View Full Version : Please read!! Exercise and Chamomile tea

11-27-2013, 09:56 AM
Hi Everyone!

Just a little update! I have been ill now for seven month. All started on my holiday in Mexico with my partner! How Great eh!! Well....... I have been researching like mad to get shot of my problem! I am also on anti depressants but they dont seem enough! I am sick and need a break and some peace on my brain before I slip further into a depressive state.

Today I went for a walk!! your probably thinking wow a walk! but I have been house bound now for two weeks petrified to go out. I got ready shaking and crying with fear and stood at my back door for half an hour pondering if I should or shouldnt!

Then....... I step out the door and took in everything, the wind on my face, the rain on my skin. Every sound and feeling I concentrated on. I walked quite fast and raised my heart rate. I stopped crying and walked to my nearest super market and bought some chamomile tea. I walked home and the more I was walking the more I calmed down???? I got in the house and sat and had a cup the tea. Ran a nice bath and I am not sitting chiled watching TV in my PJs.

Please anyone who is feeling trapped do this! I have been crippled with anxiety and been very poorly but this has calmed me right down (for now) I may wake up in the morning and feel like I am back to square one! One of my previous threads this morning I was saying how I didnt want to be here anymore?? Im not saying im cured and this is the answer but had to share this with my fellow sufferers as something so small has relaxed me for the now,


11-27-2013, 12:23 PM

I'm currently in therapy for my anxiety and have been advised to walk (even for 15 mins) every day as the anxiety tension that builds up needs to Go somewhere/be burned off. I'm finding that it's really helping me. There have been studies done where the findings have shown that exercise can be just as effective as anti depressants. Not only does it burn the tension, it gets those 'feel good' Endorphins circulating and you can also divert your mind by focusing on your surroundings. Keep it up, it will help wonders! As for the chamomile, I also drink it and finds it helps a little bit. All the best !

11-27-2013, 12:36 PM
Hi Stacey! I cant quite believe how much it helps. I have tried everything you can imagine and nothing works! The pills help a little but not as much as exercise but its a catch 22 as I know when you have anxiety its hard to go out. It breaks my heart how much people suffer from this condition and not once has my doctor suggested exercise or eating healthy

11-27-2013, 12:57 PM
Excellent! !!@! This is a complete turnaround from this morning and I am so glad to hear it!!!!! I honestly need to get back with my exercise. ...

11-27-2013, 06:19 PM
thank you that I find something I can try. I have heard the chamomile helps alot,