View Full Version : Suggestions??

11-26-2013, 06:24 AM
Ok so it seems a lot of people can pinpoint their fear. They know the are scared of dying or getting a disease or they are scared of crowds, etc. My biggest problem is that I can't really pinpoint anything other than being worried that I will pass out if I have an attack. I know the symptoms/ sensations won't hurt me. They really don't bother me except make me feel like crap. I don't know what is bringing all of this on? Can it just be stress? My life is out of control right now. Both myself and fiancée lost our jobs and we have two children. I have suffered from anxiety for at least 20 years but never for this long of a stretch. It use to just come and go. Now it has been ever single day for at least 3 months. I feel like I just can't function. I struggle everyday getting my kids to school and going shopping, school functions,etc. I cannot go to a Dr right now because I have no money and I have no insurance. I feel so lost. If I could just pinpoint something then I feel like I could actually work on it mentally.

11-26-2013, 07:04 AM
Ok so it seems a lot of people can pinpoint their fear. They know the are scared of dying or getting a disease or they are scared of crowds, etc. My biggest problem is that I can't really pinpoint anything other than being worried that I will pass out if I have an attack. I know the symptoms/ sensations won't hurt me. They really don't bother me except make me feel like crap. I don't know what is bringing all of this on? Can it just be stress? My life is out of control right now. Both myself and fiancée lost our jobs and we have two children. I have suffered from anxiety for at least 20 years but never for this long of a stretch. It use to just come and go. Now it has been ever single day for at least 3 months. I feel like I just can't function. I struggle everyday getting my kids to school and going shopping, school functions,etc. I cannot go to a Dr right now because I have no money and I have no insurance. I feel so lost. If I could just pinpoint something then I feel like I could actually work on it mentally.

This is how I feel. I don't have a specific reason to feel the way I feel. I just have that worried feeling all the time. I hate it. I struggle with normal everyday activities too...I feel like my kids deserve so much more than what I'm able to do right now. I'm just in the beginning stages of starting an SSRI....so I'm really hoping this kicks in and works for me. I'm dealing with it on a daily basis too, whereas before it was just on and off.
Do you think in your case though you could be worried about the job situation?

11-26-2013, 07:09 AM
I think that the job and money thing has a lot to do with it. Idk. I don't think about it much but I am sure that it is always there. I know what you mean about your kids deserving better. I feel like I can't be there for them. My youngest is 4 and wants me to play with him and some days I just can't. Poor little guy hears "I don't feel good today buddy" so much that it makes me so sad.

11-26-2013, 07:37 AM
I think that the job and money thing has a lot to do with it. Idk. I don't think about it much but I am sure that it is always there. I know what you mean about your kids deserving better. I feel like I can't be there for them. My youngest is 4 and wants me to play with him and some days I just can't. Poor little guy hears "I don't feel good today buddy" so much that it makes me so sad.

My youngest is 5 and she just gets this sad look when I tell her I'm not feeling great.. .......things HAVE to get better...they just have to.