View Full Version : Part of everything

11-27-2013, 12:15 PM
I am sitting here surrounded by my family and yet and do not feel part of anything. Why is this?

11-27-2013, 12:23 PM
Disconnection in all forms really is kinda what anxiety is about.

11-27-2013, 12:27 PM
Withdrawn and not fitting in are normal feelings for me.

11-27-2013, 12:29 PM
It's normal for me whereas in the past I'd try to fight it now I'm just resigning myself to it.

11-27-2013, 12:37 PM
I can't seem to comprehend my place in this world everything is so alien to me, I have just started trying to hang out with friends again but I can't be comfortable unless I've been drinking. So seeing them in the daytime just doesn't happen.

11-27-2013, 12:51 PM
I don't see friends anymore other than those I work with or go to college with.

11-27-2013, 01:33 PM
I don't see friends anymore other than those I work with or go to college with.

How long have your been suffering anxiety?

11-27-2013, 01:41 PM
About 15 years maybe? A long time. Sometimes I think I always showed signs of it.