View Full Version : another weird sleeping thing

01-23-2008, 05:14 PM
i keep having this weird thing happem to me and im wondering if anyone else has experianced it, as im drifting off to sleep i keep having a really quick breath out, hard to explain but all of a sudden i jsut breath real quick out of my mouth jsut once, ( kind of like if you are testing your breath and you breath out) anyone know what im on about lol?

01-23-2008, 05:49 PM
I haven't had this particular thing happen to me, but it sounds like you may be over sensitive to your breathing right now. Do you have a Doctor or advice nurse that you can call and ask if they know what this is? It's probably nothing, but you will feel better if you find out for sure from a learned medical person.

I hope you feel better soon :)

01-24-2008, 06:12 AM
I am not a doctor but what i think is happening is a good sign, it means your body is relaxing, can you tell if you are breathing through your chest and when you breath through your diaphram? because it's likely that you are just getting ready to sleep. How ever if you have breathing problems or are just worried in general it is a good idea to see a doctor, like anxietychic recomends.

Knowledge Rules Supreme
02-04-2008, 07:56 PM
does it kinda startle you like your half asllep then all of the sudden you breath andits short and a odd sensation?cause if so i get those time to time...im starting to think its sleep apnea but idk