View Full Version : sertraline/zoloft

11-25-2013, 09:39 AM

So I started taking sertraline this morning at 9am felt a little spaced out and cold but about 6 nd half hours later I felt a little bit sick and I can feel the anxiety there aswell

I will keep this thread updated on how its going for those interested

But for now I have one question the more tablets I take will the side effects intensify or just stay th same??

11-25-2013, 11:34 AM
Hey there. It may increase a bit....hence the need for your valium. Or it may stay the same. It depends on your body and how it tolerates the medicine. Hang in there. Slight stomach upset and even some diarrhea is normal too.

11-25-2013, 11:59 AM
Hi worriedmummy! Well done for taking your first Zoloft! I know it's scary taking it for the first time. I delayed for a long time before starting an anti-depressant. And I know many of us here did.

I agree with trini that the side effects could intensify a bit, especially the gastrointestinal stuff. But it sounds like you are doing pretty well so far, which is great. Some people have really awful side effects very quickly . So I'm very glad that hasn't happened to you!! So far so good!!!

Good luck and keep us posted!!!

11-25-2013, 11:59 AM
Hope there's no bad side effects at all for you and it all goes nice for ya just try and keep occupied so your mind ain't thinking about it saying this though I ain't really in the position to give advice on with this I know this will sound stupid but I relapsed I got panic disorder OCD agoraphobic with all other things for 3 years now an I refused to take meds not cause I don't want it's cause I'm absolutely scared of the effects how they'll make me feel plus I think what if they don't work for me this time in just a wimp I wanna take em but just can't bring my self round to I'm meant to take 40mg citalopram,

11-25-2013, 12:43 PM
Well so far its been ok not sure how I would manage if it intensifys was about 8 hours after I took the tablet I really started to feel weird and the anxiety increased a lot but it wasn't bad that I couldn't manage it

I did think I was going to have a panic attack at one point but I am quite good at shooing them away now

I am getting a tiny bit of breathlessness and chest pain but I am gathering that's the anxiety

I am sorry to hear you are afraid of meds shaun I was myself until I took the plunge with this tablet and at the moment its not all that bad

Hey trinidva how's it going for you is it easing up any??

Thanks tailspin it means a lot to know people are reading ur posts and wanting to know how its going

Just got to test the sleep out tonight but I don't think I will get much with the way I am feeling

11-25-2013, 01:03 PM
Well so far its been ok not sure how I would manage if it intensifys was about 8 hours after I took the tablet I really started to feel weird and the anxiety increased a lot but it wasn't bad that I couldn't manage it

I did think I was going to have a panic attack at one point but I am quite good at shooing them away now

I am getting a tiny bit of breathlessness and chest pain but I am gathering that's the anxiety

I am sorry to hear you are afraid of meds shaun I was myself until I took the plunge with this tablet and at the moment its not all that bad

Hey trinidva how's it going for you is it easing up any??

Thanks tailspin it means a lot to know people are reading ur posts and wanting to know how its going

Just got to test the sleep out tonight but I don't think I will get much with the way I am feeling

Im still highly anxious but I'm just trying my best to distract myself. I am not taking my bp either..because if its high I will just get myself even more anxious. I just want to feel better!!!!!!! I know my husband and kids are tired of seeing me like this....I'm tired of BEING like this. I just want to be a better mom and wife......I can't even take my daughter to gymnastics today because I'm not feeling great. I'm really sick of being like this.

11-25-2013, 01:15 PM
Im still highly anxious but I'm just trying my best to distract myself. I am not taking my bp either..because if its high I will just get myself even more anxious. I just want to feel better!!!!!!! I know my husband and kids are tired of seeing me like this....I'm tired of BEING like this. I just want to be a better mom and wife......I can't even take my daughter to gymnastics today because I'm not feeling great. I'm really sick of being like this.

How long you been on it now? Your sensitive to medication tho arnt you?

I also got my partner to take my little girl to the chippy for her tea makes me feel hopeless so I am hoping it won't be much longer to feeling normal again keep me posted

11-25-2013, 01:41 PM
How long you been on it now? Your sensitive to medication tho arnt you?

I also got my partner to take my little girl to the chippy for her tea makes me feel hopeless so I am hoping it won't be much longer to feeling normal again keep me posted

I've been on propanol for years on and off and it's really good for
Anxiety ,I've been on 50mg of setraline for 7 months now as its fab,I did take both for a while
Tho,I feel fab and now I only take half of the 50mg a day,it will get better please message me if you need to chat :)

11-25-2013, 01:54 PM
I've been on propanol for years on and off and it's really good for
Anxiety ,I've been on 50mg of setraline for 7 months now as its fab,I did take both for a while
Tho,I feel fab and now I only take half of the 50mg a day,it will get better please message me if you need to chat :)

Thank you I really wanna come off propanolol at some point and just stick to the sertraline if it works I am a lttle bit scared about withdrawl on propanolol read some nasty things even when tapeing off

11-25-2013, 01:59 PM
Thank you I really wanna come off propanolol at some point and just stick to the sertraline if it works I am a lttle bit scared about withdrawl on propanolol read some nasty things even when tapeing off

Don't worry about that,truly I've been on it for years on and off and I've never had anything so don't let this worry you :) I've had anxiety panic attacks for 21 years so I know what your going through,I'm
Also a mum
Of two children

11-25-2013, 03:07 PM
It took me two years before I would finally allow myself to try a med. For me, I tried a low dosage of Prozac, which is in the same family as Zoloft. I experienced side effects for the first two weeks; side effects that almost made me want to quit the medication. I felt more anxious, extremely depressed, had mood swings, and had no appetite. However, these side effects all dissipated in those two weeks and things went back to normal. I then ended up increasing the dosage a month later, and was all worried that the same side effects would return, but they didn't. Hope Zoloft ends up working out for you!

11-25-2013, 03:50 PM
Iv had anxiety on and off for 3 nearly 4 years and I still won't take meds. I'm petrified.

11-25-2013, 04:09 PM
How long you been on it now? Your sensitive to medication tho arnt you?

I also got my partner to take my little girl to the chippy for her tea makes me feel hopeless so I am hoping it won't be much longer to feeling normal again keep me posted

So, I took it for six months over a year ago and it worked really well for me. I got to a point where I was doing so well that I thought I didn't need it anymore. So then I stopped taking it. I did well for a while but then started to go downhill.
Now, starting again....its the 4 weeks of side effects. ........

11-25-2013, 04:15 PM
It took me two years before I would finally allow myself to try a med. For me, I tried a low dosage of Prozac, which is in the same family as Zoloft. I experienced side effects for the first two weeks; side effects that almost made me want to quit the medication. I felt more anxious, extremely depressed, had mood swings, and had no appetite. However, these side effects all dissipated in those two weeks and things went back to normal. I then ended up increasing the dosage a month later, and was all worried that the same side effects would return, but they didn't. Hope Zoloft ends up working out for you!

Yes, im going through these side effects now but im almost at the two week point. Im really anxious to get my appetite back and start feeling better.

11-26-2013, 01:55 AM
Well I slept like until 5:30 then was awake every hour after that I feel slightly shaky this morning and a little jittery taking my second tablet soon so then it will be Day 2 of sertraline let's see what today will bring

11-26-2013, 05:55 AM
Well I slept like until 5:30 then was awake every hour after that I feel slightly shaky this morning and a little jittery taking my second tablet soon so then it will be Day 2 of sertraline let's see what today will bring

You are doing great so far. Just keep focusing on the end result. I had some jitters last night. I took it around 9 pm and it knocked me out by 9:30 ( I missed my sleepy hollow show!) But then I woke up around 2:30am and then I dozed on and off until it was time for me to get up. I was feeling really jittery so I took 1/2 a benzo this morning and took my bp. It was MUCH better then it had been a few days ago. I am wondering if I need to start taking my benzo an hour after taking the Zoloft so that I sleep well all night. Well, keep me posted on your progress today.

11-26-2013, 06:05 AM
You are doing great so far. Just keep focusing on the end result. I had some jitters last night. I took it around 9 pm and it knocked me out by 9:30 ( I missed my sleepy hollow show!) But then I woke up around 2:30am and then I dozed on and off until it was time for me to get up. I was feeling really jittery so I took 1/2 a benzo this morning and took my bp. It was MUCH better then it had been a few days ago. I am wondering if I need to start taking my benzo an hour after taking the Zoloft so that I sleep well all night. Well, keep me posted on your progress today.

I am glad your BP is better today, I would def recommed taking your benzo at night to help you sleep

Been a bit jittery myself today have had quite a lot of chest pain today which has freaked me out a little bit I couldn't stop thinking I was having a heart attack my anxiety is high today but nothing I can't deal with not looking forward t it peaking later on tho

I take mine at 9am so it peaks about 5 ish and doesn't last long

11-26-2013, 07:34 AM
I am glad your BP is better today, I would def recommed taking your benzo at night to help you sleep

Been a bit jittery myself today have had quite a lot of chest pain today which has freaked me out a little bit I couldn't stop thinking I was having a heart attack my anxiety is high today but nothing I can't deal with not looking forward t it peaking later on tho

I take mine at 9am so it peaks about 5 ish and doesn't last long

I think if I had to do it over I would of probably opted to take it in the morningtime too. I just don't want to disrupt my schedule. ...but I think I will take your advice and take the benzo earlier so I can sleep. Well, I hope you have a great day.....don't dwell too much on the little twinges in your chest.....it will be ok. We will get through this.

11-26-2013, 12:48 PM
so after day 2 is almost over I have been a little more shaky and anxious today but not loads I have a headache and can feel slightly sick at times it's not overly bad

Still can't wait to get the two weeks over with tho I took a slight panic attack on the way home from taking my daughter to school I wasn't far from home and powered myself through it, it only lasted about 30 seconds but still felt awful afterwards

I am right in thinking that sertralines serum peak is about 8ish hours unless your on the liquid and its half life is about 24 hours so when you take your next dose your serum peak is going to be quicker than the day before as you still have half in your system when you take your next dose?

11-26-2013, 01:03 PM

I have been taking these tablets also. They worked wonders for the first two weeks and now i am back to square one! Its always the same like it wares off? help!! ;-(

11-26-2013, 01:06 PM
Im sorry to hear that. I was like you for 10 years but have recently took the plunge

11-26-2013, 01:08 PM
Maybe you got the placebo effect because they are not meant to work right away it meant to take 2 weeks for the side effects to drop then another 2 weeks for you to feel the benefit

So you either got the placebo effect or you got the opposite of the side effects and now it has calmed down so I would def say stick with it another couple of weeks but keep me posted on how your getting on your welcome to private message aswell

11-26-2013, 01:13 PM
so after day 2 is almost over I have been a little more shaky and anxious today but not loads I have a headache and can feel slightly sick at times it's not overly bad

Still can't wait to get the two weeks over with tho I took a slight panic attack on the way home from taking my daughter to school I wasn't far from home and powered myself through it, it only lasted about 30 seconds but still felt awful afterwards

I am right in thinking that sertralines serum peak is about 8ish hours unless your on the liquid and its half life is about 24 hours so when you take your next dose your serum peak is going to be quicker than the day before as you still have half in your system when you take your next dose?

I'm honestly not sure about the half life of the liquid zoloft. It hits me pretty hard though and I'm only taking just a little bit. I actually was able to eat lunch today and just helped my son with his homework. ....this is actually a big deal for me. I feel so darn useless these days but I guess every small accomplishment is a big deal.

