View Full Version : is this anxiety?

11-29-2013, 03:44 AM
Hi Im New Ive had this since i was Young but has become really bad lately. When i was Young i used to hear voices in my head to touch certain things number of Times or something bad was going happen. It got really bad always crying worrying. Isort of went away but always there as i worryabout everything. But now after last year when i did something stupid it goes over and over in my head and i cant stop it it just keeps replaying and i feel this gut wrencing feeling and i have to stop and think about it as i feel it makes me feel better but it doesnt i go over it and over analyse it. And now i feel like everyones after me everyones looking at me talking about me and that someones going to kill me. I over analyse conversations and sorry What people think of me.I cant cope anymore.
I also have to get obsessed in things as i feel it blocks out my worrys if i keep obsessing in something.

Does this sound like anxiety to you?

11-29-2013, 07:52 AM
Yes. Sound like some OCD with is an anxiety. Alankay

Lee Grant Irons
11-29-2013, 02:41 PM
Have you seen or are you currently seeing a doctor about this? A doctor might be able to help. These things can sometimes need both medicine and personal effort to resolve. The good news is that there are things that can help.

11-29-2013, 05:01 PM
Yeah definitely sounds like OCD, and probably anxiety (both are connected in the brain).

I do many of the same things you describe. I will count objects, for example. Also, I will repeat sentences in my head a certain number of times. My OCD, though, is not severe enough to affect my life, but the anxiety is.

Basically if it's something that causes you significant distress in your life, then it's time to see a doctor. Go to your regular doc and see what he/she says. You might just need a good therapist, or maybe medications can be used.