11-25-2013, 07:31 PM
My heart rate has been unusually high today, even when I'm laying down watching tv. I went to the gym earlier and worked out with the trainer. I thought that would make me feel better but my heart rate has been in the high 80's to 95 all day. I'm also getting short of breath just doing simple things. I've been feeling like this all week off and on, I attributed it to pms. For whatever reason I seem to get every symptom in the book. Shortness of breath and severe bloating are newer ones for me. But I still never got my period and it's now 37 days. I'm usually 31-37. Rarely, I have gone as long as 41. Maybe it's because I started working out and dieting again? I know a heart rate in the 80's doesn't seem high but to me, who is usually 60-70, it feels weird. I feel like my insides are trembling and I can't calm down. I had and EKG and cxr recently which were fine! I think I'm getting worked up about not getting my period. Who knows??