That is wonderful that even though you got a panic attack you pushed through it and kept going. You are doing really well!!!!!!!! Yes, 2-3 weeks we both should be feeling so much better. I can't wait. Thanks so much for your encouragement I was close to throwing in the towel this morning.

11-26-2013, 01:19 PM
No I think you have done well considering your sensitive to meds and the liquid one apparently doesn't peak I think meaning you just feel the side effects straight away

I really wouldn't give up your almost there I can't wait to get to your point because the headaches are sore, and two weeks feels like a lifetime when you have kids and I think that puts pressure on you to give up but I know if I give up I will only go back to having majority of bad days anyway

11-26-2013, 02:10 PM
How long does it take for the Sertraline to get into your system properly? em1?

11-26-2013, 02:13 PM
Thanks worried mummy I am deffo going to stick with them just going through a really tough time at the moment hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel

11-26-2013, 02:25 PM
I have felt like this before meds I thought propanolol were going to be the answer but they weren't so the GPS have added the Sertraline 2-4 weeks is a lifetime when your feeling ill but that's what you need to look forward to I am hoping I get to spend Christmas Day feeling normal this is my goal so giving myself time to adjust

11-26-2013, 03:49 PM
I have felt like this before meds I thought propanolol were going to be the answer but they weren't so the GPS have added the Sertraline 2-4 weeks is a lifetime when your feeling ill but that's what you need to look forward to I am hoping I get to spend Christmas Day feeling normal this is my goal so giving myself time to adjust
Normal is something great we can all aspire to - we can get there!

11-26-2013, 05:08 PM
No I think you have done well considering your sensitive to meds and the liquid one apparently doesn't peak I think meaning you just feel the side effects straight away

I really wouldn't give up your almost there I can't wait to get to your point because the headaches are sore, and two weeks feels like a lifetime when you have kids and I think that puts pressure on you to give up but I know if I give up I will only go back to having majority of bad days anyway

You are right! I am waiting for Christmas. ...I know by then I should be feeling good again...and I can't wait! No, I'm going to stick with it....even though yes, two weeks definitely feels like a lifetime when youve got kids....my husband is helping out though and is trying to understand that these next few weeks might be a little rough. How are you doing?

11-26-2013, 05:10 PM
How long does it take for the Sertraline to get into your system properly? em1?

Some start to feel some positive effects after two weeks and for others it takes about four......I'm going on my second week now....

11-27-2013, 01:43 AM
Well last night was A bad night I started to feel agitated from about 10pm decided to go to bed at 12 and I just couldn't sleep because of thinking then it came panic attack after panic attack I felt numb everywhere and tingly started to freak out

I decided to take a Valium which calmed me pretty much straight away but now I have woke up feeling agitated again so now I don't want to take my next tablet and I can't take a Valium through the day because of having a little one cos they knock me out

11-27-2013, 06:09 AM
So day 3 and my partner told me to take my tablet so I did ( easy for him to say when he is at work all day) I woke up feel agitated etc and now. Strangely I feel ok calm before the storm I am thinking its still early days tho as its still only 1pm here in the uk so this could all change

11-27-2013, 06:27 AM
How do you deal with your anxiety when having a family? I feel like I just want to push everyone away all the time Its really difficult for me

11-27-2013, 06:37 AM
It's hard I really try my best but I am starting to feel like I am pushing my partner away because he desperately wants me to be better so that's why he is all for the tablets

I wouldn't mind if he supported me but he doesn't last night I was having those attacks an he turned over and went to sleep I took the Valium and calmed down myself

11-27-2013, 06:38 AM
So day 3 and my partner told me to take my tablet so I did ( easy for him to say when he is at work all day) I woke up feel agitated etc and now. Strangely I feel ok calm before the storm I am thinking its still early days tho as its still only 1pm here in the uk so this could all change

Hey there. Sorry to hear you had a bad night. Hang in there.! I had a good night but I'm having a rough morning in terms of my stomach and eating. The anxiety itself seems to have diminished a bit. I just need to try to get some food in my system. Its 8:37 am here now and my husband is making breakfast so I hope I can stomach it. I'm also sweating quite a bit.

11-27-2013, 06:42 AM
Hey there. Sorry to hear you had a bad night. Hang in there.! I had a good night but I'm having a rough morning in terms of my stomach and eating. The anxiety itself seems to have diminished a bit. I just need to try to get some food in my system. Its 8:37 am here now and my husband is making breakfast so I hope I can stomach it. I'm also sweating quite a bit.

My appetite has gone aswell I am lucky if I am eating one small meal a day, I was ready to give up this morning after last night but I know my Valium calms me so if I need to I can take it I just feel all chewed up all the time and I hate that feeling its like waiting for something to happen

11-27-2013, 07:00 AM
Thats the worst part isnt it? Pushing people away it breaks my heart I started crying in bed the other night to my partner and he was really nice but then he said he needed sleep for work (which is true) and I felt really alone sitting downstairs in the dark watching the clock tick. Im getting to the point now where I think if this is my life then I dont want to be here anymore

11-27-2013, 08:20 AM
Thats the worst part isnt it? Pushing people away it breaks my heart I started crying in bed the other night to my partner and he was really nice but then he said he needed sleep for work (which is true) and I felt really alone sitting downstairs in the dark watching the clock tick. Im getting to the point now where I think if this is my life then I dont want to be here anymore

Don't ever feel like that that's a descission you can't change I have never thought about that but sometimes I can see why people think it

11-27-2013, 08:25 AM
My appetite has gone aswell I am lucky if I am eating one small meal a day, I was ready to give up this morning after last night but I know my Valium calms me so if I need to I can take it I just feel all chewed up all the time and I hate that feeling its like waiting for something to happen

That's me too....one small meal a day. I had yogurt for breakfast and now I'm wondering what I may be able to stomach for lunch. This is so rough. I am thinking about buying ensures...so maybe I can drink those for breakfast until I'm ready to eat again. As much as I enjoy a good meal.....this is torture for me. I wake up in the morning dry heaving. ......Im not sure what the problem is.

No. ..don't give up....you and I are both struggling together and we will make it!

11-27-2013, 08:29 AM
Thats the worst part isnt it? Pushing people away it breaks my heart I started crying in bed the other night to my partner and he was really nice but then he said he needed sleep for work (which is true) and I felt really alone sitting downstairs in the dark watching the clock tick. Im getting to the point now where I think if this is my life then I dont want to be here anymore

Listen...as bad as you feel right now....I guarantee, you won't feel that way all the time....we all have up and down times. When you start to feel down....get on here and chat or if you have a friend you can call....call them. I think distraction is the key to everything. When we are alone...we only have time to obsess over every small thing we are feeling or the fears we have. The more we distract ourselves the less time we have to think about those things and usually, we end up feeling better.

Hang in there guys. We will be ok.

11-27-2013, 08:29 AM
I really struggle with eating and I'm not on any anxiety meds. Putting food in my mouth sometimes makes me heave.

11-27-2013, 08:34 AM
I feel like this all the time my mam is making my dinner tonight but I haven't ate all day so I think I best try something

11-27-2013, 08:49 AM
I'm scared il b sick if I eat that's why I don't.

11-27-2013, 08:49 AM
I feel like this all the time my mam is making my dinner tonight but I haven't ate all day so I think I best try something

Yes, please try to eat....even if you have to force yourself. ....you will feel a little better. I've now finished my yogurt...and I'm snacking on some peanuts and almonds. I figured if I keep snacking it wont be too bad. I just checked my bp....140/93 so I took my bp med to bring that down a bit. My doc emailed me last night to send me some encouragement. ..she told me to remember that when taking an ssri it will get worse before it gets better.
I know "hang in there" has been my phrase for the week.....but I seriously have to keep telling myself this.

That's really nice your mum is close by. I miss mine...she lives about 5 hours away.

11-27-2013, 08:52 AM
I'm scared il b sick if I eat that's why I don't.

No, but you must......or else you will end up feeling even worse.

Potatoes worked well for me and didn't seem to upset my stomach. Yogurt seems to do well for me for breakfast too. Dry baked chicken too....can't be greasy.

11-27-2013, 09:21 AM
I'm scared il b sick if I eat that's why I don't.

Try little and often then your body absorbs the food it needs then there nothing Lying on your stomach to make you feel sick

11-27-2013, 09:26 AM
No, but you must......or else you will end up feeling even worse.

Potatoes worked well for me and didn't seem to upset my stomach. Yogurt seems to do well for me for breakfast too. Dry baked chicken too....can't be greasy.

I am having pasta my mam is my life saver she looks after my little girl when I am at work but since I have health anxiety and work in the medical environment it wasn't helping so now I am off for a few weeks so she doesn't have her so she is willing to have her for me when I feel bad which is nice I always spoil her at Xmas and birthdays

It's a shame your mum is so far away all my family are close my dad died 2 years ago that hit me hard but he used to work away a lot so I aa used to him not being around all the time that helped

I have my CBT on Friday I hope i can make it with these tablets

11-27-2013, 10:10 AM
How are you finding your CBT worriedmummy

11-27-2013, 10:50 AM
Ye I live on oven chips or steamed potatoes and plain chicken. By the evening about 6pm I can eat a massive dinner but other than that I struggle

11-27-2013, 12:21 PM
Ye I live on oven chips or steamed potatoes and plain chicken. By the evening about 6pm I can eat a massive dinner but other than that I struggle

Yes same here....I can always handle dinner but have a terrible time with breakfast and lunch.

11-27-2013, 12:52 PM
I am having pasta my mam is my life saver she looks after my little girl when I am at work but since I have health anxiety and work in the medical environment it wasn't helping so now I am off for a few weeks so she doesn't have her so she is willing to have her for me when I feel bad which is nice I always spoil her at Xmas and birthdays

It's a shame your mum is so far away all my family are close my dad died 2 years ago that hit me hard but he used to work away a lot so I aa used to him not being around all the time that helped

I have my CBT on Friday I hope i can make it with these tablets

That is something to feel happy about, having your mum close by..my mum and dad are getting ready to retire and they are looking to move further down south here in the area where I live....probably by next year. I cant wait. My mum has offered to come down and help me now till I get back on my feet but I'm trying to hold on and see if I can make it through. So sorry to hear about your dad....I know that must of been really hard.

I'm trying to get another CBT counselor myself.....my old therapist left.

I'm hanging in there today.. just finshed up half of my lunch.....maybe the eating is getting a little easier??? :) My mood seems a little better too....oh, I hope this is the beginning of this starting to work.....

11-27-2013, 01:16 PM
How are you finding your CBT worriedmummy

I have only had 2 sessions worry and by my second session she decided it was effecting my mood that's why she suggested Sertraline they have just been getting to know what goes on in my head, haven't really been given anything to work on yet it helps to get it off your chest I cried last week because I was getting to the point where I thought I would never be normal again

How's your new meds going littleone?

Trini I think you are so strong because I am now starting to realise no matter how strong you think you are you need a little help here and there I thought I was going to be able to fight and beat this myself and I have probably made more of a mess of myself than before

I am Gemma by the way

11-27-2013, 01:48 PM
Ye so far the meds are better than the others. The eating is my problem and then I get pain and then I get scared. It's my viscous circle. When iv got food inside of me im good and my mood is better but until about 4pm I can't stomach much at all.

