View Full Version : pregnant and anxiety !!!

12-02-2013, 12:43 PM
:( I suffer with really bad anxiety and im now 9 weeks pregnant :( any advise please :(

12-02-2013, 02:19 PM
Are you on any meds?

Lee Grant Irons
12-02-2013, 02:24 PM
Hello sazaroo,


So now you have two people to take care of, you and the baby. So you need to treat both of you well. In general, anything that you do to take care of yourself will also take care of the baby. You will still need to do the things that you do to control your anxiety. You will need to check with your doctor regarding whether any of your medications should be adjusted or changed based on carrying a baby. You should make an appointment with an obstetrician for additional directional on extra special things you could do to ensure your baby is healthy. The obstetrician will also monitor your baby's development while in the womb and will be your's and the baby's doctor in the hospital for the birth, and even immediately following the birth.

There is lots of information out there about what to do leading up to and following the birth. However, people have been having children for the entire history of the human race without books telling them what to do. Do not worry about everything you may not be doing that a book or some internet site says you should be doing. Mostly what you need is a doctor's care, some help from family or friends (especially the women folk), and the love and care you provide for your baby.

12-02-2013, 02:51 PM
My dics took me off my meds for the saftey of my baby, ive been off them now for 3 weeks

Lee Grant Irons
12-02-2013, 02:58 PM
Are you seeing an obstetrician or is your primary care doctor helping you right now with your pregnancy?

12-02-2013, 03:18 PM
I'm curious as to why they would take you off the meds if you have high anxiety? Some medications are considered safe in pregnancy. I would suggest talking to your Doctor about it and seeing what options you have. I just found out I am pregnant and I am on Zoloft, which is one of the safe medications.

12-02-2013, 03:22 PM
I'm curious as to why they would take you off the meds if you have high anxiety? Some medications are considered safe in pregnancy. I would suggest talking to your Doctor about it and seeing what options you have. I just found out I am pregnant and I am on Zoloft, which is one of the safe medications.

Congrats :)

Lee Grant Irons
12-02-2013, 03:38 PM
I just found out I am pregnant.

Yes, Congrats! It is baby day on the forum!

12-02-2013, 04:11 PM
Thank you jessed03 & Lee Grant Irons!

12-03-2013, 12:32 AM
Glad I'm not alone :)

12-03-2013, 01:02 AM
Congrats to you both

12-03-2013, 02:00 AM
My doctor said if I want the best for my baby I have to stop and obv course I want the best for my baby but I also suffer with argraphobia as well which sucks, even tho I am so scared to leave the house ive made every doctors and midwife apps so far and will continuie even tho im so scared im doing it for my baby :/

12-03-2013, 05:19 AM
I had really bad anxiety when I was pregnant everytime I went to the doctors I had a panic attack and my blood pressure would be so high, so when I had to go to go to hospital to give birth my anxiety was so bad i wanted to go home but as soon as I had my baby and was home my anxiety went away completly till his first birthday and the anxiety came back worse than ever, and now I can't even leave my house :(

Lee Grant Irons
12-03-2013, 05:53 AM
It has been said that a mother's love is the strongest drive in the universe. For all of you to able to force yourselves to do the right thing for your babies despite your fear and anxiety is very admirable. I respect you all very much. I think this also shows that you are stronger than you think. You have the ability to overcome these problems. :)

12-03-2013, 06:49 AM
I had really bad anxiety when I was pregnant everytime I went to the doctors I had a panic attack and my blood pressure would be so high, so when I had to go to go to hospital to give birth my anxiety was so bad i wanted to go home but as soon as I had my baby and was home my anxiety went away completly till his first birthday and the anxiety came back worse than ever, and now I can't even leave my house :(

Im so sorry to hear that shelley... I struggle so badley to leave the house I have the doctors in an hour to see midwife and have bloods taken im so scared all ready had panic attacks today :( I know I have to go its just so scary x

12-03-2013, 06:52 AM
I still don't even know/believe I've got anxiety even tho the doctors pin all my problems down on that. Had a great pregnancy (worried like hell over everything tho as I wanted everything to go perfect) which it did. Then two month after he was born I started feeling I'll at the metro centre, shakey and couldn't breathe and every since then Im still the same except another bunch of problems (physical symptoms) which never leave me. Have it all everyday :( but I've managed even tho struggling everyday :( I'm just still wondering what brought it all on cos the docs don't have a clue!

congrats sazaroo :) xx

12-03-2013, 11:33 PM
I had really bad anxiety when I was pregnant everytime I went to the doctors I had a panic attack and my blood pressure would be so high, so when I had to go to go to hospital to give birth my anxiety was so bad i wanted to go home but as soon as I had my baby and was home my anxiety went away completly till his first birthday and the anxiety came back worse than ever, and now I can't even leave my house :(
Aww really got you i know what your going threw ive been there you just have to remember you brat it once you can beat it again stay strong

12-04-2013, 04:59 AM
I still don't even know/believe I've got anxiety even tho the doctors pin all my problems down on that. Had a great pregnancy (worried like hell over everything tho as I wanted everything to go perfect) which it did. Then two month after he was born I started feeling I'll at the metro centre, shakey and couldn't breathe and every since then Im still the same except another bunch of problems (physical symptoms) which never leave me. Have it all everyday :( but I've managed even tho struggling everyday :( I'm just still wondering what brought it all on cos the docs don't have a clue!

congrats sazaroo :) xx

Thank you so much hun I aint 100% what brought mine on its werid I went to councling they could find root course either werid huh our minds are funny things hunnii xx