View Full Version : Authority and who to trust

01-24-2008, 07:44 AM
i hope that others can understand and relate to this and not try to pressure me into relegion but here goes...i can't stand that i have so little proof for any idea or that people constantly think (and feel) in absolutes. i can't stand not knowing so many things out in the world and how most, if not all of my knowledge comes from reading something...that really shows no physical proof, i know that if i let a ball drop that gravit makes sence but i can't understand how people can go to work everyday and feel good and fufilled in church and why people really want anything (execpt things that are completely impossible to get like cures for diseases, what i mean more are fancy sport cars and dresses and stuff) because, can't you just remove yourself from a situation? so i have a lot of trouble talking (in conversation) to people because i'm always certain that i will spread my uncertainty or else make them made because i alway ask questions untile peoples assumes fall away and they are just as confused as i am, and my dad keeps trying to get me to go to church to solve my problems but there are just so many happy people there that it scares me. i always freak out that if i go to church i'll say something inapropriet and get chased out with pitch forks, or worse get my dad scorned out. this feeling keeps me from talking alot and it's hard to keep friends because of it. all of a sudden after i've known people for a little while i'm just freaked out that i'll hurt them or corrupt them or whatever but it difficult because i can't even mesure this ability because duh why would i want to...and i just want to run away...thank you for letting me get that off of my chest and umm answer back