11-27-2013, 02:17 PM
I have lost a lot of weight just with the anxiety not including the meds I am on now which is making me eat less because I am all chewed up

11-27-2013, 02:36 PM
I have only had 2 sessions worry and by my second session she decided it was effecting my mood that's why she suggested Sertraline they have just been getting to know what goes on in my head, haven't really been given anything to work on yet it helps to get it off your chest I cried last week because I was getting to the point where I thought I would never be normal again

How's your new meds going littleone?

Trini I think you are so strong because I am now starting to realise no matter how strong you think you are you need a little help here and there I thought I was going to be able to fight and beat this myself and I have probably made more of a mess of myself than before

I am Gemma by the way

Hi Gemma, I'm Lisa! You are right.... help is definitely needed to beat this....I'm thankful for my husband but secretly I do wish I could have my mum here...somehow they always seem to make things better, dont they? So, in an effort to try to keep myself busy I did some housework and took my kids to the dentist. I probably will go and season my turkey for Thanksgiving tomorrow....in a bit as well. I'm feeling a little anxious right now but trying to keep busy....feeling a little short of breath, etc.....I'm not going to stress too much.....its nothing but anxiety.....

11-27-2013, 02:37 PM
I have lost a lot of weight just with the anxiety not including the meds I am on now which is making me eat less because I am all chewed up

Me too. I just avoid the scale these days.Did you eat the pasta your mom made?

11-28-2013, 01:10 AM
Hi Gemma, I'm Lisa! You are right.... help is definitely needed to beat this....I'm thankful for my husband but secretly I do wish I could have my mum here...somehow they always seem to make things better, dont they? So, in an effort to try to keep myself busy I did some housework and took my kids to the dentist. I probably will go and season my turkey for Thanksgiving tomorrow....in a bit as well. I'm feeling a little anxious right now but trying to keep busy....feeling a little short of breath, etc.....I'm not going to stress too much.....its nothing but anxiety.....

Happy thanks giving we don't celebrate that over in the uk so I hope you have a lovely day

11-28-2013, 01:13 AM
Me too. I just avoid the scale these days.Did you eat the pasta your mom made?

I ate all my pasta but it was the first thing all day so I was really hungry

11-28-2013, 01:20 AM
Do at the end of day 3 I felt very agitated and I thought oh no here we go again but actually I had a really nice sleep I had very wild dreams and I was a little disturbed but I will take anything from the night before

So onto day 4 I have woke up a tiny bit anxious but nothing compared to other days I haven't took my tablet yet I normally take it around 9am so I am hoping to feel ok today so I can go get some christmas decorations to decorate my house while my daughter is in school

So fingers crossed

11-28-2013, 08:49 AM
Do at the end of day 3 I felt very agitated and I thought oh no here we go again but actually I had a really nice sleep I had very wild dreams and I was a little disturbed but I will take anything from the night before

So onto day 4 I have woke up a tiny bit anxious but nothing compared to other days I haven't took my tablet yet I normally take it around 9am so I am hoping to feel ok today so I can go get some christmas decorations to decorate my house while my daughter is in school

So fingers crossed

Good morning! I'm glad to hear that you are having a good day so far! I'm ok here so far...woke up early this morning with some anxiety but I took half a xanax and went back to sleep. When I got up this morning...no appetite again. ..but I ate yogurt, blueberries and an orange.My bp was 131/91 but heart rate was still running at 117 according to my metre..and I honestly wasn't feeling overly anxious. That was one more thing for me to worry about. I guess its not too bad....zoloft DOES make you more anxious so I guess it makes sense that my hr would be elevated.
Did you get the decorations? How did that go?

11-28-2013, 08:52 AM
Yes I got my decorations I have been feeling good today started to get a little but anxious earlier but it passed thank goodness

I hope you have a lovely thanksgiving and I hope your not too anxious

11-28-2013, 02:44 PM
Yes I got my decorations I have been feeling good today started to get a little but anxious earlier but it passed thank goodness

I hope you have a lovely thanksgiving and I hope your not too anxious

So glad to hear you are doing so well today! I'm so so today...still feeling a bit anxious but I'm just tryinv to ignore it and keep busy....getting ready to put my turkey in the oven and start cooking the other dishes for Thanksgiving today. I was feeling a little lightheaded today. ....just a bit. I'm feeling a little better now that I ate something small for breakfast. I might take the other 1/2 sometime soon.

Just finished cooking and actually ATE!!!! Yes! Everything turned out great. My mood has been MUCH better today!!!!!! And I think I feel better also because I ate some actual food. I'm hoping I'm turning a corner and this med is starting to work

How are you?

11-29-2013, 01:09 AM
I am so glad to hear you are feeling better on thanksgiving was it just you and your hubby?

I ha a great day yesterday even managed a Chinese take away for tea watched tv then went to bed and slept till 4:30 woke up with a start but I don't know why, but when I woke up I had to talk myself back to sleep I felt anxious and I was shaking a little but to be honest I have been worried about waking up in a panic so I am not sure whether I done that to myself

I got back to sleep but tossed nd turned until 7;45 when my daughter woke me up

So it's day 5 I have woke up a little tense but got a feeling its going to be another good day I am at CBT today and hopefully off Xmas shopping then home to sort out the house for the Xmas tree going up tomorrow

Hope your still feeling better

11-29-2013, 07:20 AM
I am so glad to hear you are feeling better on thanksgiving was it just you and your hubby?

I ha a great day yesterday even managed a Chinese take away for tea watched tv then went to bed and slept till 4:30 woke up with a start but I don't know why, but when I woke up I had to talk myself back to sleep I felt anxious and I was shaking a little but to be honest I have been worried about waking up in a panic so I am not sure whether I done that to myself

I got back to sleep but tossed nd turned until 7;45 when my daughter woke me up

So it's day 5 I have woke up a little tense but got a feeling its going to be another good day I am at CBT today and hopefully off Xmas shopping then home to sort out the house for the Xmas tree going up tomorrow

Hope your still feeling better

Glad to hear you are feeling better! Yes it was just my hubby, my two kids and I. Very easy and non stressful. I'm just waking up now....stomach still feels a little in knots....I'm about to try to eat though. Ugh....I'm beginning to hate mornings.
I hope your cbt goes well today. I have ti start looking for a new cbt counselor starting monday.

Yes, Chrismas is almost upon us....I have to start taking out our decorations out.....we usually put up our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving but we are having a get together at our house tomorrow so that's out of the question. I will touch base with you later to see how your day went.

11-29-2013, 12:46 PM
Got my daughters christmas shopping done today had a good day again

My CBT therapist sai its def not the Sertraline that is doing it, it's something I have changed but i am not sure what

I am tired today I can't stop yawning but I have had a nice big meal today so feel rather full

11-29-2013, 01:35 PM
Got my daughters christmas shopping done today had a good day again

My CBT therapist sai its def not the Sertraline that is doing it, it's something I have changed but i am not sure what

I am tired today I can't stop yawning but I have had a nice big meal today so feel rather full

My two docs told me that zoloft can cause sleep issues in some. I still get up now and again, but I am able to get back to sleep. Here is something to consider though...Chinese food typically has a decent amt of a flavor enhancer called MSG. That can cause increased anxiety in those with anxiety disorders. My doc has told me to stay away from msg as much as possible. I've been having a rough day...but I'm not so sure its the zoloft's fault. I had restarted my blood pressure meds when i started zoloft and I think it caused my bp to drop too low.....my pressure was 129/83 before I took my med so I think perhaps it went too low...I've been feeling a little dizzy and off all day. I think I will skip the bp med tomorrow.
That's great that you got your daughter's shopping done. I haven't really started the shopping for my kids yet. I like to do most of it online so I can avoid all the crowds and madness at the malls. Last night though, the stores opened at midnight and had terrific sales. Normally, I would never, NEVER go out at midnight to go shopping....but I found a super deal on something my kids had been asking for so I went!!!! No panic attacks or anything! I had to wait outside in a line for about 30 minutes before I could get into the store....then another 45 minutes to get to the register. I got home after 1:30am!!!!!!! I did get what I went for though, so I'm happy....but tired today too.

11-29-2013, 01:59 PM
Ah that's interesting to know About the food I will look into it

That's great that you done that there has been fights over here over electrical things in asda which I believe is part of Walmart

How old are your children if you don't mind me asking?

11-29-2013, 02:14 PM
Ah that's interesting to know About the food I will look into it

That's great that you done that there has been fights over here over electrical things in asda which I believe is part of Walmart

How old are your children if you don't mind me asking?

The place I went last night was very organized. They only let in 10 people at a time until the line died down. They also had a good police presence inside and outside of the store. No incidents there...but my neighborhood is pretty quiet anyway so I would of been suprised if something did happen.

My kids are 8 and 5. They definitely keep me busy....that's why I really need for thid zoloft to kick in asap!!!!! How old is your daughter?

11-29-2013, 02:28 PM
She is 3 she keeps me on my toes she is very excited for christmas so can't wait for the tree to go up doing it as a surprise tomorrow night for her on Sunday morning

America is my dream place to live would love to see Halloween and Xmas over there it looks amazing

11-29-2013, 02:38 PM
She will be so surprised! !!!!

Well, I've always wanted to visit the UK and a few other countries in Europe.. (italy, Greece, etc). My parents just did a tour of Europe in June and they loved it.
Where in the US have you wanted to visit?

11-29-2013, 02:45 PM
Oh Greece is lovely I live in the north of the uk so tends to be cold here

I would love to see Texas but I think all if it sounds like a dream I have been to Florida when I was really young

11-29-2013, 03:13 PM
Oh Greece is lovely I live in the north of the uk so tends to be cold here

I would love to see Texas but I think all if it sounds like a dream I have been to Florida when I was really young

I've only been through the airport in Texas on my way to California....my husband said that San Antonio is very nice though. I love Florida...especially Miami. Yes, one day when my kids are a bit older we plan on making the trip to visit a few places in tge UK....and a few places in Europe. Santorini looks SO beautiful. ....I think I'd just want to stay there!

So I just had dinner.....couldnt eat ALL that much....but I'm not going to force myself. Anxiety wize....I feel like I did better today.....I just felt a little off because of my bp pill.

So, tomorrow I'm having this get together at my house and I'm not at all excited about it. I honestly don't feel like having company. Its my husband's sisters, cousins and their spouses and kids....I just do not feel like entertaining at all. Ugh ....I'm going to scrub the kitchen floor after I put the kids to sleep then go to bed early. I'm still kind of tired after my outing to the store after midnight.

11-29-2013, 03:25 PM
Should you take your bp med everyday? I know what it feels like not to want company it's awful I had to go to bed once when my partners family came because I felt so bad

That's going to be my day tomorrow cleaning and getting ready for Xmas decs hope I am feeling ok tomorrow

11-29-2013, 04:03 PM
Should you take your bp med everyday? I know what it feels like not to want company it's awful I had to go to bed once when my partners family came because I felt so bad

That's going to be my day tomorrow cleaning and getting ready for Xmas decs hope I am feeling ok tomorrow

Well, I had stopped taking it every day pr r my doctors orders about 5 monthd ago because at that time my bp was very good and the bp med was dropping it too low. Then I started having hormonal migraines, so my doc started me back on the bp med only 2 days a week to help that, which it has. Since starting the zoloft, my bp and heart rate have been up....so my doc told me that I could restart the bp med....I think just to help keep it low during this start up time of zoloft. After today though, I think I will stop taking it daily and go back to twice a week. I hate that dizzy, shaky feeling.......

