View Full Version : Family understanding

11-28-2013, 11:14 AM
My mum actually said to me last night that i just take myself too seriously. No matter how many times I tell her it's an illness a physical defect in the brain she just doesn't attempt to understand even tho she's watched me get worse over the years and I would expect her more than others to get it. Anyone else have this problem?

11-28-2013, 12:34 PM
My mum actually said to me last night that i just take myself too seriously. No matter how many times I tell her it's an illness a physical defect in the brain she just doesn't attempt to understand even tho she's watched me get worse over the years and I would expect her more than others to get it. Anyone else have this problem?
I have the same issue. Luckily, my mom understands (she has anxiety herself), but my dad and boyfriend don't get it at all. They think I just overreact and have a negative attitude, which I feel is completely untrue. I try so hard every day to stay positive, go out, live my life... but the symptoms of anxiety are exhausting, and can be extremely frustrating.

Some people will never understand. But as long as your family loves you, that's what matters. I'm sure your mom cares deeply for you and will support you when you need her. If she's willing, maybe show her a youtube video or documentary on anxiety, or some websites that talk about what it's like. Even looking at a medical description of anxiety might be helpful to show her it's legit (was going to post a link to Mayo Clinic, but I don't have enough posts. lame).

Best of luck to you. :)

anxious aussie
11-28-2013, 04:25 PM
I have the same problem. My mum and brother and sister are great as they've all been through anxiety at one point. My boyfriend doesn't get it though. He tries to be supportive and understanding etc. but he just thinks I have a negative attitude or am overly emotional. I wish that was all it was. I try so hard to be positive but the littlest things just set me off so easily.

Jernau G
11-28-2013, 04:28 PM
Its hard for people to understand how difficult it is without experiencing it themselves I think. Ive gotten the "oh come on just get your shit together" too.

However I doubt they mean no harm when they say things like that, they just dont understand. So dont let that bring you down.

11-28-2013, 11:19 PM
So u guys think it's pointless trying to show her that it's a real illness? I kinda wish I clued just pull myself together u wish it was just negative thought would be so much easier to stop.

anxious aussie
11-30-2013, 03:59 AM
So u guys think it's pointless trying to show her that it's a real illness? I kinda wish I clued just pull myself together u wish it was just negative thought would be so much easier to stop.

I don't think it's pointless. I think you just need to realize that it's very difficult for people that aren't suffering this to understand. As long as she's still supportive it's good. And I think instead of trying to make her understand, maybe try to find someone else in your life that does so that you can get things off your chest or just talk to them about it. Like someone on this forum for example. My boyfriend is very supportive but I know he doesn't understand and sometimes gets frustrated. But he does try. That's why I think this forum is very helpful for me to talk about things without people automatically trying to offer a solution or anything other than support.