View Full Version : Two new meds. What do you think?

11-26-2013, 09:51 PM
Haven't been on in a while. Was seeing a doctor who in the span of six months had me on eight different SSRI's. A quack to say the least. I found a woman that is regarded as one of the best anxiety specialists in the field. She took me off my latest cocktail of Effexor and 8mg of klonapin a day and put me on neurontin and serzone.

I'm not going to sugar coat it, my life the past six months has been horrendous. Missed work, fights, constant anxiety. Any advice?

11-27-2013, 11:56 AM
8 mg of Klonopin! My doctors have problems with me taking .5 mg of Klonopin every day. Why has your doc put you on Serzone? Others meds didn't work for you? If I were you I would not try Serzone. There are cases of people developing liver toxicity on it. Try some other AD.