View Full Version : Anxiety and relationships

12-01-2013, 04:48 PM
My name is Jen and I've always had minimal anxiety. I had to move because if job purposes. I moved to a different state by myself. I am with a Wonderful guy who I love sooo much. The problem is all of a sudden I developed this weird feeling. I feel emotionless towards him and I can't explain why. It happened out of nowhere and for no reason. It gives me so much anxiety because I love him and don't want to be with anyone else, but I can't shut off this feeling. I feel like it consumes me. Normally I am
A happy go lucky person but this feeling is ripping me apart. Has this happened to someone else? I don't want my relationship to be affected by this

Lee Grant Irons
12-01-2013, 06:20 PM

It is great that you have found a guy that you love and who is nice to you. So, you do love him and you know that. That is good. And yet you say you feel emotionless. Are you seeing a therapist or a psychiatrist? If not, then I would recommend you see a fully certified clinical psychologist (typically a PhD) or a psychiatrist. You can tell the doctor about how you are feeling, and they can tell you what they think might be happening.

12-01-2013, 06:42 PM
Thank you so much for replying. I think this whole thing is stemming from anxiety I'm having. I was definitely thinking about seeing a psychiatrist but I have to wait until my insurance kicks in unfortunately.

Lee Grant Irons
12-01-2013, 06:48 PM
No problem. Glad to talk with you. :)

Psychiatrists are becoming a rare species. Medical schools are having a hard time filling their class quotas for students wanting to go into psychiatry. Unfortunately, mental illness has been stigmatized by society, making it difficult to get people to go into the the mental illness field. Schedule an appointment now and book it for when your insurance will be available, because your local psychiatrists might have three months or so of booked schedules anyway. Feeling disconnected emotionally could be something, but a psychiatrist should evaluate you.

12-01-2013, 06:52 PM
I definitely think so too. It can't hurt that's for sure. I will try and find one in my area. Hopefully these feelings will go away before my appointment! I have hope. Thank you so much ☺️