View Full Version : Xanax

01-22-2008, 06:46 AM
Hi there,

My name is Nicole and I'm 27. I began having issues with anxiety about 3 weeks ago. I went to the doctor and the hospital because I was convinced something was physically wrong. I was shaking and crying all the time. I couldn't do anything to relax.
They found a thyroid issue and put me on Synthroid but also said I was having bad anxiety and put me on Xanax.

They put me on 1 mg 3 times a day and it seemed like WAY too much so the doctor said I could break them in half. I've been taking a half 3 times a day for two weeks now and for the past three days I've noticed my anxiety is coming back strong. I have an appointment with my therapist tomorrow but I'm scared at the idea of upping the dosage since Xanax is so addictive.

Are there any medications that work that aren't so damn addictive?
My main issues now are that I can't relax, am not sleeping well, get very nervous and upset easily, startle easily, start shaking at times, and I also cry alot.
I'm wondering if I could have Anxiety and depression. Are there medications that might help with both without being so addictive?

Thanks in advance!

01-29-2008, 05:08 PM
My experience with xanax, is it works for the first couple of weeks but then its effects begin to wear off...hence upping the dose. You maybe better off taking an SSRI like Lexapro or Zoloft. I don't beleive these are addictive like xanax...might be something to chat to your doc about :)

12-15-2008, 04:13 AM

I've only just joined so this is the reason for the response for an old thread.

I wanted to know how you went with anxiety once your doctor worked on your thyroid issue.

I have suffered from anxiety for most of my life. About 4 years ago afte years of controlling the symptoms they just came back 100 times worse. I could not control the anxiety and no matter what I took or what I did there was no relief.
I was diagnosed with an over active thyroid. Once the medication started to work for this and my levels became normal again the anxiety just seemed to go away.

4 years later I'm going through anxiety again and will be getting my THS levels checked again but I was wondering if you had the same experience?

I think once my thyroid is back to normal (if this is the case) It should settle down again. IF this is the problem.

12-15-2008, 02:38 PM
You maybe better off taking an SSRI like Lexapro or Zoloft. I don't beleive these are addictive like xanax...might be something to chat to your doc about :)

SSRIs are not psychologically addictive like xanax. But they can be physically addictive - sometimes VERY much so for some people. In other words, you don't feel like you want more and more SSRIs (as can be the case with xanax). BUT, you can suffer from withdrawal (which can sometimes be serious) if you stop taking them suddenly, and sometimes even if you taper the dosage.

08-27-2009, 12:52 AM
A number of medication interactions can potentially occur with Xanax. It is important that your doctor is aware of all medications that you are currently taking. In addition, the effects of Xanax may be intensified if combined with alcohol.
You should not take Xanax if you have a hyper-sensitivity to benzodiazepines, have acute narrow-angle glaucoma, or are pregnant or breastfeeding. The effectiveness of Xanax for use in children under 18 has not been established.

08-29-2009, 12:11 PM
Those remarks on Xanax are not true for everyone.
I have been taking Xanax for MAJOR INHERITED PANIC DISORDER for
31 YEARS. And it still works. I've tried SSRI's, SNRI's, and even Antipsychotics. Nothing worked for me except Benzos. If it were not for them I would be dead now. I never ever craved them, if fact really hate the fact that I have to take them. I am physcially dependent but not Phycological. I wish I never had the disease and would wish it on no one.
I am not 100%, have some major ups and downs, but the Xanax does block the Panic disorder and is the only benzo that has a anti-depression effect. The background anxiety screws with me, like most of you, it goes through ups and downs. I haven't found a way to stop this. I've tried the CBT stuff and you just can't talk me out of a disease. CBT did help me learn to cope with some of the aspects of this disease, but I still go though hell on a non regular basis.