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11-28-2013, 04:21 AM
why do i feel so empty? what is the purpose of life? if this is it, why is it so empty?

11-28-2013, 04:37 AM
i don't feel connected anymore

11-28-2013, 05:46 AM
It's chemical really. Lots of anxiety can evoke similar chemical changes in the brain to clinical depression.

The key isn't to find answers to those deep questions, cos you never can, but instead to try and right the chemical problem making you feel that way.

11-28-2013, 06:37 AM
It's chemical really. Lots of anxiety can evoke similar chemical changes in the brain to clinical depression. The key isn't to find answers to those deep questions, cos you never can, but instead to try and right the chemical problem making you feel that way.
Hello! I can't figure out how to comment on here, so hopefully you all see this. I was taking Celexa for while, and kept on decreasing my dosage, then about 6 months ago my dr switched me to 10mg of Prozac because my husband and I want I start a family and Prozac is supposed to be safe. So anyway I was doing fine, then all the sudden a couple weeks ago I started getting really anxious and scared of everything! I keep thinking that something bad is going to happen to me at any second. So my dr out me on 40 mg of Prozac (1 20mg 2 times a day). I can't eat and all I can think about is feeling scared. I am scared of feeling anxious which makes it feel worse! I am at my husbands family's house for thanksgiving and I keep getting anxious everytime I think about eating. I know this is all in my head , but I can't get out of my head and focus on anything else. Why was I feeling ok until a couple weeks ago and now a higher dosage is making me feel worse! Will I ever get back to being me again?

11-28-2013, 07:24 AM
Part of depression. You may not feel this way for long. Meds, time and therapy can help tons. Alankay