View Full Version : Fed up

11-27-2013, 02:54 AM
I have to leave for work in two and a half hours and I still haven't gotten any sleep! Heart started pounding away in my chest when I layed down. I started to feel like I was smothering. Tried deep breathing, walking around, looking in the mirror. Still feeling shitty. I felt like this one would never end. I'm so frustrated I could cry but my lexapro won't allow me to :/ My poor husband is also awake on standby in case he has to drive me to the ER. Ironically, I will be going to the hospital shortly as I am a nurse there! So I guess I'll just wait it out and tell one of the docs what happened. And he has to work in a few hours as well. What a nightmare! I can't understand why this has to happen. I thought I was doing something good by getting a personal trainer and eating right but it seems like I'm feeling worse. Everything was better when I just slept all day.