Great news!!!!!! We cancelled the get together for tomorrow. A few of the people can't make it and one, who had surgery last week, still isn't feeling great yet. I am very, very happy about that.!!!!!!!!!

I love to decorate for Christmas also. Now that we cancelled the get together I may have the kids help decorate the tree tomorrow.... and get the lights up outside around the bushes in front of our house. I plan on going out to get gingerbread house kits for the kids.

11-29-2013, 04:03 PM
PS...you will be fine tomorrow! !!!! You've been doing great so far!

11-29-2013, 06:22 PM
Hi there I'm new to the group and suffer sever anxiety and taking 50mg of sertraline a day need a chat buddy :-(

11-30-2013, 02:03 AM
Feel free to post on this thread and let us know your progress as you go along how you dealing with it and what day you on?

11-30-2013, 02:12 AM
Well, I had stopped taking it every day pr r my doctors orders about 5 monthd ago because at that time my bp was very good and the bp med was dropping it too low. Then I started having hormonal migraines, so my doc started me back on the bp med only 2 days a week to help that, which it has. Since starting the zoloft, my bp and heart rate have been up....so my doc told me that I could restart the bp med....I think just to help keep it low during this start up time of zoloft. After today though, I think I will stop taking it daily and go back to twice a week. I hate that dizzy, shaky feeling.......

Great news!!!!!! We cancelled the get together for tomorrow. A few of the people can't make it and one, who had surgery last week, still isn't feeling great yet. I am very, very happy about that.!!!!!!!!!

I love to decorate for Christmas also. Now that we cancelled the get together I may have the kids help decorate the tree tomorrow.... and get the lights up outside around the bushes in front of our house. I plan on going out to get gingerbread house kits for the kids.

Ah so your Zoloft must be settling in now so your bp has come down

That's great news at least you won't feel uncomfortable now and you will be able to relax

I have not long woken up so need to get my cleaning head on and get this place gutted so I can get the tree up tonight

I have woke a bit late so I am hoping I will be ok taking my Sertraline a bit later and it won't knock me funny !! Can't believe I am on day 6 already I suppose I haven't had it too bad compared to you who had a ultra sensitive reaction

Well it's 9:11am so I will go clean and cook then I will check back later to see how everyone is

11-30-2013, 07:39 AM
Hello! I can't figure out how to comment on here, so hopefully you all see this. How do you start a new post? Here my story: I was taking Celexa for while, and kept on decreasing my dosage, then about 6 months ago my dr switched me to 10mg of Prozac because my husband and I want I start a family and Prozac is supposed to be safe. So anyway I was doing fine, then all the sudden a couple weeks ago I started getting really anxious and scared of everything! I keep thinking that something bad is going to happen to me at any second. So my dr out me on 40 mg of Prozac (1 20mg 2 times a day). I can't eat and all I can think about is feeling scared. I am scared of feeling anxious which makes it feel worse! I am at my husbands family's house for thanksgiving and I keep getting anxious everytime I think about eating. I know this is all in my head , but I can't get out of my head and focus on anything else. Why was I feeling ok until a couple weeks ago and now a higher dosage is making me feel worse! I am a runner and love working out, but I can't even do that lately, I have no energy, and I am scared something bad will happen to me while I am running. Will I ever get back to being me again?

11-30-2013, 08:50 AM
Ah so your Zoloft must be settling in now so your bp has come down

That's great news at least you won't feel uncomfortable now and you will be able to relax

I have not long woken up so need to get my cleaning head on and get this place gutted so I can get the tree up tonight

I have woke a bit late so I am hoping I will be ok taking my Sertraline a bit later and it won't knock me funny !! Can't believe I am on day 6 already I suppose I haven't had it too bad compared to you who had a ultra sensitive reaction

Well it's 9:11am so I will go clean and cook then I will check back later to see how everyone is

Well, still had a rough morning..eating wise... I think that is my major problem now.....then when I don't eat or can't eat I feel horrible. Lots of dry heaving....I was able to eat some grits with a cup of chamomile tea though.

Ugh...now that the party is cancelled my husband wants to be out and about town. ..in the shopping malls...I'm just not up for that honestly. He wants us to go out tonight....which I know I won't be up for. Oh, I don't know anymore.....

My mood is kind of bleh right now.

11-30-2013, 09:18 AM
I am eatin like a pig at the minute I have done all my cleaning and just waitin for Abigail to go to bed then I will start decorating I am excited

In the meantime I am just about to start cooking a mini Buffett for our tea we didn't fancy a meal

Hope your day gets better

11-30-2013, 09:32 AM
Hello! I can't figure out how to comment on here, so hopefully you all see this. How do you start a new post? Here my story: I was taking Celexa for while, and kept on decreasing my dosage, then about 6 months ago my dr switched me to 10mg of Prozac because my husband and I want I start a family and Prozac is supposed to be safe. So anyway I was doing fine, then all the sudden a couple weeks ago I started getting really anxious and scared of everything! I keep thinking that something bad is going to happen to me at any second. So my dr out me on 40 mg of Prozac (1 20mg 2 times a day). I can't eat and all I can think about is feeling scared. I am scared of feeling anxious which makes it feel worse! I am at my husbands family's house for thanksgiving and I keep getting anxious everytime I think about eating. I know this is all in my head , but I can't get out of my head and focus on anything else. Why was I feeling ok until a couple weeks ago and now a higher dosage is making me feel worse! I am a runner and love working out, but I can't even do that lately, I have no energy, and I am scared something bad will happen to me while I am running. Will I ever get back to being me again?

Maybe your body is just adjusting to the new dosage? Usually the side effects take a few weeks to settle in. In a few weeks the side effects should subside.

11-30-2013, 09:46 AM
I am eatin like a pig at the minute I have done all my cleaning and just waitin for Abigail to go to bed then I will start decorating I am excited

In the meantime I am just about to start cooking a mini Buffett for our tea we didn't fancy a meal

Hope your day gets better

Awesome! !!!!!! She will be so excited tomorrow morning!!!!!!! Glad to hear you are able to eat without trouble.....how are you feeling overall with your anxiety level? You are doing SO well. I wish I wasn't so hypersensitive to meds....its giving me a rough run with these side effects.

I'm not cooking today. We are going to order in for lunch and we still have a lot of Thanksgiving meal left over...turkey, stuffing...etc. Then I think we will take the kids to see a movie later on.

11-30-2013, 11:13 AM
Awesome! !!!!!! She will be so excited tomorrow morning!!!!!!! Glad to hear you are able to eat without trouble.....how are you feeling overall with your anxiety level? You are doing SO well. I wish I wasn't so hypersensitive to meds....its giving me a rough run with these side effects.

I'm not cooking today. We are going to order in for lunch and we still have a lot of Thanksgiving meal left over...turkey, stuffing...etc. Then I think we will take the kids to see a movie later on.

It's keeps going up and down and when it's up I get up and do something to take my mind off it sometimes I can't and I start getting edgy and want to lie down but I know if I do that then I will start thinking about it, the headaches are absolutely terrible but I suffered with headaches before this so they are worse than before but to be honest that's about it

Had my CBT yesterday and she is really good but she was asking why my scores had went down and I said I wasn't sure I just had more interest in doing things since taking the Sertraline and she was quite blunt and said well its def not the tablets!!!! To be fair I didn't think it was I just feel good and felt I might be getting a handle on things

That will be nice what film you going to see, you can't order lunch in over here just dinner that would be nice tho did you go out to town?

11-30-2013, 11:58 AM
Can u be on sertraline for life or would it be bad for you?

11-30-2013, 12:16 PM
I am not sure I think you would end up getting a medication burn out which means it just stops working and you would have to switch to something else

11-30-2013, 01:21 PM
It's keeps going up and down and when it's up I get up and do something to take my mind off it sometimes I can't and I start getting edgy and want to lie down but I know if I do that then I will start thinking about it, the headaches are absolutely terrible but I suffered with headaches before this so they are worse than before but to be honest that's about it

Had my CBT yesterday and she is really good but she was asking why my scores had went down and I said I wasn't sure I just had more interest in doing things since taking the Sertraline and she was quite blunt and said well its def not the tablets!!!! To be fair I didn't think it was I just feel good and felt I might be getting a handle on things

That will be nice what film you going to see, you can't order lunch in over here just dinner that would be nice tho did you go out to town?

I think that the tablets along with the cbt is helping you quite honestly. Whatever works, let it work!

We are taking the kids to see a cartoon movie called Frozen. It just came out this past Wednesday and ths kids have been asking to see it. We ended up going out for lunch and not ordering in. I feel a little bit better since leaving the house......I hope it stays that way. How's the decorating coming along?

Headaches too? That's a side effect of zoloft as well. I havent had headaches just the stomach issues......and the no appetite issues.

11-30-2013, 02:46 PM
I think that the tablets along with the cbt is helping you quite honestly. Whatever works, let it work!

We are taking the kids to see a cartoon movie called Frozen. It just came out this past Wednesday and ths kids have been asking to see it. We ended up going out for lunch and not ordering in. I feel a little bit better since leaving the house......I hope it stays that way. How's the decorating coming along?

Headaches too? That's a side effect of zoloft as well. I havent had headaches just the stomach issues......and the no appetite issues.

We are taking Abigail to see frozen next Friday she is very excited its her first cinema experience

The headaches are a nightmare having to take paracetamol along with my other 3 tablets propanolol, Sertraline and ranatidine feel like a walking pharmacy haha

Just finished decorating its now 9:45pm and I started at 7:30 took a while and my back is breaking but its worth it to see her face in the morning

11-30-2013, 04:48 PM
We are taking Abigail to see frozen next Friday she is very excited its her first cinema experience

The headaches are a nightmare having to take paracetamol along with my other 3 tablets propanolol, Sertraline and ranatidine feel like a walking pharmacy haha

Just finished decorating its now 9:45pm and I started at 7:30 took a while and my back is breaking but its worth it to see her face in the morning

We just got out of Frozen. She will love it!!!! Both of my kids along with my husband and I enjoyed it.
I feel like a walking pharmacy also... 3x a day buspar, bp pill, zoloft. Ugh...I feel too young to be taking so many pills.

You will have to tell me her reaction when she gets up!

12-01-2013, 02:15 AM
We had bought a bell and told her to ring it in the hall before she went in the living room and something magic might happen, she opened the door and screamed the trees up an ran around looking at everything!!!!! She now thinks the bell is magic and wants everything to happen now

Today the headaches are really dragging me down its slightly blurring my vision in my left eye they are getting that bad and paracetamol has stopped working Urgh really need to get something done about these headaches

12-01-2013, 07:13 AM
We had bought a bell and told her to ring it in the hall before she went in the living room and something magic might happen, she opened the door and screamed the trees up an ran around looking at everything!!!!! She now thinks the bell is magic and wants everything to happen now

Today the headaches are really dragging me down its slightly blurring my vision in my left eye they are getting that bad and paracetamol has stopped working Urgh really need to get something done about these headaches

Can you call your doc and find out if you need a medication adjustment or perhaps it is just a regular migraine? That is terrible. I'm having a rough morning over here as well. I'm just not able to eat normally. I wake up each morning with gagging and just that weak feeling. Ive lost almost 20 lbs. I'm just so sick and tired of dealing with this anxiety issue already.

