View Full Version : Gradually or fast?

12-01-2013, 03:24 PM
Derealization and depersonalization sufferers! I have a quick question:) I got my DR about a year ago now and it had gotten a bit better. But I was wondering a few things... How do you know when it's gone? How do you know it's going away? And does it go away gradually or do you just not have it one day? Please answer all questions, as I'm really worried about all of them. Thank you so much:)

12-01-2013, 04:25 PM
It can be greatly lessened some days. Usually when it's improving, you'll feel its reduced quite a bit before it gets better.

I'd say mine reduced for a while... Then came back... Then when I finally fixed it, it kinda just went for good without any real process, really quickly too.

You ask how do you know when it's gone... You just know :p... If you have to ask yourself if it's gone, it's a sign it hasn't gone.

12-01-2013, 08:41 PM
What do you mean when you said "finally fixed it"?:)

12-01-2013, 08:48 PM
What do you mean when you said "finally fixed it"?:)

For a while it was hovering. Some days I'd have it a bit, some days I wouldn't. It'd go for a bit, then come back. When it eventually went, it kinda went immediately. It lessened for a couple of days, then just went. And I felt totally normal.

I guess that's how I'd define the 'final fix'. The time when it finally went. :)

12-02-2013, 04:50 PM
Do you think it will go away for me? Should I get off my benzo? I hear that can mess up the recovery process