View Full Version : Is dizziness normal under these circumstances?

11-27-2013, 08:17 PM
Two days ago my NEW psychiatrist took me off the meds my previous and terrible psychiatrist had me on. 300mg of Effexor and 8mg of Kolonapin a day. I'm now on Neurontin and 10mg of Lexapro. Is dizziness, lightheaded ness restlessness, and jitters normal after getting off those meds or is it something else.?

Chris C
11-27-2013, 08:28 PM
8mg of klonopin seems like a lot to just stop. Did your new doctor mention tapering off that?

11-27-2013, 10:22 PM
I would say dizziness, restlessness and jitters are common side-effects of almost any psych med (read the inserts that come with your prescription). I don't know much about Neurontin, but it is apparently used for Bi-Polar (but according to Wikipedia is not as effective as Lithium or Depakote). However, it does seem to be somewhat effective for anxiety. Are you bi-polar? Or is he using it for anxiety?

But as Chris C said, 8mg of Klonopin a day is a lot. It is a bad idea to stop any benzo cold turkey.

11-28-2013, 01:05 AM
I would say dizziness, restlessness and jitters are common side-effects of almost any psych med (read the inserts that come with your prescription). I don't know much about Neurontin, but it is apparently used for Bi-Polar (but according to Wikipedia is not as effective as Lithium or Depakote). However, it does seem to be somewhat effective for anxiety. Are you bi-polar? Or is he using it for anxiety?

But as Chris C said, 8mg of Klonopin a day is a lot. It is a bad idea to stop any benzo cold turkey.

Yeah, I realized today when I was reading up about it. 8mg was WAY to much. I'm just glad that my wife found and got me the appointment with the psychiatrist she found. I'm struggling. But for us, everyday is a struggle.

And thank you so much for your reply.