12-01-2013, 12:53 PM
I will call the doc if it gets any worse just trying to stay away as much as possible so I don't look like I constantly need reassured because that's what my CBT therapist says that it fuels my anxiety

Ah no I hope your morning gets better I have lost weight aswell it totally eats away at you anxiety is such a horrible thing

12-01-2013, 01:45 PM
I will call the doc if it gets any worse just trying to stay away as much as possible so I don't look like I constantly need reassured because that's what my CBT therapist says that it fuels my anxiety

Ah no I hope your morning gets better I have lost weight aswell it totally eats away at you anxiety is such a horrible thing

Yes, I understand what your CBT therapist means about that need to be reassured, but you shouldn't have to suffer in silence either! If it gets really bad you should see if there is any adjustments that could be made to your current meds or a change in meds overall? Headaches are the worst to deal with....but I do know that headache is a side effect of Zoloft as well. Are they excruciating like a migraine or just lingering and annoying like a tension headache?

Things here have gotten better as the day has gone on. I suddenly out of nowhere got a spurt in appetite and wanted to eat like crazy. So I did! Lol....Now I'm stuffed. I'm still trying to save a little room for later....its like I'm compensating for my inability to eat in the morning.

That is SO cute that she's ringing the bell for things to happen......we are just preparing to put up our tree this evening so the kids are super excited. I'm going to try to knock out most of the shopping tomorrow so that's one less thing on my list of things to do.

Well, speak with you soon. Hope you are feeling better!

12-02-2013, 01:23 AM
Yes, I understand what your CBT therapist means about that need to be reassured, but you shouldn't have to suffer in silence either! If it gets really bad you should see if there is any adjustments that could be made to your current meds or a change in meds overall? Headaches are the worst to deal with....but I do know that headache is a side effect of Zoloft as well. Are they excruciating like a migraine or just lingering and annoying like a tension headache?

Things here have gotten better as the day has gone on. I suddenly out of nowhere got a spurt in appetite and wanted to eat like crazy. So I did! Lol....Now I'm stuffed. I'm still trying to save a little room for later....its like I'm compensating for my inability to eat in the morning.

That is SO cute that she's ringing the bell for things to happen......we are just preparing to put up our tree this evening so the kids are super excited. I'm going to try to knock out most of the shopping tomorrow so that's one less thing on my list of things to do.

Well, speak with you soon. Hope you are feeling better!

I sometimes get a migrane but its piercing at the minute I have a little bit of a gunky eye this morning so wondering if I have maybe come down with something

Did your kids enjoy putting the tree up? I am so glad you felt like eating lots sometimes it makes you feel better

I haven't got a thing in for my boyfriend he is so hard to buy for I have literally just thought of stuff to get him so will need to go out and get all his stuff, my daughter is done now so that's one less thing to worry about

On day 8 today and back at the gp a week today so we will see what happens then, do you get vivid dreams ? I was absolutely exhausted yesterday I felt like I hadnt slept for a week the tablet seemed to make me sleepy yesterday!!!

The dreams are really strange and sometimes I wake up with my heart racing, well speak to you later daughter is at school today so get a little time to myself

12-02-2013, 07:52 AM
I sometimes get a migrane but its piercing at the minute I have a little bit of a gunky eye this morning so wondering if I have maybe come down with something

Did your kids enjoy putting the tree up? I am so glad you felt like eating lots sometimes it makes you feel better

I haven't got a thing in for my boyfriend he is so hard to buy for I have literally just thought of stuff to get him so will need to go out and get all his stuff, my daughter is done now so that's one less thing to worry about

On day 8 today and back at the gp a week today so we will see what happens then, do you get vivid dreams ? I was absolutely exhausted yesterday I felt like I hadnt slept for a week the tablet seemed to make me sleepy yesterday!!!

The dreams are really strange and sometimes I wake up with my heart racing, well speak to you later daughter is at school today so get a little time to myself

Ugh..sorry to hear about the headache... those are terrible! Yes, please ask your gp about that! I definitely get vivid dreams too...that's another lovely side effect of Zoloft. .....I had a really crazy dream the other night and woke up sweating and nervous. It took me a second to realize it was just a dream!

The kids had a blast putting up the tree last night and then we watched Christmas movies. I love this time of year....just wish I could enjoy it more right now. Hey, its the same thing, trying to buy gifts for my husband. ..he's picky and has everything. I actually found something and ordered it online. I just need to get the kids gifts and something for my mom and dad.

So I called out of work today....I didn't sleep at all last night. I literally saw every hour....and was a stressed out mess once it was time for me to log onto work. My manager is out of the office anyway today.so I will deal with whatever he has to say tomorrow. I took 1/2 xanax and went back to sleep until 9:30 am. I feel a little better but I'm struggling now to eat my breakfast.

Well I hope you have a great day......hang in there...and talk to you later.

12-03-2013, 12:59 AM
Ugh..sorry to hear about the headache... those are terrible! Yes, please ask your gp about that! I definitely get vivid dreams too...that's another lovely side effect of Zoloft. .....I had a really crazy dream the other night and woke up sweating and nervous. It took me a second to realize it was just a dream!

The kids had a blast putting up the tree last night and then we watched Christmas movies. I love this time of year....just wish I could enjoy it more right now. Hey, its the same thing, trying to buy gifts for my husband. ..he's picky and has everything. I actually found something and ordered it online. I just need to get the kids gifts and something for my mom and dad.

So I called out of work today....I didn't sleep at all last night. I literally saw every hour....and was a stressed out mess once it was time for me to log onto work. My manager is out of the office anyway today.so I will deal with whatever he has to say tomorrow. I took 1/2 xanax and went back to sleep until 9:30 am. I feel a little better but I'm struggling now to eat my breakfast.

Well I hope you have a great day......hang in there...and talk to you later.

Well I was absolutely exhausted yesterday but then it gets to a night time and I am not tired and have to wait until I am so tired I know I am just going to fall asleep in bed which is normally around 12am then I am up early with my daughter Urgh just so tired

I love this time of year too christmas is more exciting with kids def I get excited for my daughter I have picked out what I want to get my boyfriend yay now just go to get it in

Did your day get better yesterday and how are you feeling today? I am sure your boss won't have a lot to say can't help it if your not well

I am going to spend some playtime with my daughter at school today omg 24 screaming kids I dunno how my headache will fair after that haha

12-03-2013, 05:25 AM
Well I was absolutely exhausted yesterday but then it gets to a night time and I am not tired and have to wait until I am so tired I know I am just going to fall asleep in bed which is normally around 12am then I am up early with my daughter Urgh just so tired

I love this time of year too christmas is more exciting with kids def I get excited for my daughter I have picked out what I want to get my boyfriend yay now just go to get it in

Did your day get better yesterday and how are you feeling today? I am sure your boss won't have a lot to say can't help it if your not well

I am going to spend some playtime with my daughter at school today omg 24 screaming kids I dunno how my headache will fair after that haha

I know what you mean about the issues with sleeping. Last night again I had trouble sleeping. I finally took 1/2 a xanax and went to sleep. When the alarm went off I was so sluggish and groggy but not anxious. I'm actually still doing ok..and don't feel as gaggy this morning...like I might be able to handle breakfast. Yesterday afternoon, I was able to finish my grocery shopping and took my daughter to gymnastics. Maybe I need to take the 1/2 xanax before I go to sleep to avoid a bad morning? We will see.

Haha....yes, please let me know how it went at your daughter's school...I'm sure it will be fine. Is the headache still the same or getting better? Did you talk to you gp about it?

12-03-2013, 05:39 AM
I know what you mean about the issues with sleeping. Last night again I had trouble sleeping. I finally took 1/2 a xanax and went to sleep. When the alarm went off I was so sluggish and groggy but not anxious. I'm actually still doing ok..and don't feel as gaggy this morning...like I might be able to handle breakfast. Yesterday afternoon, I was able to finish my grocery shopping and took my daughter to gymnastics. Maybe I need to take the 1/2 xanax before I go to sleep to avoid a bad morning? We will see.

Haha....yes, please let me know how it went at your daughter's school...I'm sure it will be fine. Is the headache still the same or getting better? Did you talk to you gp about it?

It's good to hear that you got to do stuff did you feel ok doing it?

I am totally stressing out doing Xmas shopping one thing I need for my boyfriend is only available in the US so having to pay 25$ to get it shipped in time for christmas its a nightmare

The sleep wouldn't be so bad if I didn't keep waking up through the night aswell

12-03-2013, 07:31 AM
Hi WorriedMum,

I'm glad you are sticking to taking the sertraline. I've been taking it for 18 years with no side effects. I do get bad headaches at times -- a) period b)stress that I can't control. For example, right now I'm working on a Nutcracker program, and I depend on other people to get me the material. They are late. Now, really, it's ok because I have a week. But, my mind fixates on the fact that they didn't turn it in on time, and then, I get tension headaches.


12-03-2013, 09:13 AM
It's good to hear that you got to do stuff did you feel ok doing it?

I am totally stressing out doing Xmas shopping one thing I need for my boyfriend is only available in the US so having to pay 25$ to get it shipped in time for christmas its a nightmare

The sleep wouldn't be so bad if I didn't keep waking up through the night aswell

I was a little stressed at first...then found out that as the time went on I felt better. Today I actually have a slight headache. I took my bp and it was perfect so I'm just not going to worry about it.

Ugh...that's a lot to spend in shipping but it must be a pretty awesome gift then!

I got another encouraging email from my doc this morning....telling me to keep going and that I will eventually feel better. The small words of encouragement go far when you are feeling a little defeated.

12-03-2013, 12:42 PM
Hi WorriedMum,

I'm glad you are sticking to taking the sertraline. I've been taking it for 18 years with no side effects. I do get bad headaches at times -- a) period b)stress that I can't control. For example, right now I'm working on a Nutcracker program, and I depend on other people to get me the material. They are late. Now, really, it's ok because I have a week. But, my mind fixates on the fact that they didn't turn it in on time, and then, I get tension headaches.


Thank you to be honest I have minimal side effects from it just the headaches which I suffered from before all the anxiety so they tend not to bother me

I hope your things turn up Perses is it a programme going on tv?

12-03-2013, 12:46 PM
I was a little stressed at first...then found out that as the time went on I felt better. Today I actually have a slight headache. I took my bp and it was perfect so I'm just not going to worry about it.

Ugh...that's a lot to spend in shipping but it must be a pretty awesome gift then!

I got another encouraging email from my doc this morning....telling me to keep going and that I will eventually feel better. The small words of encouragement go far when you are feeling a little defeated.

It's lovely that your doc e-mails you it makes you feel better when someone takes their time to comfort you

Did you manage to eat some breakfast this morning? Did you go to work?

The school visit was great Abigail was so well behaved I was very impressed as were most of the children

12-03-2013, 12:56 PM
It's lovely that your doc e-mails you it makes you feel better when someone takes their time to comfort you

Did you manage to eat some breakfast this morning? Did you go to work?

The school visit was great Abigail was so well behaved I was very impressed as were most of the children

I did work today and managed to catch up on a lot of work that I missed out on yesterday. I was able to eat breakfast this morning and had an ensure for lunch. The ensure worked out quite well and tasted pretty good. I'm hoping to have my appetite back for dinner so all in all, I feel like today went pretty well. I haven't had to take the xanax throughout the day today so I'm happy about that as well. I think I will try to reserve that for the evening hours if I'm having trouble sleeping. I had a slight headache today but it subsided a bit after drinking the ensure.

