance with the way certain things feel, being easily perturbed, feeling like crap, inability to concentrate on one thing, lack of emotional connection. The tight jaw could be a secondary affect associated with grinding your teeth while you sleep.

Have you seen a mental health professional about this?

anxious aussie
12-02-2013, 08:56 PM
I've had anxiety problems since I was 10. I saw a psychologist then and was okay up until about 2 years ago. I saw another psychologist when things got bad again but I felt like it was a waste of time. I never wanted to talk and I felt like their advice was useless. I feel heaps better after talking on here as opposed to a psychologist. But I don't know. Some days are just worse than others and I get incredibly overwhelmed and stressed out about the way I'm feeling

Lee Grant Irons
12-02-2013, 09:13 PM
Having people who will listen is good. Do you have pain or stomach problems with this?

anxious aussie
12-02-2013, 09:29 PM
I have a very supportive family and boyfriend. But I don't want to burden them with my problems. Not to mention how ridiculous I sound when I actually say them out loud!
I get a lot of headaches. And sometimes joint/muscle pain. I'm trying exercise and a healthier diet to try and make myself feel better. But I just need to get the negative thoughts out of my head and not let the little things get to me. I think that's my biggest problem. Other than constantly thinking there's something wrong with me

Lee Grant Irons
12-02-2013, 09:55 PM
Your symptoms sound somewhat like ADD (attention deficit disorder). I never new that pain could accompany ADD, until a nurse practitioner heard the symptoms our daughter had ben having for a number of years and said that many people with ADD have the pain in addition to the inability to focus or be attentive. We put our daughter on Adderol, and it was like a miracle: calm, peaceful, pleasant, able to do her homework. Of course, the side effects can be rough on some people, so we had to try a number of medicines. That is why I am thinking that a primary care doctor or a psychiatrist might be able to help you. The right medicine can make a world of difference.

anxious aussie
12-02-2013, 10:04 PM
That's interesting to hear. I've never heard pain associated with that either. I'd really like to avoid taking medication. I was on sertraline for a year and by the end of it I felt like I couldn't feel any emotions properly, which stopped after I stopped taking it. Every time I go to the doctor though I just get a blood test or whatever and get told I'm fine. I always feel like they are just wanting to get rid of me by prescribing meds or telling me I'm fine. But it doesn't solve the problem

Lee Grant Irons
12-02-2013, 10:13 PM
Sounds like you need a different doctor. The very first doctor I saw immediately following my health crash (not counting my friend the chiropractor) managed to discover my hypothyroid condition (it was impossible to miss), but then just through symptom relieving medicines at me over the next 3 months as my health continued to get worse even though I was on thyroid medicine. So I went to a different doctor. Over 40 doctors and specialists later, I finally found a primary doctor who would actually do anything for me to help me get better.