View Full Version : Having a baby while living with anxiety

11-30-2013, 01:23 PM
Hi just wanting some advice. I really want a baby but I just don't know if it's the right thing to do while I'm still suffering from anxiety. But the I think I'm most likely going to be going through this forever so how can I give up something I want so bad?

So basically I'm wanting people stories on how the dealt with their anxiety whilst having a baby/kids can it be done? Will being pregnant make my anxiety worse?

Anyways any advice would be much appreciated.


11-30-2013, 01:29 PM
I feel exactly the same. As whether I would be worse while pregnant and if I would be able to cope being a mum.

11-30-2013, 03:26 PM
It takes your mind off the anxiety actually having kids because your busy all the time and drained at bedtime

I can't comment while being pregnant because my anxiety is quite new but we want a second baby now but I have held off until I feel a bit more back to myself

11-30-2013, 04:16 PM
I am only dealing with daily anxiety since having 2 miscarriages 18 months ago. I have an almost 4 year old. I desperately want a second baby but I have held off until I feel a bit more stable but I feel like that will never happen!! I feel I caused my second miscarriage as I was living in 24/7 panic attacks. I get debilitating symptoms with mine that have no trigger they just come without warning.

11-30-2013, 04:50 PM
My first panic attack occurred after having three kids. The constant clean up and bickering broke me down....the stress took it's toll thus I reached a breaking point. I'm dealing a little better now...but I have to admit that children made my anxiety worse...

11-30-2013, 05:06 PM
I also have 3 kids and it's hard to deal with anxiety when you don't get a break. I rely heavily on my husbad at times and feel lucky every day that he is so supportive.

Ultimately, having children is not easy, you will give up a lot of privacy, time, movies out, dinner out, etc. but you get a LIFETIME of LOVE in return and every parent will tell you it's the best thing they ever did. There really is no perfect "time" to have kids, and it was this that someone told me one day that helped me decide to have mine. Talk to your doctor for their opinion, as they know your condition best (besides you of course). If the thought of someone constantly needing your attention worries you, then you might consider waiting for a few months and then re-evaluate. Holding a new baby is a gloriously wonderful feeling, and will give you a whole new focus in life. Do you have a good support system? At least a few people who will be there and just stop by to help you get the rest you need? Your doctor should also monitor you carefully for post-partum depression/mood swings. I wonder if while pregnant you might find your anxiety calms down, there are some wonderful hormones while preggo that seem to make you feel on cloud 9 for the last trimester.

Steven Daws
12-01-2013, 01:47 AM
As a man, I know that I can never really understand what it would be like. But my wife was diagnosed with PTSD after miscarriages after our daughter was born. I know from talking to her, that having our daughter is the only reason she gets through the day sometimes.

For me it was scary because my anxiety is triggered by germs and bugs, things that children always come home from school with lol But it has helped me, and I would never change a thing.

12-01-2013, 05:02 PM
Thank you everyone for your thoughts. It's so annoying I have to put my life on hold because of anxiety. I've been going through this for 2 years now and I have never got to a point where I was rid of it. I've trialled so many medications but I'm just one of those 'lucky' ones where the medication only goes so far for me.

How do use cope with it has anyone found that their medication doesn't fix it all and your still left with the lingering anxiety?


12-01-2013, 05:24 PM
I'm 31 years old, had anxiety with panic attacks since 19. I've been with my husband since I was 19, we got married in 2012, and of course I get asked on a daily basis what are we waiting for (kids). My husband has a daughter from a previous relationship, she is 13, but he wants a baby like yesterday!! Of course I want one too but I'm racked with fear. What if I hurt the baby by taking meds? What if I go off my meds and then have a horrible anxiety ridden pregnancy? What if I get severe postpartum depression? I'm the last of all my friends except for one to have a baby and she told me last night she was trying! So now I feel so left out and like a failure. I really love babies and I want to have one with my hubby but I'm scared. I don't want to be too old when we start and then my child will have no one to play with. I am getting tired of making excuses all the time when people ask.

12-01-2013, 08:00 PM
If you're unhappy because you haven't had a child of your own, then that's not good either. People have obviously done it before with either pausing meds or changing meds right? Maybe you need a different doctor who will work with you ...,

12-01-2013, 11:51 PM
I have 2 kids and im pregnant again 1st pregnancy the last 2 months i was a wreck i didn't leave the house panic 24 7 had the baby pure hell til he was about 6 months old then my anxiety went away he's 3 now 2nd pregnancy was pure hell even worse then the first i thought i was gonna die in child birth it was bad panic 24 7 i felt like i was literally losing reality well had him lived in pure hell didn't shower didn't drive didn't eat til he was about 6 months old then i started getting my life back has 10 months old now im 21 weeks pregnant and in feeling it a little but i learned to kinda deal with my things i had every test done brain scans eye exams eye test thyroid test and vitamin deficiency test and it came back all clear so i don't know if its cus i can't handle hormones or what i think you have a 50/50 chance it could calm you or it could be really bad but you shouldnt let anxiety cripple you