View Full Version : Health Anxiety

11-27-2013, 09:22 AM
Hey, new member here. I have been suffering for about a year now with nausea and general feeling like I'm gonna be sick but I haven't been sick in this time even though many times the sensation has felt like I could be, the feeling is so intense sometimes that I feel like I am about to choke or something, it's quite scary at times. I went back to the doctors yesterday and he suggested that I may be suffering from health anxiety as all my bloods have come back okay every time, I had an endoscopy and nothing came up, I've had a chest x-ray and it's all clear. I also suffer from asthma and that doesn't seem to be getting better and again my doctor said that could be because of anxiety because that effects your asthma. Just feels like it's a medical problem but nothing serious has come up with the endless tests I have had so I'm thinking it could be health anxiety because I have always been very anxious when it has come to my health. A couple of years ago I was suffering with headaches and I was convinced I had a brain tumour even though I had been to a consultant and he categorically said I hadn't but I still believed that I was right, eventually the headaches went and I accepted I was fine but now this sicky/nausea thing has come up and I'm convinced I'm seriously ill even though my endoscopy didn't show anything. I have always been a little OCD in nature but not very obsessive. I have an appointment with a therapist in 3 weeks but I really don't know if it is health anxiety. I have no idea what it entails so not sure if I have it but I'm anxious just thinking about the appointment. What does everyone think? Any advice from you guys would be appreciated if anyone has had a similar situation to me.



11-27-2013, 12:27 PM
I have HUGE health anxiety. I'm always googling to see what's wrong with me and of course it never leads to anything good. Wish I could tell you how to help yourself or make it stop but I'm having a really hard time myself. I mostly rely on my lorazepam but it's worse than just needing that now :(