Yes, I'm so pleased with my doc. She's really a people person...and you can tell that she loves what she does.

That is wonderful that you had such a great time at your daughter's school! Did they have a special program or something going on?

12-03-2013, 01:07 PM
Hi WorriedMum,

I'm glad you are sticking to taking the sertraline. I've been taking it for 18 years with no side effects. I do get bad headaches at times -- a) period b)stress that I can't control. For example, right now I'm working on a Nutcracker program, and I depend on other people to get me the material. They are late. Now, really, it's ok because I have a week. But, my mind fixates on the fact that they didn't turn it in on time, and then, I get tension headaches.


That is so encouraging to hear that Zoloft has worked so well for you and for so long. Did you have a hard time initially getting on it? I actually took Zoloft before and had some different side effects the first time around but I was able to get past those side effects and it worked really well for me. So well in fact, that I thought I didn't need it anymore and stopped taking it. Big Mistake!!!! I did well for about six months and then went downhill. So now I am going on my third week and really suffering with side effects. Its been rough but I am just taking it day by day. Once I get through this rough part I'm sticking with it!!!!!!!!

12-04-2013, 05:02 AM
Worried mum....any relief from the headaches?

12-04-2013, 11:02 AM
Hey yeah the headaches are gone I might get one for about 20 mins but then it goes

Been a bit daunting today had to go into work for meeting cos they are relocating so needed to see the new building it ran a bit longer than I was expecting tho and I started to get a bit edgy

How are you feeling today?

12-04-2013, 12:34 PM
I've been ok....just the insomnia for the past three nights then a slight headache mid afternoon. Not sure why. I am drinking an ensure and it seems like it is helping. My mood seems better but I'm a little annoyed with my husband. He got off of work since this morning and has been hanging out with his older brother all day although I told him that I had errands to run once I got off of work....and wasn't planning to take the kids with me. I also didn't want to be out when it was dark out as I don't drive well in the dark but I guess my plans have been squashed. A little inconsiderate if you ask me.
I think my mood is a little bleh because my sleep pattern is a little off. Not sure if I should be taking the xanax to help me sleep.

12-04-2013, 12:40 PM
This is something that would annoy me 2 we have tickets from a friend to see frozen on Friday and my boyfriend has made plans to go to golf in the morning but he is never back on time so prob just end up me and my daughter he knew about it so there was no need for other plans I mean who would want to play golf in 1•c possibly -1

Omg we are going to start each other off ranting lol

12-04-2013, 03:12 PM
I know....lol.....
I got over it and decided to just go tomorrow after work. I just decided to cook dinner early and helped my son with his homework.

I ate dinner no problem tonight....whoo hoo!!!! How was the rest of the day for you? Are you still feeling as anxious or are you doing better?

12-05-2013, 01:26 AM
I am starting to do better I had an ok night last night it's extremely windy here so that kept me awake most of the night, then my daughter is obsessed with her advent calendar so she is waking earlier and earlier to open it so this morning I refused her it until it was a sensible time to eat it because I think 6am is a little early hopefully she will get the message that she can't just get up very early to eat chocolate

I was a little stressed out yesterday with having to go into work my boss is smarmy him and the assisstant manager are in a relationship so it makes things hard she is a complete bitch and if you need to complain there's no one to complain to and I just hate being in their presence

Anyway today my little girl is at pre school this afternoon so I will hopefully have a better day can't believe I am on day 11 of taking Sertraline but because I am feeling quite good I am expecting to crash and burn on the two week mark I am not sure why!

You must be at 3 weeks now are you?

12-05-2013, 05:20 AM
I am starting to do better I had an ok night last night it's extremely windy here so that kept me awake most of the night, then my daughter is obsessed with her advent calendar so she is waking earlier and earlier to open it so this morning I refused her it until it was a sensible time to eat it because I think 6am is a little early hopefully she will get the message that she can't just get up very early to eat chocolate

I was a little stressed out yesterday with having to go into work my boss is smarmy him and the assisstant manager are in a relationship so it makes things hard she is a complete bitch and if you need to complain there's no one to complain to and I just hate being in their presence

Anyway today my little girl is at pre school this afternoon so I will hopefully have a better day can't believe I am on day 11 of taking Sertraline but because I am feeling quite good I am expecting to crash and burn on the two week mark I am not sure why!

You must be at 3 weeks now are you?

Lol....that is cute that she gets you up so early to open her Advent calendar. Sounds like what I used to do when I was younger.
I'm so glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. So am I. I actually slept last night without the help of xanax. I did get up a few times but was able to eventually drift back off to sleep. I am eating a lot better too. I just get these slight headaches during the midday though but they are not enough to stop me from working or anything. Yes, today is my three week mark.....I'm so excited that the end of the nasty side effects might finally be approaching. We WILL be good for Christmas! !!!!!!!!!
Your little one will love Frozen tomorrow!!
Next week I will be heading 8 hours away to where my sister is to spend a week and help her with her new baby. I'm taking my daughter with me but my son will stay here with my hubby since he still has class to attend. Should be an interesting week!

12-05-2013, 05:38 AM
Yeah it's good we will be ok for Xmas I am hoping I can have a little alcohol on Xmas day

That will be such a nice time for you aswell to meet the new baby will you be flying or driving?

12-05-2013, 07:26 AM
I'm taking the train. I hate to fly....even though it would take less time. On top of that, my daughter is a nervous flier as well so I'm not sure how that would go...me trying to calm her and freaking out on the inside. I've taken the train a few times to visit her...and it hasn't been bad. We just catch a really early train..so it is early afternoon when we arrive.

12-05-2013, 07:27 AM
A little drink on Christmas, huh? I usually take a sip or two of wine because I can't seem to handle alcohol at all. It seems to hit me hard.

12-05-2013, 09:01 AM
Yeah a drink at Xmas I miss my bottle of wine at the weekends because I am nervous about making myself more anxious

Ah I like trains but I also like to fly aswell don't know what I would be like now after this anxiety creeping up on me I bet you will have a lovely time

I can't wait for frozen tomorrow got the real d box booked its gonna be amazing

12-05-2013, 09:40 AM
Yes, I never could drink too much anyway...but for my bday earlier this year I had one glass of wine and i was at my limit. Lol.

If you didnt mind flying before it probably wont bother you now. I've always been a nervous flyer....ever since I was a child. I've just never liked it. I'm counting down the hours till I can see my sister. She and her husband have had two rough nights in a row with the baby. My sister was almost in tears on the phone this morning. The baby stayed up from 1am to 5 am fussy and crying the entire time. When she called me the baby was still screaming. They are really struggling. I just wish I were closer!

12-05-2013, 10:26 AM
Are you planning on giving them a night off? It's tough with a new born my daughter was awake every 2 hours for the first few weeks then I realised she had colic and bought dr browns bottles and she started sleeping through

Just made tea for my little girl but me and boyfriend are having take out tonight looking forward to it

12-05-2013, 11:59 AM
Yes, I definitely plan on giving them some time off...a few nights off!!!! I remember how tough it can be with a newborn....so yes, that is my plan!!!

Oh that's nice...take out tonight......I am going to run to the store in a few and then make chicken stir fry with rice for dinner....I most likely will do take out tomorrow though.......

You seem like you are doing well today....so am I......I'm so happy.

12-06-2013, 12:47 PM
That will be lovely for them you giving them a few nights off

We all absolutely loved frozen it was a great film the moving seats made it that much better and my daughters first cinema experience was great she loved it

Had CBT today she thinks I am doing great and wants to have a 2 week break to see how I get on at the doctors on Monday to see about reducing and coming off my propanolol and just keep the Sertraline how's your day been?

12-06-2013, 02:28 PM
I'm so glad to hear your daughter (and you and your partner) enjoyed it!!!!!!! I'm also glad to hear that your doc said you are doing so well with the Zoloft!!!!!!!! I had a bleh day today. I didn't sleep well last night....a friend from high school died of breast cancer earlier this week. She left six kids and her husband, the youngest is only a year old. She was only 34. Plus, I'm kind of stressing about my trip tomorrow and feeling a little overwhelmed with packing. My appetite took a bit of a dip today..but I'm hoping that once I've made it to my sister's house, I will feel better. I feel like the Zoloft is helping, but maybe not enough. Maybe I need to increase my dosage.

12-07-2013, 08:30 AM
On my way now on the train. Slept well but woke up and remained anxious, even after getting on the train. The level of anxiety though, wasn't as high or bad as it used to be. Maybe the Zoloft is working??? I still took 1/2 xanax about half way in to the trip...I started to get anxious when they announced that they had a medical emergency on board and that we would be stopped for quite some time. I didnt find out what type of emergency because I think I would of had a full out panic attack. I have major health anxiety especially about things like heart attacks and strokes. Well.....hope all is well on your end and you are having a great day with your family. I have about 3.5 hours left on the train and my daughter finally fell asleep.....thank goodness.

12-07-2013, 08:39 AM
On my way now on the train. Slept well but woke up and remained anxious, even after getting on the train. The level of anxiety though, wasn't as high or bad as it used to be. Maybe the Zoloft is working??? I still took 1/2 xanax about half way in to the trip...I started to get anxious when they announced that they had a medical emergency on board and that we would be stopped for quite some time. I didnt find out what type of emergency because I think I would of had a full out panic attack. I have major health anxiety especially about things like heart attacks and strokes. Well.....hope all is well on your end and you are having a great day with your family. I have about 3.5 hours left on the train and my daughter finally fell asleep.....thank goodness.

I hope you have a lovely time we have been food shopping my anxiety is a little up today a I have noticed my heart rate is slower than normal just glad I am at the GPS on Monday to come off the propanolol

Bit of a nightmare having a medical emergency I would have been freaking out I have health anxiety too so this would have done my head in

We have just been food shopping so that's us in for today now

12-07-2013, 10:00 AM
What's your heart rate been? Why is it troubling you?
Food shopping....I will have to do that once I get to my sister's house so I can cook some dinner for them tonight. Apparently the baby was up AGAIN from 3am until about 7am this morning. Just screaming the entire time. My sis just sent me a message to hurry and get there....lol. I napped a bit here on the train since most likely I will be up tonight as well.
Yes, sometimes with health anxiety, no info is the best info!!!!!!

12-07-2013, 01:11 PM
What's your heart rate been? Why is it troubling you?
Food shopping....I will have to do that once I get to my sister's house so I can cook some dinner for them tonight. Apparently the baby was up AGAIN from 3am until about 7am this morning. Just screaming the entire time. My sis just sent me a message to hurry and get there....lol. I napped a bit here on the train since most likely I will be up tonight as well.
Yes, sometimes with health anxiety, no info is the best info!!!!!!

