View Full Version : Really worried!

11-28-2013, 09:05 PM
For the past week I have been having the craziest symptoms. I have chest pressure, that feeling where you can't get a big enough breath, hot face, my neck feels tight, heart palpitations and a boat load of gastric issues. It feels like heartburn but it kind of feels like my heart is vibrating. I'm freaking out and every time I look things up on google... Well you know... It says I'm dying. And I'm totally obsessing over it I can't get my mind off of it.
Please tell me others out there get these symptoms too! I want to go in for a chest x ray and an EKG but am I just letting my crazy anxious mind take over?
Please help.

11-28-2013, 11:04 PM
Absolutely. I've had all these symptoms too. The more you worry and get yourself worked up, the more likely they are to intensify. You aren't dying. You are going to be fine. I would recommend going to see a doctor and get checked out, if for no other reason than to give yourself some peace of mind. You may have acid reflux contributing to your symptoms, but that's very treatable and certainly not life-threatening...even though it can be very scary. Anxiety can kick those symptoms into high gear, so please go get yourself some help. Sorry you're feeling this way. Hope you get better soon.

anxious aussie
11-29-2013, 12:14 AM
I have all of those symptoms too and then some! Definitely sounds like your thoughts are taking over your body

11-29-2013, 05:48 PM
Yep, I have been there. I can relate to everything you said. A number of years ago I was having such bad anxiety that I ended up in the ER like 5 times in a 2 week period. It was embarrassing and the doctors just rolled their eyes whenever they saw me.

Since I was so embarrassed, I went to a different hospital across town once just to get a "second opinion." Yep, the doc there said the same thing -- nothing wrong with me.

The thing is, most people don't understand how terrifying this stuff can be. You really do feel like you are about to die in the next few minutes if you don't get help. Those who don't suffer from this, just think we're "worry worts." They don't understand, though. Anxiety can give you real physical symptoms.

Hang in there. Go get your EKG and checkup if you want, just to ease your mind. If everything checks out OK, just remember that if it was really a life threatening condition, you would already be dead. That thought is what really helped me get through it.