View Full Version : chest aches and pains constant

11-28-2013, 07:16 PM
ive had this issue over a year and had the usual tests ecgsx4 and bloodwork all normal but still get these aches and pains daily does anyone else get this? i also have upper back pain from poor posture as i sit hunched over a lot and i was told this could be my problem so ive been referred to physio to see if it helps, i am just waiting for the appointment at the moment. it really gets me down and i feel limited to what i can do its horrible.
thanks for listening

11-29-2013, 02:15 AM
I do I get chest pain mainly left side and sometimes in the centre every single day somedays can be not bad an somedays I can get it like 20+ times a day. at the min I've only got it on n off about five times a day (where do you get yours?? and is it on n off all day) I've had this like 9 month straight now I never get a break. I've been to physio they've give me exercise to do so il see how it goes. do you get any other symptoms? short of breathe arm pain etc ?