It's been around 53 to 60 all day on resting but on propanolol and Sertraline tends to make the propanolol its back to 60 now but 60 is the highest it's been

I can't be bothered to cook tonight even tho I am starving haha

I bet she is brilliant for you I bet your loving your time with your family

12-08-2013, 09:38 AM
It's been around 53 to 60 all day on resting but on propanolol and Sertraline tends to make the propanolol its back to 60 now but 60 is the highest it's been

I can't be bothered to cook tonight even tho I am starving haha

I bet she is brilliant for you I bet your loving your time with your family

*Yawn **.....I woke up at 3am to help my sister out with the baby. I let her sleep and the baby did too! I actually didn't sleep I kept getting up to check her and make sure she was ok. I was a bit anxious by the time breakfast time rolled around. I ate breakfast and went back to bed. I'm still not feeling great this morning after my first dose of buspar and bp med but I think that's probably because my monthly is on its way. In any sense, my sister and husband told me that I am now not allowed to leave as the baby slept like a charm last night. Lol.

So, how are you doing? My heart rate typically runs in the 70-80 ...... but I don't think that in the 50-60's is bad at all. Do you feel ok?

12-08-2013, 12:37 PM
*Yawn **.....I woke up at 3am to help my sister out with the baby. I let her sleep and the baby did too! I actually didn't sleep I kept getting up to check her and make sure she was ok. I was a bit anxious by the time breakfast time rolled around. I ate breakfast and went back to bed. I'm still not feeling great this morning after my first dose of buspar and bp med but I think that's probably because my monthly is on its way. In any sense, my sister and husband told me that I am now not allowed to leave as the baby slept like a charm last night. Lol.

So, how are you doing? My heart rate typically runs in the 70-80 ...... but I don't think that in the 50-60's is bad at all. Do you feel ok?

I have felt fine but I think now I am over thinking it and being quite anxious about it it's been in 60's all day today but I still can't get it off my mind

I had a feeling baby would be good as soon as you turned up I bet they are very grateful to you for helping them out

12-09-2013, 11:59 AM
I have felt fine but I think now I am over thinking it and being quite anxious about it it's been in 60's all day today but I still can't get it off my mind

I had a feeling baby would be good as soon as you turned up I bet they are very grateful to you for helping them out

yes, I think you are probably fine....but that's the way anxiety works...you start to overthink things. You see your doc today, right? As long as you aren't having physical symptoms its should be ok.

The baby was great last night again!

12-09-2013, 12:40 PM
Yeah I seen him today he was happy with the progress I am making he refused to check my bp and heart rate because he wasn't concerned as my heart rate has been back up

Going to try wean off propanolol do 30mg 30mg then 20mg every day for 3 days then 30mg 20mg 30mg like that every 3 days hopefully I will be ok doing this

12-09-2013, 05:36 PM
Yeah I seen him today he was happy with the progress I am making he refused to check my bp and heart rate because he wasn't concerned as my heart rate has been back up

Going to try wean off propanolol do 30mg 30mg then 20mg every day for 3 days then 30mg 20mg 30mg like that every 3 days hopefully I will be ok doing this

Im glad your heart rate went back up!!!!! As far as your anxiety, do you feel much better these days? I am doing pretty good for the most part!

I hope that the weaning off the propanolol goes well!!!!

12-10-2013, 01:36 AM
Well I am on my 3rd week now and I am feeling ok I was feeling great but for some reason my anxiety has went up a little bit again last night I was watching tv and my left leg went numb and I started freaking out a little bit weird I know

I am glad you are doing much better when do you see your gp again? How's your break going?

12-12-2013, 05:39 AM
Well I am on my 3rd week now and I am feeling ok I was feeling great but for some reason my anxiety has went up a little bit again last night I was watching tv and my left leg went numb and I started freaking out a little bit weird I know

I am glad you are doing much better when do you see your gp again? How's your break going?

Hey....I've had a lack of sleep for the past few days but still no anxiety! !! They are doing great here but its so cold all we do is hang around the house. My son and husband are definitely ready for me to come back home and I'm ready too, minus going back to work. Lol.
How's it going with your anxiety and weaning off the other med?

12-12-2013, 06:24 AM
My anxiety has been through the roof all week until today although it was my dads birthday yesterday and he died 2 years ago so I think I have been stressing about it because I know that's where my health anxiety comes from

I feel good today apart from keep thinking I am having a heart attack I have pain under my ribs and keep feeling sick

When do you go back home how's the baby doing? I am glad to hear you have had no anxiety

12-13-2013, 11:10 AM
My anxiety has been through the roof all week until today although it was my dads birthday yesterday and he died 2 years ago so I think I have been stressing about it because I know that's where my health anxiety comes from

I feel good today apart from keep thinking I am having a heart attack I have pain under my ribs and keep feeling sick

When do you go back home how's the baby doing? I am glad to hear you have had no anxiety

I had written this long note back yesterday only to find out that it didn't go through. My monthly has made its appearance and I feel so terrible today its not even funny....upset stomach and all. AND tomorrow I am supposed to travel back home. I don't even feel like I can do it.
I'm forcing some yogurt down now....first thing I've eaten for the day.

12-13-2013, 12:16 PM
I had written this long note back yesterday only to find out that it didn't go through. My monthly has made its appearance and I feel so terrible today its not even funny....upset stomach and all. AND tomorrow I am supposed to travel back home. I don't even feel like I can do it.
I'm forcing some yogurt down now....first thing I've eaten for the day.

I hate it when that happens take such time typing it and it doesn't come up!

My anxiety had been through the roof this week I am on the contraceptive injection so I don't get a monthly but I still get the symptoms so maybe that's why my anxiety is up

You will be able to do it just remember your hubby and son are waiting at the end of it, my partner told me I had blue lips today and I went all freaked out and had to go see the doctor who thinks its just cos of the propanolol do reducing that today I hadn't reduced it because of my anxiety being high do didn't want to cause more anxiety but my pulse being low and lips being a bit blue had pushed me to drop it down

12-13-2013, 01:46 PM
I hate it when that happens take such time typing it and it doesn't come up!

My anxiety had been through the roof this week I am on the contraceptive injection so I don't get a monthly but I still get the symptoms so maybe that's why my anxiety is up

You will be able to do it just remember your hubby and son are waiting at the end of it, my partner told me I had blue lips today and I went all freaked out and had to go see the doctor who thinks its just cos of the propanolol do reducing that today I hadn't reduced it because of my anxiety being high do didn't want to cause more anxiety but my pulse being low and lips being a bit blue had pushed me to drop it down

I'm sorry your anxiety has been through the roof this week....do you feel like the Zoloft is working? Is it mainly because you are trying to come off of your other med?

That is scary about your lips changing color. At least you got down to the bottom of what caused it!

I'm still feeling a bit crappy but able now to keep a little down at a time. Thats better than earlier. It will be a long trip tommorrow but I will just keep thinking that I get to see my husband and son and go home to my comfy house.

You are so lucky not to have to deal with your monthly anymore. ....it is such a pain. If its not hormone migraines, it is cramps or sour stomach. I'm seriously ready for menopause. ...I just wish I didnt have to get older for that to happen. I can't take the bc shot or pill because of my bp issues. They don't work well together.

12-13-2013, 01:53 PM
I'm sorry your anxiety has been through the roof this week....do you feel like the Zoloft is working? Is it mainly because you are trying to come off of your other med?

That is scary about your lips changing color. At least you got down to the bottom of what caused it!

I'm still feeling a bit crappy but able now to keep a little down at a time. Thats better than earlier. It will be a long trip tommorrow but I will just keep thinking that I get to see my husband and son and go home to my comfy house.

You are so lucky not to have to deal with your monthly anymore. ....it is such a pain. If its not hormone migraines, it is cramps or sour stomach. I'm seriously ready for menopause. ...I just wish I didnt have to get older for that to happen. I can't take the bc shot or pill because of my bp issues. They don't work well together.

I don't feel it's working at the minute but that's because I am freaking out about certain things but its because my pulse is low I am scared my heart will just stop so I think the propanolol is adding to my anxiety so I want to be off it

I will be around all day tomorrow so if you need to chat I will be here while your travelling back

Well I have stopped my injection about 4 months ago but still haven't got my monthly back it will be due soon tho

12-13-2013, 02:55 PM
I don't feel it's working at the minute but that's because I am freaking out about certain things but its because my pulse is low I am scared my heart will just stop so I think the propanolol is adding to my anxiety so I want to be off it

I will be around all day tomorrow so if you need to chat I will be here while your travelling back

Well I have stopped my injection about 4 months ago but still haven't got my monthly back it will be due soon tho

We can definitely chat tomorrow. ...especially if you are feeling anxious...I have seven hours worth of free time!!!!

Please don't worry about your heart. You aren't getting lightheaded, are you? If not, there is nothing to worry about. You will wean off of it just fine. You have to find a way to distract yourself so you aren't thinking about it as much.

Ugh...so sorry about the monthly coming back.......I dread this time of the month. Lol.

12-13-2013, 05:19 PM
We can definitely chat tomorrow. ...especially if you are feeling anxious...I have seven hours worth of free time!!!!

Please don't worry about your heart. You aren't getting lightheaded, are you? If not, there is nothing to worry about. You will wean off of it just fine. You have to find a way to distract yourself so you aren't thinking about it as much.

Ugh...so sorry about the monthly coming back.......I dread this time of the month. Lol.

Well I am lying in bed and can't sleep but just think its my anxiety letting me know that it knows I have dropped a tablet

My partner has went to sleep on the sofa as my dreams have been so vivid I am prodding him in my sleep just to make sure he is real I wake up not knowing where I am or even if he is in bed he said I have started talking in my sleep aswell I do hope this side effect dies off

Well we would like another baby so Once it comes back we will try again

12-14-2013, 10:47 AM
Well I am lying in bed and can't sleep but just think its my anxiety letting me know that it knows I have dropped a tablet

My partner has went to sleep on the sofa as my dreams have been so vivid I am prodding him in my sleep just to make sure he is real I wake up not knowing where I am or even if he is in bed he said I have started talking in my sleep aswell I do hope this side effect dies off

Well we would like another baby so Once it comes back we will try again

Yes, I had some vivid dreams as well. I wasn't sure sometimes when I would wake up if they were real or not.

Well I am on the train. Didn't sleep so well last night and can't seem to sleep on the train either. Not much of an appetite tgis morning either. I managed to eat half a banana and drink an ensure. I have about four more hours on the train so I guess I'm doing ok. My daughter is sleeping so that helps too.

How w has your anxiety been today? Mine has been pretty manageable but I still don't feel great.

12-14-2013, 10:54 AM
I haven't felt myself today at all but have managed to bake cookies now sitting watching some tv

Well at least your almost half way I can't sleep on transport not even planes

Taking my daughter to a Cinderella ball tomorrow then for some dinner

Bet it will be nice to be home

12-14-2013, 11:38 AM
I haven't felt myself today at all but have managed to bake cookies now sitting watching some tv

Well at least your almost half way I can't sleep on transport not even planes

Taking my daughter to a Cinderella ball tomorrow then for some dinner

Bet it will be nice to be home

Just try to keep yourself occupied to pass the time. How did the cookies turn out? My husband said he will have dinner prepared so I'm looking forward to getting back to my house, eating a good meal and snuggling with my family.

Oh a Cinderella ball.....she will love that!!!!!! I wish I could find something like that here....I would definitely take my daughter.

12-14-2013, 11:43 AM
Just try to keep yourself occupied to pass the time. How did the cookies turn out? My husband said he will have dinner prepared so I'm looking forward to getting back to my house, eating a good meal and snuggling with my family.

Oh a Cinderella ball.....she will love that!!!!!! I wish I could find something like that here....I would definitely take my daughter.

