View Full Version : Anxiety worse at certain times?

11-26-2013, 04:12 PM
Definitely just had a bad anxiety attack now lying in bed... Thought I'd get my feelings off my chest at an attempt to calm down a little.

So yeah, anyone get anxiety at certain times despite what's happening?! I have at least 1 anxiety attack when in bed, which just leaves me anxious and scared all night... Not fun. :/

11-26-2013, 04:20 PM
I definately know where your coming from, when we finally get too bed after a stressful day, rather than unwinding we start reflecting on the days events or even worse start thinking about what we have to do tomorrow whether it be for work or our social life's. I think these thought processes then trigger attacks.

11-26-2013, 06:07 PM
Mine usually comes in the morning. I fight off random anxiety throughout the day and get so exhausted by it that by the time I go to bed I'm out cold. Definitely the worst in the morning, though.

11-26-2013, 07:09 PM
Mine can happen without warning, and at times I'd never expect. While visiting with family and trying to relax, no - really. I just figure it was the stresses I experienced in the earlier part of the day which caused it and it just manifested later. And yes, mine can happen at night (waking up startled from a scary dream), or pretty much the entire time I am at work. I am walking on eggshells all day long there just to survive.

11-27-2013, 07:23 AM
Ive been having a rough week with anxiety. It sucks soo bad.

11-27-2013, 07:34 AM
I can certainly relate. Sometimes my anxiety is very manageable, other times I have to work real hard to keep it under control. It especially gets bad after an adrenaline dump. You get amped up or really mad about something, and when it's all over you get that "ugh" feeling.

No matter how small or large the attack is you can still manage it and keep it under control.

11-27-2013, 09:12 AM
Could be your fatigued. that always causes me anxiety. Also if you tell yourself hey im gonna have an anxiety attack because its that time of the day it will always happen. try to relax but not think about anixety

11-27-2013, 11:13 AM
I think a reason could be I don't like being alone and at night it's like everyone in the world is asleep (I know they're not haha.) And it's just me... Feel so alone and anxiety just hits me. Does anyone else feel like that ever?
I definitely think being tired and thinking about having an anxiety attack makes it worse though, need to distract myself somehow.

11-27-2013, 12:18 PM
Ive been having a rough week with anxiety. It sucks soo bad.

What symptoms do you have when your anxiety is really bad?

11-27-2013, 12:22 PM
My mother in law just passed a few days ago. We knew it was coming so I thought I could handle it. Nope. I was in her room when she passed and since then I've been a complete mess. Bad bad anxiety. Sore muscles and joints the through out the day. Bad taste in my mouth, muscles twitching and heart palpitations. Feelings of breathlessness. And the worst is the feeling that now there's something horribly wrong with me. Just when I had my anxiety under control I'm a huge wreck again. I can't take this. I was never one to rely on my meds but I've taken at least 2 a day since she passed. Ahhhhh!

11-27-2013, 02:32 PM
Try yoga. It helps you relax and also keeps your mind focused instead of thinking about anxiety. I believe its really helping me. Maybe some relaxing music also?

11-27-2013, 07:34 PM
Mine is definetly worse in the morning. As soon as I start waking up, I start feeling the sensations. It sucks. I then struggle most of the day. By 7pm though, I am fine. I sleep well. I actually sleep too much. I nap a lot. I actually do this so I don't have to feel the symptoms all day. I get relief when I sleep.
I wonder if I have anxiety first thing because that is the first thing on my mind??