View Full Version : heart palpitations

11-27-2013, 05:38 PM
Today was the first time that I had multiples. 3 in less then 2 hours and a big chest flip whan I was driving home. I have been dealing with anxiety since 2009 and it's been really bad the last few months. You know the deal if your buisy your sailing along, as soon as you have time to think hear it comes. I haven't had to go to the ER in over a year. But today having 3 in a short time makes me want to go. Struggling.............................

11-27-2013, 08:16 PM
I too suffer from heart palpitations. My anxiety started with severe panic. It has progressed into many different things now, but the one I just can't shake is the heart palpitations. I have been to the doctor for this crap more times than I can count on fingers and toes. Every time they tell me I'm a perfectly heathy 24 year old woman and to change my diet and exercise. If u feel the need to go get check then u might as well because I won't calm down till u do. I just wanted to let u know ur not the only one. I know how u feel. Just ask ur self this one question...if it were really something to be concerned about would I be trying to rationalize this right now? No one body is perfect and it's perfectly normal for a stressed body to have "hiccups". I hope this helps.

11-27-2013, 09:09 PM
I completely understand, just had a random heart palpitation at the grocery store today. It's so frustrating when doctors tell you you're perfectly healthy, it's just anxiety, take this pill... I take xanax when it happens, which helps, but doesn't really solve the ongoing problem. :\

You can definitely have palpitations back to back, and honestly if you had 3 within a couple hours, I would think of that as 1 ongoing panic attack. The adrenaline is moving around in your body that whole time, and if you didn't take meds or something to calm yourself down, your body can easily switch back into panic mode. I'd suggest going to the doctor instead of the ER, since we tend to overthink our anxiety symptoms (speaking from experience).

11-27-2013, 09:39 PM
Today was the worse day in a long time. I did get to the gym and work out. Some of this could be from that. I Just started getting back to the gym. I always feel better if I can at least get some weights and cardio in. Once I am done with that I feel as if my heart made it through that I can make it doing normal daily functions. I also did not eat well, too much sodium. I'm sure it's the food. This is what I am telling myself and now it's time for bed and onto a better day, hopefully.

11-27-2013, 10:10 PM
I have been suffering from anxiety for the longest I just recently started having heart palpitations like a week ago..... They last for so long to. I then been to the hospital almost everyday worried it was something serious but everything was coming back normal! How do your heart palpatatiins feel? And how long do they last?

11-28-2013, 09:39 AM
Once one sneeks up on you all you can do is think about it. It's all most as if I wanted it to happen. It feels like my heart hits a speed bump and just does a big bum bump and then that's it. Sometimes I think it's my stomach playing tricks on me. I don't get any other signs with it so I know it's not my heart. I think if it was really my heart I would know it.

What happenes to you?

11-28-2013, 09:47 AM
I had them for about 12 hours straight, couldn't take it anymore and went to the ER. Turns out I had very low potassium levels. Looked into it and a common symptom of that is heart palpitations. Just thought I'd share :) I've had anxiety for a while recently it's came back full force but I'm determined to beat it. The mind is a powerful thing. Wishing you the best! Always here to talk. Take care :)

11-28-2013, 11:11 AM
Well, my heart palpitations usually come when I'm thinking about it it something else, or when I lay down! My heart just goes really fast and it stays that way for a long time! I be so scared and I already have chest pains so it makes it even worst! My kneck, left arm be hurting! My feet and hands be twitching! It's just too much that be going on

11-28-2013, 06:29 PM
Well, my heart palpitations usually come when I'm thinking about it it something else, or when I lay down! My heart just goes really fast and it stays that way for a long time! I be so scared and I already have chest pains so it makes it even worst! My kneck, left arm be hurting! My feet and hands be twitching! It's just too much that be going on

Just wondering, can you describe your chest pains? Are they like little twinges between your ribs? Like a nerve or something?

11-28-2013, 08:22 PM
My pains are more of a sharp aching kind of pain! You have chest pains also?

11-29-2013, 06:48 PM
yes, always when I feel the anxiety coming on. sometimes I think I have a bruised rib or something but it's most likely due to the hormones rushing around, right?! I just matter of fact had some just thinking about this.... followed up by an adrenaline rush just to top it off! I'm getting so sick of this!

11-29-2013, 08:10 PM
I'm sick of this too :-( it's really depressing and life consuming!

12-01-2013, 05:49 PM
Tonight I had one, and I had probably been buzzing about doing too many things at once. I now am almost certain my chest pain is from a heart palpitation because they're just iittle "pulses" that are sharp only for a moment. I've been wearing a monitor and they don't see anything on the 3-lead so I'm not sure why. It has to be that though. I tried to read about pain associated with palpitations and found one place that said that it can feel similar (although it's hard to interpret words sometimes). "mild discomfort" sounds about right... because it doesn't last. However, I also have had what sounded like the angina symptoms, a burning feeling in the center of my chest. Great. More stuff to worry about! When will this nightmare turn to daylight?