View Full Version : has anybody paid online to speak to a doctor

11-30-2013, 12:19 AM
i have had a cough and cold and am worried because i have health anxiety and i have just gone online and paid to speak to a doctor and he said it sounds like pneumonia oh i am so panicky help

Chris C
11-30-2013, 12:54 AM
I don't know how anyone could diagnose you without seeing you in person. Do you have a fear of going to the doctors?

11-30-2013, 02:31 AM
Hiya its funny isnt it i work in a hospital and know stuff but when am not well i get health anxiety and my heart was going faster yesterday in work with this cough and cold and i woke up early today and felt awful i was lyin in bed worrying and i went online i know stupid me and asked a doctor online and i said fast heart rate yellow sputum and he put pneumonia so i started getting anxious,i would of gone the doctors today but its saturday so closed,i could always go the walkin centre

11-30-2013, 02:35 AM
Do you live in the uk or elsewhere?

11-30-2013, 04:38 AM
I live in the uk hun so there wudnt be a doctors open,i could always go to a walk in centre

11-30-2013, 04:55 AM
Can you not ring 111 where you are they will advise you what to do

11-30-2013, 06:32 AM
If you had pneumonia you would have shortness of breath, tight chest, fever and a productive cough. The only way to diagnose pneumonia is to listen to breath sounds and chest x ray. I am a registered nurse, not a doctor, but to me it seems unlikely that you have pneumonia, it sounds very much like the common cold. I think working in a hospital makes things so much worse, I totally have health anxiety as well. It sucks! If you need to chat I can give you my email address, I've been through all this before. Hope you're feeling better soon x

11-30-2013, 07:41 AM
Aww thanks hun,that would be nice,my email is [email protected],be nice to chat,i have just spoke to nhs direct lovely nurse just said sounds like chest infection,and my heart rate is going up prb because i have been coughing xx

11-30-2013, 06:56 PM
No problem, email me at [email protected] if you need to chat, I'm sure we have a lot in common, don't stress x

11-30-2013, 07:25 PM
Yeah, I don't get the online doctor thing. Surely all they do is read symptom checker off WebMD or something anyway? Seems really hard to diagnose something online.

Funny story, I had a chest infection when at Uni, I called up the NHS helpline at 3am, and answered some questions, and they decided to send an ambulance as they thought it was bad pneumonia.

My whole flat thought I was dying lol. Anyway, it wasn't pneumonia and the ambulance guys kinda rolled their eyes a little, and told me to go see my GP and get antibiotics. I lived! But... It was pretty embarrassing having the paramedics do their tests with everyone watching, and all I had was a cold!

Lee Grant Irons
11-30-2013, 07:56 PM
I have consulted with a doctor over the phone. He was very specialized in something I needed, but was in another state. He was recommended by people who had used him and who I trusted. I would have my primary care doctor do all of the needed tests, send off the results to the telephone consultation doctor, and then call his office at a scheduled time. I would pay by the minute, though it actually was always cheaper than an office visit with my primary care doctor, though my insurance would not cover it, as it was not an office visit.

12-02-2013, 02:32 AM
Oh no jess haha i think the online thing is stupid and your right its a computer thing,oh how funny i phoned 111 and done a questioner online and they said phone an ambulance haha i never though😃x

12-02-2013, 02:54 AM
Hiya lee grant irons i have just gone on my email but it says to add you as a friend but were do i do that?

Lee Grant Irons
12-02-2013, 07:05 AM
Hiya lee grant irons i have just gone on my email but it says to add you as a friend but were do i do that?

I have only sent friend requests, but I have not recived any yet, so I had to look at the FAQ. Click on "Settings" at the top right of your screen. On the "Settings" page, click on the "Contacts and Friends" in the left column toward the bottom of the column. Look for my name, check the box to accept, check the 'Accept' button, and save the changes. If you do not wish to be friends then select 'Reject' instead." I cannot confirm that all of these instructions are exactly correct (you know how unhelpful "help" instructions can sometimes be), but this should get you in the right area to be able to figure it out.

12-06-2013, 02:10 PM
Hiya,listen do u mean on facebook or on hear?just that i cant seem to do it on hear :))

Lee Grant Irons
12-06-2013, 02:41 PM
Facebook would be fine too.

Try this. Click on "My Profile" at the top right of your screen. In the left column of the page you are taking to will be a section titled "My Friends." Click on "More." It should tajke you to a page where you can somehow accept my friend request.