View Full Version : feeling bad with racing heart with having a bad chest and cold

11-29-2013, 11:02 PM
can anybody help me,am getting scared,i work in a hospital and i had to work a long day yesterday 7am till 9pm and i started with a cough a few days ago and yesterday i had a cold and when i coughed my heart would go really fast and all day my heart was going fast,i took my temp it was fine a

11-29-2013, 11:09 PM
sorry it wouldnt let me type anymore,anyway my pulse was 112 but i had to carry on knowbody would send me home,i must admit i was anxious aswell,my body was aching all over,well i had the flu jab so dont know how i was like this but i havnt been able to sleep properly because i can feel my pulse,is it anxiety or is there a problem,am really worried😁but if i think normal is my heart only going faster because am not well and anxiety on top,its so powerful the brain,does anybody else have health anxiety??

11-30-2013, 02:29 AM
I have health anxiety and it can drive you nuts you have to try take your mind off the situation
and see if things stay the same generally these will go away and you will realise its anxiety

If you keep focusing on it you will make it worse and your mind will start telling you it's other things

Keep us posted how things get on

11-30-2013, 02:35 AM
Hiya oh i know u think i would learn by now,i work in a hospital and know stuff but when am ill everything goes out of the window and i ask stuff that i should know anyway but your mind goes nuts,that doctor i asked online this mrng said i had pneumonia so i have been really anxious and i checked my pulse before anxious and it was 106 but when i relaxed it went down to 89 so feel good about that,how do u cope with yours?

11-30-2013, 02:40 AM
To be honest I have done really well the past week I feel like I have got a handle on things a bit I have started to do the opposite of what anxiety wants so if I start to feel lighthead and I start thinking oh I need to sit down I just don't sit down I carry on what I am doing and it breaks the cycle so it just doesn't lead to panic and I calm

There's always that split second tho that I do have horrible thoughts so I just have to distract myself I tend to come on here and chat it takes my mind off it

11-30-2013, 04:41 AM
your right,i havnt had anxiety in ages since my baby was born nearly 2 yrs ago so this has frightened me,i cant get away from the situation though until i feel better but am going to get it sorted out cant continue like this,does your heart race with anxiety?xx

11-30-2013, 04:55 AM
It doesn't now it did but I am on propanolol the first time I had a panic attack it was 140 I thought I was having a stroke the paramedics came and hooked me up to ECG and bp machine and I was just having a panic attack

11-30-2013, 06:27 AM
My heart rate went up to 130 and stayed that way for 13 hours once. On five or six other occasions it has stayed up for 4-8 hours. It's so scary! All doctors and cardiologist that I've seen have told me it's anxiety and adrenalin overload. Now I have metoprolol if it gets up high. But I've found since I have been less stressed (I got married two weeks ago) it has sat around the 70 mark. I work in ER and if you are unwell it is normal for your heart rate to go up. Do you have shortness of breath or a productive cough?

11-30-2013, 07:44 AM
i think all of us that work in a hospital we worry more,i have a cough only when the phlem wants to travel up then its a big cough,i am not short of breath,i have been coughin up yellow and clear sputum,so are doctors not that concerned when heart rate is up if there not well?