View Full Version : PLEASE someone tell I'm not going insane!!!

11-28-2013, 07:22 PM
Was taken off of 8mg a day of Klonapin and 300mg of Effexor by my new psychiatrist and put on 900mg of Neurontin and 10mg of Lexapro on Monday. So I'm off the Klonapin cold turkey.

I'm losing it. Thoughts racing through my head, MASSIVE ANXIETY, body aches. You name it I'm going through it. Am I going crazy????

11-28-2013, 07:43 PM
No....just sounds like withdrawal symptoms. ..you should still let your doc know....they can be pretty severe....

11-28-2013, 07:46 PM
Was taken off of 8mg a day of Klonapin and 300mg of Effexor by my new psychiatrist and put on 900mg of Neurontin and 10mg of Lexapro on Monday. So I'm off the Klonapin cold turkey.

I'm losing it. Thoughts racing through my head, MASSIVE ANXIETY, body aches. You name it I'm going through it. Am I going crazy????
Cold turkey, as in your doctor didn't have you wean off it? D: I hope not, because you'd be going through a huge withdrawal. Which would explain your symptoms...

If that is what happened, you could take a small dose of your old meds, and slowly begin weaning off. Like a 1/2 dose for a few days, then 1/4 dose, then 1/8... and so on until you are ready to stop.

Switching meds can be traumatic for your body, because it has to change the way it functions. I would just try to relax, do some deep breathing, and maybe light exercise like yoga to calm your body down. Eat healthy foods and try not to stress yourself out too much.

11-28-2013, 09:39 PM
That dose of klonopin is large and a tapering schedule should have been started. NOT COLD TURKEY. Of course your increase in anxiety is from coming off klonopin. I would get another doc or consider it. It would take months to taper off that dose if done right. Maybe even a switch to valium at some point. If you can manage it your brain will start to make more GABA and you feel better but it will take weeks at least.
Ask about going back on klonopin or valium/clorazepate with your doc since you not doing very well and doing a long slow taper or switch docs. At least he has you on neurontin tough. There is a risk of convulsions which that counters but ask your doc bout this. Best to tapper off or down from that dose slowly....bottom line IMHO. But of course I'm no doctor. Didn't even sleep a a Holiday Inn last night.:) PM me any time. Alankay

11-28-2013, 09:59 PM
That's strange way of changing meds, and going of such high dose. You need to go back to doctor and do it soon. Good luck:)

11-28-2013, 10:14 PM
Before seeing the new doc I had already stopped the klonapin for two days. She didn't want to put me back on it for fear of a seizure. Just got to hang tough and deal with the massive symptoms of withdrawal. It stinks, not feeling like yourself, having blurred vision and not being able to function. But this forum has been so helpful. Thank you all.