View Full Version : Echo results

11-29-2013, 06:12 PM
Hello everyone,

I just got my echo results and the dr said that everything was normal except I had a mild mitral leak. But he said not to worry about it. It started to freak me out. Has anyone ever had this show up on an echo before?

Lee Grant Irons
11-29-2013, 06:52 PM
Yes. I have mitral valve prolapse with some minor leakage. I also have a slightly dilated aorta at the sinuses of valsalva. I get an occasional echo cardiogram to monitor. Do not worry. Most everyone have idiosyncrasies in their bodies, such as this. Today's medical imaging technology sees shows things that older technology did not.

11-29-2013, 10:34 PM
I have a mitral valve prolapse. I was diagnosed when I was 5. I am now 36. I was told that people was a mitral valve prolapse are more proned to anxiety. Not sure if this is true or not? Anyhow, it's nothing to worry about.

11-30-2013, 12:12 AM
Yep, I was diagnosed with it about 4 years ago. I was actually going to the doc for anxiety symptoms and she heard the click murmur. Anxiety is a symptom of MVP. I just had a check up last month and my MVP has not changed at all, it's still mild. Nothing to freak our about....a lot of people have it, most don't even know it. My cardiologist told me over 7% of the population has it. There are just some of us that are lucky and have the symptoms *sarcasm*!

Lee Grant Irons
11-30-2013, 10:23 AM

Believe me, I get the sarcasm. LOL

From my own personal experience, I know it is tempting to pin our problems on the one thing we know for sure. When I was going through my own personal slow motion train wreck over a handful of years, the 40 plus doctors I worked with found so many different things wrong with my body, and I was trying to find ways to pin all of my problems on one of those things. And to tell you the freakish truth, there was a book I could buy for every single one of those conditions that said that the condition was the cause of all of my problems. My library at home grew quite large. I even have the book that told me that my MVP was the cause of my problems. LOL

I think it is important to consider that there is no tested proof that anxiety symptoms are caused by MVP. And even if anxiety is caused by MVP, what would you do to fix the MVP in order to get rid of the anxiety? So, rather than dwelling on the MVP when I was going through all of this, I chose to focus on anxiety as the problem. I was having extreme anxiety and it was affecting my ability to live my life. I had to find ways to manage my anxiety while I was trying to find the real root cause of the anxiety (and the numerous other symptoms I was sufferering). Once I learned how to manage my anxiety, I was able to start making progress on resolving the root cause, which I eventually did.