View Full Version : is this normal???

11-28-2013, 10:20 AM
Ive been getting panic attacks almost every day for the past 3 weeks now. Proper full on panic attacks the ones that make you feel like youre seconds from dropping dead and make ur heart beat like 200 bpm. Is this normal? Im so fed up of going to the doctors and I refuse to take medication. Been battling this disorder for 6 years with no medication. All I do is yoga and meditation but this time around its been pretty bad. Long term stress and anxiety are harmful to the body and its stressing me out even more. Feel like my body is shutting down..

11-28-2013, 06:32 PM
I have them everyday too, and unfortunately greatly depend on being able to 1- take lorazepam and 2- leave whatever situation is stressing me out. I'm having trouble at work though and seem to be riding a thin line. I think an unfair expectation at work is what caused my panic disorder and they know it, but my boss is a selfish jerk and is probably tired of me having to leave early if my symptoms are too severe (athough I'm salaried).