View Full Version : Panic coming back!

11-29-2013, 06:20 PM
I all I'm new to this I was in and out of hospital at the beginning of the year with panic symptoms I kept saying it's not that I feel like something is wrong after months of arguing and hospital visitis turns out I have pots a rare heart condition! I was right all along I was put on 50mg sertraline a day to keep my
Anxiety at bay but I feel like it's starting to come back but not like before this time I go very dizzy like everything. Is moving and I feel like my
Heart has stopped
Beating although I know it hasn't it's a new feeling I have been on the medication for 5 months now any thoughts?

Lee Grant Irons
11-29-2013, 06:42 PM
Hi wamipuk,

I would suggest you get back in with the doctor to see if the medication dose or type needs to be changed.

POTS is not technically a heart condition. It is an autonomic nervous system disorder that affects your cardiovascular system's ability to maintain proper blood pressure when you change positions, such as standing up, leaning over, laying down, and movement in general. How did they diagnose your POTS?

11-29-2013, 06:47 PM
Have them check you inner ear. Sensation of movement can be yet another symptom of anxiety but at times inner ear issues cause a strange sense of movement and one gets anxious about this(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertigo). Of course I may be on the wrong track but it's just something to rule out. Alankay

11-29-2013, 06:56 PM
I was diagnosed by a table tilt test in July and my cardio consultant is the best! He is the only one who deals with my condition and also listens and understands how debilitating it is! And I have been told I have vertigo last week by hospital that was caused by a virus or infection but I'm not so sure but I'm on beta histamine 3 times a day now hasn't really helped with the dizzyness

Lee Grant Irons
11-29-2013, 08:23 PM
Good! Sounds like you got the right doctor and the right syndrome. POTS is a syndrome. That means that they are not really sure what causes it, and whether it i caused by one thing or many different things.

The virus or infection causing vertigo is notable. Was this a hypothesis or a firm diagnosis based upon a test? Was this noted before the POTS test or after the POTS test? Did they say this was an old infection or a recent infection? Is the infection still active? Where is the infection located? My question would be whether this could be causing the POTS? You should take this information to your primary care doctor and your cardio.

11-29-2013, 08:31 PM
I was really unwell in January with jaundice and a deranged liver which has now left me with a fatty liver they reckon this was caused by. A chronic episode of hepatitis which has gone now but they rekon that my pots was also caused by this same virus but now they rekon a general virus or infection has caused my vertigo they ain't sure what kind though

Lee Grant Irons
11-29-2013, 09:28 PM
I assume your cardiologist has all of this information. Viral attacks on the nervous system is getting pretty specialized. You might need to see an immunologist or internist (internal medicine doctor). Considering the POTS diagnosis, this is likely related to the vertigo, and not some other inner ear problem.

Considering all of this, you should be very happy that you managed to find a doctor who figured out the POTS and is helping you treat it until the root cause can be found. I would encourage you to not give up on finding the root cause. With the problems of the POTS and the viral infection and the fatty liver, you should never give up on the goal of maximum recovery from these conditions. Doctors, in general are not good at communicating and coordinating with each other (unless you go someplace like Mayo Clnic). Considering that you will likely have to go to more doctors in other specialties. you will likely have to be your own advocate and care coordinator. This is going to require you to keep some careful notes on what doctors are testing and what they are doing to treat you. Start by writing down everything you know as of today. Then keep adding to this list as doctors do more tests, medicinal therapies, and treatments. As you see each new doctor, you can share this list with them.

I know you can do this, because I did it. Even in the midst of my anxiety, I found that my determination to feel better was stronger than my anxiety. As time passed, and the worst did not happen to me, and yet I did not feel better, I grew determined to not let this thing beat me.

Keep us posted.

11-30-2013, 06:48 AM
Thank you and will do