View Full Version : Arrythmia

12-01-2013, 03:35 AM
Hi guys

I am very worried as I suffer with palpitations quite frequently. I read on the net that if it is Arrhythmia it can cause death. I have had lots of ECGs and an ultra sound scan of the heart but all come back ok. I am due to have a tilt table test. Do you think they would have picked something up by now x x

Lee Grant Irons
12-01-2013, 06:44 AM
It took me 40+ doctors and five years to get the right diagnosis and the right medicine for my particular medical conditions. Our high-quality US health system at work, LOL!

I had palpitations my entire life from as early as I can remember in my childhood. I never new anything was abnormal about it. And I did not have any anxiety with it. My health did not crash until I was age 41, and then the anxiety came in. Interesting this is that when I finally got on the right medicine 5 years after my health crash, all of my symptoms including my life-long palpitations went away, though I still have mitral valve prolapse, a slightly dilated aorta, and a slightly enlarged heart which appears to be genetic. The doctors never saw anything noteworthy on my ECGs either, including two different 24 hour Holter tests.

Get the tilt table test done. If nothing else, it will relieve your mind of whether you have POTS. Have you had any blood tests? Do you have any other known medical conditions?

12-01-2013, 07:48 AM

I also suffer from palps ... I've had 5 ekgs chest X-ray ct of chest holiter monitor echocardiogram multiple things of blood work..... Now reading this I'm nervous they missed something and I have also worried about pots.....

Lee Grant Irons
12-01-2013, 08:02 AM

POTS usually causes frequent syncope (fainting). So if you are not experiencing this, then you likely do not have POTS. So likely nothing to worry about there. Do you have copies of all of your blood tests?

12-01-2013, 08:04 AM
Yes I do I'm pretty sure hahh

12-01-2013, 11:16 AM
No. No other health condition. And all testers have come back normal. I am on medication for vertigo but that's about it. Xx

Lee Grant Irons
12-01-2013, 05:27 PM

Have you ever been tested/treated by a chiropractor for possible calcium carbonate crystals in your inner ear? The treatment is called an Epley Maneuver and is done by some chiropractors who have been trained in it. If crystals have formed in your inner ear, they can cause vertigo. The chiropractor can do a relatively simple, painless movement of your body to get the crystals to clear out of the location where they cause vertigo.

samanthajayne and mkgirl,

If you have a copy of a recent blood test with serum calcium and albumin on it, I am curious if your doctor really did the proper calculation. You can use the following website to do the calculation for you:


Enter your numbers and click on Calculate Corrected Calcium. If the number is less than 8.8 mg/dL (less than 2.2 mmol/L), then your calcium is low enough to cause hypocalcemia symptoms, such as muscle cramps, headaches, heart palpitations, and anxiety.

If you have an ionized calcium number on your labs, no correction is needed. A number less than 4.7 mg/dL would be a deficiency.