View Full Version : Exhaustion &anxiety

12-01-2013, 02:00 PM
Hi jus lookin for feedback. I'm having seriously high anxiety for the last 3 weeks. Some days are better than others. Jus wondering has anyone else experienced that internal shakiness from anxiety but also a feeling of complete exhaustion?
Can't seem to shake it off. If I take anti anxiety med will that make the exhaustion worse as it's sedating?
Any feedback wud b great.
Struggling here.

12-01-2013, 02:30 PM
Yeah, I've felt really restless and jittery from anxiety despite being tired and worn out... I think it's just a side effect of the stress and adrenaline running through your body all the time.

I think it depends on the anxiety med you take, and how much. I can take a small dose of Xanax and not feel tired, but even the smallest dose of Ativan makes me sleepy. What kind of anxiety meds do you take?

12-01-2013, 03:31 PM
Thanks for the reply - i posted a reply to u but it hasn't showed up. Im on valium 5mg and its usually not sedating. Just worried that if i do take it it'll flatten me. Not sure what to do.

12-02-2013, 12:35 AM
YES. 24/7 for over a month. Constant fatigue and shakiness/trembling. Don't worry, it's a normal effect of anxiety, considering anxiety wreaks so much havoc on your body and nerves. Best of wishes! xx

12-02-2013, 07:34 AM
thanks for your reply too butterflybandage - yes its amazing the havoc it makes of ur body and nerves. I haven't been the same since I had an "anxiety crisis" 3weeks ago (a 6hr panic attack episode) - it has left me even frightened to leave the house unless its absolutely necessary/can't drive/new and horrible symptoms. Don't know how to "kick-start" myself - wish I had a reboot button or something!

12-02-2013, 08:53 AM
Its been about 3 weeks for me too since a major anxiety attack. Constantly on edge. Constantly scared thinking it could set off again at any time. Get fatigued very quickly.

12-02-2013, 09:24 AM
Its been about 3 weeks for me too since a major anxiety attack. Constantly on edge. Constantly scared thinking it could set off again at any time. Get fatigued very quickly.

Hi vonnhelsing sorry u had such a rough one too and are still struggling. It's soo tough. The idea of just getting back out there and getting on with things completely terrifies me. For one thing it's hard really hard and I'm afraid like u that symptoms will return. Second this exhaustion together with the shakiness leaves me feeling AWFUL and again scared.
Hope things are improving for u.

12-02-2013, 09:37 AM
The thing is ive had these phases many times before and I know for sure I'll get out of it. It just really takes immense amounts of motivation and self control to get back to normal. Usually 2 months it takes me. But I swore to myself that everytime this happens I'd reduce the amount of time it takes. The first time it took me literally one and a half years to finally feel relatively normal again. It has now reduced to 2 months. Figure out what works best for you. For me it is meditation and constant distractions that works best. Some days I just want to break down and I just wish I was dead. But I always get up and smile. I promise it does get better :)

12-02-2013, 10:59 AM
Thanks so much for the reply vonnhelsing - I think u are amazing from getting from one and a half yrs to a couple of months. Its just shows your determination. I guess iim struggling as I thought I had it "under control" for so long and then out of the blue it happened and knocked me sideways. I have to go to an appt tomorrow and the thoughts of it are already making me feel crap. Its an appt with the psychiatrist who wants to change meds etc. And Im Sooo not ready for that. It takes me too long and takes too much outta me to get thru the side effects. Anyway thanks again I really appreciate it