View Full Version : Feeling you get before heart palpitations?

11-27-2013, 11:53 PM
Do you get a feeling that lets you know a heart palpitation is coming on? Just today I was in the grocery store and had this weird heaviness in my arms, and started having pain in my left arm. I didn't consciously feel anxious (although I might have subconsciously been worried/stressed), but soon afterward, I had a panic attack. My heart started racing, I felt dizzy, thought I was going to faint or die, and couldn't think straight/talk normally. It felt so random... usually I feel anxious for quite a while before heart palpitations happen.

Just wondering if this is common -- the warning signs and the randomness? I took some xanax and felt better after a few minutes. Of course, now I'm going to be worried every second of the day wondering if a panic attack will come out of nowhere. >.<

anxious aussie
11-28-2013, 04:54 AM
I often have the anxiety symptoms even when I don't consciously feel anxious. I often get a disconnected feeling in my arms and hands that is very strange. I feel like someone's squeezing my heart and I get a floaty/dizzy feeling. Along with pains and not able to concentrate or talk properly. There are so many symptoms. I always think I'm gonna collapse or die or something. I'm so aware of every sensation I have in my body and become obsessed with worrying about what it means

11-28-2013, 09:36 AM
Heart palpitations are easily blocked by beta blockers.

11-28-2013, 09:39 AM
I am on beta blockers but still get palps from time to time

11-28-2013, 12:38 PM
I often have the anxiety symptoms even when I don't consciously feel anxious. I often get a disconnected feeling in my arms and hands that is very strange. I feel like someone's squeezing my heart and I get a floaty/dizzy feeling. Along with pains and not able to concentrate or talk properly. There are so many symptoms. I always think I'm gonna collapse or die or something. I'm so aware of every sensation I have in my body and become obsessed with worrying about what it means
I obsess about it, too! It's like every symptom *must* be there for a reason. I keep trying to ignore my weird symptoms (lately it's been a cold sensation moving around on my head... lol) and carry on as usual, but it's easier said than done.

Do you take anything/use any strategies to help?

11-28-2013, 12:42 PM
I've never tried beta blockers... I was on Lexapro for a couple years, but still had panic attacks. I don't get panic attacks all the time (anymore), so it seems like medication might be overkill. I like having xanax on hand just in case a situation arises.

Do beta blockers prevent/help with the other side effects? Like dizziness, numbness, etc.?

anxious aussie
11-28-2013, 05:09 PM
I obsess about it, too! It's like every symptom *must* be there for a reason. I keep trying to ignore my weird symptoms (lately it's been a cold sensation moving around on my head... lol) and carry on as usual, but it's easier said than done. Do you take anything/use any strategies to help?

Well last time this happened to me (about 18 months ago) I just let it consume me and I ended up on sertraline for about a year. This time it has been more ongoing and messing with me quite a bit but I am more aware of it. So even though I can't stop the thoughts and feelings and constant diagnosing, I deep down know that it's my anxiety acting up again. I've recently just said enough is enough and I'm taking steps to help myself. I don't want to take medication so this time I've started exercising and eating healthy, I'm trying to focus on small goals. I'm reading the secret by Rhonda Byrne which is really good for a pick me up/distraction. I'm also forcing myself to do things out of my comfort zone. I'm going to start yoga and I have a friend that performs raki which sounds odd but it makes me feel so much better. I've started taking vitamins too and I'm getting a flower natural remedy made up too (which tastes horrible) but I'm going for the natural approach to see how that goes.
Sorry that was so long! I started and couldn't stop. Hopefully it makes sense

11-29-2013, 05:50 AM
I've never tried beta blockers... I was on Lexapro for a couple years, but still had panic attacks. I don't get panic attacks all the time (anymore), so it seems like medication might be overkill. I like having xanax on hand just in case a situation arises.

Do beta blockers prevent/help with the other side effects? Like dizziness, numbness, etc.?

Beta blockers help for some of the physical effects of anxiety or panic attacks. They prevent racing heartbeat, tingling of the extremities(the pins and needles sensation), heart palpitations(some but not all). They cannot help for symptoms which are purely head induced(fear and most likely dizziness). Beta blockers also take some time to work so they must be taken in advance. They will not help you immediately like xanax can do. The good thing about them is that they are not addictive. They also lower blood pressure so check with your doc if you have low B.P.