View Full Version : My Feelings of Anxiety

01-21-2008, 11:46 AM
Hi all. When I start to get anxious I feel really light headed and confused. I feel like I'm gonna pass out. I was on a driving lesson earlier, and we pulled in. I felt really light headed and had to take a break as I felt like I was gonna pass out. Driving instructor asked if I wanted an ambulance. Thank god it passed after ten minutes or so. I'm really really worried cos I have my driving test next month, and I don't wanna have a panic attack while on the test!!!

Does anyone else get this sort of feeling or is it just me???


01-22-2008, 05:00 PM
I actually can become really lightheaded when going out of the house, be it going to work or just hanging out with friends. I've almost thought of going to the hospital because of the dizziness, if yours gets as severe as mine sometimes just slight temperature drops and noises can spark anxiety feelings, the floors sometimes feel like they're moving under me. ( and keep in mind most of these symptoms appeared after having a near panic attack)
these symptoms are'nt new to me either years ago I've suffered from similiar symptoms during the height of my panic attack episodes, it's almost like a relapse in anxiety.

01-23-2008, 05:28 AM
Oh I know these feelings all too well. It feels like your somehow in a dream and everything around you is not real. I hate that feeling. This feeling normally stays like that until I get back home or somewhere I feel comfortable.

01-27-2008, 05:03 PM
Dont be surprised if you get the same feelings next time. And that because you now know what CAN happen. And you worry.
If i were you, i would talk to my instructor and tell him that its just feelings, and nothing dangerous. But that I MAYBE feel dizzy and lightheaded and have to stop. If you do that, you probably wont get these feelings:)
Thats my theory anyway hehe