View Full Version : anybody else have these symptoms?

01-22-2008, 04:48 PM
recently before going outside or to work i"ll become dizzy and develope a headache on one side of my head, the headache usually become increasingly worse as the day goes on, sometimes to the point that it affects how productive I am at work or outdoor activities. The dizziness that tags along is probably the most disabiling part, in that I feel like I'm on a boat or something. This all started after almost having an panic attack on the bus to work ( there's a long stretch of highway with no stops) 5 months prior to this incident i was doing fine on my medication, lexapro. I usually am exhausted by th end of the day, my body feels totally drained. I know that hyperventilating wil cause dizziness and that usually happens when I'm panicing, but at work or outside, I'm just nervous. How can I feel so dizzy i f i'm breathing ok?

01-24-2008, 07:01 AM
hey i can't really help but i can relate. sometimes i'd just get dizzy even with breathing exercises and it would be followed by a tention headache. What kind of headache do you have? You might want to tell you doctor about this if the symtoms go on for a long time.

some good ways to stop dizzyness to get exercise, or if you need a quick fix just bend over and touch your toes, you can even make like you tying your shoes and no one will be the wiser.

how to tell if you have a tention headache
Pinch the acupressure point on the same side that your head hurts. Using the thumb and index finger of one hand, lightly pinch the web of skin between the index finger and thumb of your other hand. Hold for three minutes, then release, oh and while you hold it should hurt like hell in you hand but trust me it's worth if.

01-27-2008, 04:54 PM
The dizziness that tags along is probably the most disabiling part, in that I feel like I'm on a boat or something. This all started after almost having an panic attack on the bus to work ( there's a long stretch of highway with no stops) 5 months prior to this incident i was doing fine on my medication, lexapro. I usually am exhausted by th end of the day, my body feels totally drained. I know that hyperventilating wil cause dizziness and that usually happens when I'm panicing, but at work or outside, I'm just nervous. How can I feel so dizzy i f i'm breathing ok?

I just wanted to say two things here.
1. The dizzyness of feeling like you are on a boat is the most normal. And if im not wrong, you get this by breathing to much.
2. I have the same "problem" as you do. When i have attack i cant believe that my dizzyness is because my breathing. Because i breathe normal - i think. But in most cases (with me) i only imagine that i breathe normal. My brain reacts to fear by pushing my to breathe more. Even though my breathing can make me dizzy. So the more scared i get, the more i breathe. Im just thinking, right now, i dont even hear my breath. I dont notice it at all. And when i have attack i hear it clear and loud. Its still slow and controlled but i still get dizzy. And when i have these attacks, im thinking the same as you. "Why am i dizzy now??? Im breathing just fine!" - but im not:) i just think i am.

Hope this helped..

Good luck!

02-03-2008, 11:09 AM
recently before going outside or to work i"ll become dizzy and develope a headache on one side of my head, the headache usually become increasingly worse as the day goes on, sometimes to the point that it affects how productive I am at work or outdoor activities. The dizziness that tags along is probably the most disabiling part, in that I feel like I'm on a boat or something. This all started after almost having an panic attack on the bus to work ( there's a long stretch of highway with no stops) 5 months prior to this incident i was doing fine on my medication, lexapro. I usually am exhausted by th end of the day, my body feels totally drained. I know that hyperventilating wil cause dizziness and that usually happens when I'm panicing, but at work or outside, I'm just nervous. How can I feel so dizzy i f i'm breathing ok?

hi james - i think i have very similar symptoms to you.
I feel fine when i wake but after a little while i get a weird feeling that my body is moving when its bot - as if i'm on a ferry or something.
I get get headaches too - often on the right side of my head.
I'm pretty certain this is all linked to my mood cos if i'm doing something fun or relaxing with friends i feel fine but if i'm trying to study i cant help noticing the symptoms and worrying about them.

02-04-2008, 05:43 AM

I also have those symptoms. Actually, during my recent anxiety relapse, dizziness was my first and most predominant symptom. I also get a slight headache too. During my first anxiety problems I never had dizziness at all, but from what I hear it's a pretty common anxiety symptom.