View Full Version : What can i do?

12-01-2013, 11:24 AM
Hi people hope everyone's well, I've been thinking the past fortnight I need to do something about this I've been agoraphobic for 3 years I'm on no meds cause in scared to take anything I'm even scared to drink fizzy pop that contains caffeine cause of caffeine can irritate anxiety in that bad I love a cup of tea but I don't drink that cause if caffeine to, I don't do anything or go anywhere don't see my friends at all OCD has took over my life I've completed isolated myself from everything, don't listen to music or watch films just do my routine same thing everyday an as time goes by I feel more an more detached from my surroundings an thoughts I have more frequent episodes of it now than ever it just doing my head in I just want to be normal again I keep thinking can I come back from this all these surreal attacks and adapt to normal life again I just seems very unlikely, I'm scared to make an attempt to move out my comfort zone it's the only place I'm used to now, I was actually thinking in taking my meds again 40mg citalapram in on, I'm scared like but I just want to make an effort instead if being a wimp, but what's in my mind now is that I would like a blood test before I take then just see if I'm functioning okay everywhere it'll put my mind at rest more taking em, I haven't had a blood test since the year 2007 quite a long time, but how do I go about getting a blood test I can't just ring my doctor and say I want a blood test can I? I'm to also scared about flipping blood tests but I've just gotta try face my fears it's my only hope if I don't succeed after trying this at least I did try :/ hope I win the battle though all comments will be appreciated :)

12-01-2013, 11:52 AM
You can definitely request bloodwork, just explain that you want to make sure your anxiety isn't coming from a nutrient deficiency or other health issue. There are a lot of threads here about ppl finding out they were deficient in vitamin B, magnesium, potassium, etc., and supplementing their diet makes a world of difference.

It sounds like you're making positive efforts to solve your problem -- you should be proud of yourself. You're an extremely strong person to go through this every day, you're not a wimp at all. Don't use meds if you don't want to, they don't always solve the problem anyway and can make it worse. But I definitely support seeing a doctor about your bloodwork. Let us know how it goes! :)