I am thinking I might need to up my dose so can't wait for a week on Monday to come around

The cookies were lovely but made a pig of myself so think will have some hot and spicy prawns later, what you having when you get home my partner can't cook so I would never come home to that lol

She is desperate to meet Snow White who will be there

Steven Daws
12-14-2013, 01:53 PM
I wish I had found a thread like this when I started my meds, it would really have made a difference knowing that others have similar effects.

I hope things smooth out for you, mine did after a short while.

12-14-2013, 01:58 PM
I wish I had found a thread like this when I started my meds, it would really have made a difference knowing that others have similar effects.

I hope things smooth out for you, mine did after a short while.

Thank you I felt fine for the first 2 weeks but onto my third week now and I have had a bad week which I find weird wondering if my dose needs upped

12-14-2013, 08:58 PM
I am thinking I might need to up my dose so can't wait for a week on Monday to come around

The cookies were lovely but made a pig of myself so think will have some hot and spicy prawns later, what you having when you get home my partner can't cook so I would never come home to that lol

She is desperate to meet Snow White who will be there

Yes. .....I think if you are still experiencing a lot of anxiety. ...you might want to up your dosage a bit.

Well, my train came in an hour and a half late because of heavy snow. We ended up inching along the track for most of the way after we passed through New York City. My husband had cooked rice, black beans, chicken and mixed vegetables.
It was really nice to come home to a nice meal because I was way too tired to cook anything. How was your dinner?

Oh that will be lovely.......they really should have something like there....I would take my daughter....she absolutely loves Cinderella.

12-14-2013, 09:01 PM
I wish I had found a thread like this when I started my meds, it would really have made a difference knowing that others have similar effects.

I hope things smooth out for you, mine did after a short while.

It honestly has been such a nice thing because when you are going through all your side effects its nice to speak to someone else who truly understands!!!!!!

12-15-2013, 12:27 AM
Well last night was my second night of reducing my propanolol dose I felt horrible all day but when I took the 20mg dose instead of the 30 I felt loads better so I am wondering if my propanolol dose is a little high so hoping once I reduce my afternoon tablet to 20 on Tuesday I will feel better

12-15-2013, 01:28 AM
When i was taking 80mg i felt horrible aswel bt as soon as i weaned down and got to 20mg i was bettet :)

12-15-2013, 01:31 AM
It's horrible I am still on 30 30 20 I will change to 30 20 20 on Tuesday so by next Friday I will be down to 20 three times a day

12-15-2013, 02:02 AM
Thats good and hopefully by then u'll start feeling better :D

Every bad day count down to friday an it could make it feel better :D

12-15-2013, 07:26 AM
Well last night was my second night of reducing my propanolol dose I felt horrible all day but when I took the 20mg dose instead of the 30 I felt loads better so I am wondering if my propanolol dose is a little high so hoping once I reduce my afternoon tablet to 20 on Tuesday I will feel better

That's good that you were feeling better after your reduced dosage!!!!!!!! Have an awesome time today!

12-15-2013, 09:13 AM
Thank you we had an amazing time it took my mind off the anxiety but now I am home I feel Ill my anxiety likes playing me how you feeling today? Nice to be home?

12-15-2013, 03:52 PM
Thank you we had an amazing time it took my mind off the anxiety but now I am home I feel Ill my anxiety likes playing me how you feeling today? Nice to be home?

SO nice to be home.......and had a decent day today....I took the kids to see Santa today and take pictures. They had a great time! I'm glad to hear your daughter had a wonderful time today at the princess party! Did she get to meet Snow White?

12-16-2013, 01:44 AM
SO nice to be home.......and had a decent day today....I took the kids to see Santa today and take pictures. They had a great time! I'm glad to hear your daughter had a wonderful time today at the princess party! Did she get to meet Snow White?

Snow White actually happened to be unwell yesterday so couldn't make it she was disappointed but still loved all the other princesses

Are your kids excited for Xmas? Will it just be you 4 for Xmas?

Well day 21 of Sertraline and I don't know how I am feeling yet for the past 2 days I have been pretty dizzy but my heart rate hasn't been too low so it can't be that, instead of waitibg until tomorrow I am going to reduce my afternoon propanolol today as he said every 3 or 4 days so I am going to do it on day 3 as I want to get to the bottom of what is making me feel bad so if u don't feel any better this afternoon I am going to book to see gp tomorrow to find out what's happening as it will have been a week of feeling bad tomorrow maybe my dose just needs adjusted!

How you doing with your Zoloft? When you next at the gp?

12-16-2013, 07:22 AM
Snow White actually happened to be unwell yesterday so couldn't make it she was disappointed but still loved all the other princesses

Are your kids excited for Xmas? Will it just be you 4 for Xmas?

Well day 21 of Sertraline and I don't know how I am feeling yet for the past 2 days I have been pretty dizzy but my heart rate hasn't been too low so it can't be that, instead of waitibg until tomorrow I am going to reduce my afternoon propanolol today as he said every 3 or 4 days so I am going to do it on day 3 as I want to get to the bottom of what is making me feel bad so if u don't feel any better this afternoon I am going to book to see gp tomorrow to find out what's happening as it will have been a week of feeling bad tomorrow maybe my dose just needs adjusted!

How you doing with your Zoloft? When you next at the gp?

Oh....that's terrible about the Snow White but glad she had a good time otherwise! As far as Christmas, my parents are coming down to spend the holiday with us. I will probably invite my mother in law too. It won't be too stressful in terms of cooking on Christmas day. My mom and I usually do alot of baking so we will be busy doing that and having the kids make gingerbread houses. Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year. I'm SO behind on my shopping though. I still have to get the kids gifts, gifts for my mom and dad and mother in law. I am going today to try to get a few of them.
I think the zokoft has been going well. I haven't had to take a 1/2 xanax since the day I was travelling up to Boston so its been going well! I do feel a little down and subdued though and have to fight that feeling off by constantly keeping busy. I think I'm going to try to stay at this med amt though. I don't go back to see my doc until mid January though so I hope nothing major changes until then. Over here, it sometimes takes weeks to get in to see your behavioral health doctor....so I do a lot of correspondence via email if I have pressing questions.

I used to get little dizzy spells for quite a while...went to get them checked out and it turned out it was just anxiety. Pay close attention to your breathing and make sure you aren't doing shallow breaths....I would sometimes realize I wasn't breathing properly. Is the dizziness the only issue you are having?

12-16-2013, 07:31 AM
Today it really is just the dizziness I am feeling good otherwise my head just feels full but I have had a headache for a few days so I am wondering if it has something to do with that I just don't know to be honest trying to clutch at straws just so I don't go back to the gp until next Monday

Had my cousins dog today when they went to a funeral but had to take her to my mams because my little girl has broke out in hives and she did the last time she seen her aswell and we wondered if she was allergic well today has just confirmed it she had a bad reaction

She cried all the way home because she loves her and loves dogs he isn't allergic to cats tho so that's strange

I hate christmas shopping I only have one thing in for my partner an I still need my mothers stuff in

12-16-2013, 11:37 AM
Today it really is just the dizziness I am feeling good otherwise my head just feels full but I have had a headache for a few days so I am wondering if it has something to do with that I just don't know to be honest trying to clutch at straws just so I don't go back to the gp until next Monday

Had my cousins dog today when they went to a funeral but had to take her to my mams because my little girl has broke out in hives and she did the last time she seen her aswell and we wondered if she was allergic well today has just confirmed it she had a bad reaction

She cried all the way home because she loves her and loves dogs he isn't allergic to cats tho so that's strange

I hate christmas shopping I only have one thing in for my partner an I still need my mothers stuff in

Oh no....she might be allergic......that's a shame. Is it a really hairy dog? She could just have an issue if its letting off a lot of hair......My husband is really allergic to cats.....his throat starts to close up and he gets itchy all over. He's not allergic to dogs though. Poor baby.....what are you doing to treat the hives? Oatmeal bath seems to help itching too much.

Ok. I think I found a gift for my mother and something for my father online. I can avoid the mall. For my mother in law I can get a gift card so she can buy whatever she would like....so I will just have to go to the toy store for the kids. Not too bad. Lol.

As far as how you are feeling, so you have been getting headaches too? Isn't your original med ( the one that you are currently coming off of) supposed to help your headaches? You should keep a journal of your symptoms day to day so when you meet your gp you can show them. For instance, I get hormonal headaches every month. For some reason, my bp med at a really small dosage seems to help it..so it helps me in two ways.....keeps my bp down and keeps the headaches away. Finding the perfect combo of meds is difficult and takes time. I've been there!

12-17-2013, 01:36 AM
Oh no....she might be allergic......that's a shame. Is it a really hairy dog? She could just have an issue if its letting off a lot of hair......My husband is really allergic to cats.....his throat starts to close up and he gets itchy all over. He's not allergic to dogs though. Poor baby.....what are you doing to treat the hives? Oatmeal bath seems to help itching too much.

Ok. I think I found a gift for my mother and something for my father online. I can avoid the mall. For my mother in law I can get a gift card so she can buy whatever she would like....so I will just have to go to the toy store for the kids. Not too bad. Lol.

As far as how you are feeling, so you have been getting headaches too? Isn't your original med ( the one that you are currently coming off of) supposed to help your headaches? You should keep a journal of your symptoms day to day so when you meet your gp you can show them. For instance, I get hormonal headaches every month. For some reason, my bp med at a really small dosage seems to help it..so it helps me in two ways.....keeps my bp down and keeps the headaches away. Finding the perfect combo of meds is difficult and takes time. I've been there!

I have some anti allergy medicine because this happened a while ago and we weren't sure what it was so the doctor gave us it incase she broke out again, that's pretty scary for your husband, we have 2 cats my first love is a dog tho but I just find them too tying

I know what I am getting people I just haven't ha the energy to go get the stuff but I am feeling better today ad I felt ok yesterday so either dropping my dose of propanolol worked or it was hormones

12-17-2013, 06:30 AM
I have some anti allergy medicine because this happened a while ago and we weren't sure what it was so the doctor gave us it incase she broke out again, that's pretty scary for your husband, we have 2 cats my first love is a dog tho but I just find them too tying

I know what I am getting people I just haven't ha the energy to go get the stuff but I am feeling better today ad I felt ok yesterday so either dropping my dose of propanolol worked or it was hormones

I know what you mean about not having the energy. ...during the winter months here I seriously feel like I suffee from S.A.D. that seasonal disorder. I get really lethargic and don't want to do anything at all. It takes so much effort. Today is a bleh day here for me. Not feeling really terrible but not great either.......haven't eaten breakfast yet and I'm not really that interested either...I guess I will just have an ensure. Do you find that you have high and low mood times? I've never been diagnosed with depression ..just anxiety....but I definitely go through these short phases where I feel down and have trouble snapping out of it. They only last about a day or so.

How's your little one doing today?

12-17-2013, 02:57 PM
I know what you mean about not having the energy. ...during the winter months here I seriously feel like I suffee from S.A.D. that seasonal disorder. I get really lethargic and don't want to do anything at all. It takes so much effort. Today is a bleh day here for me. Not feeling really terrible but not great either.......haven't eaten breakfast yet and I'm not really that interested either...I guess I will just have an ensure. Do you find that you have high and low mood times? I've never been diagnosed with depression ..just anxiety....but I definitely go through these short phases where I feel down and have trouble snapping out of it. They only last about a day or so.

How's your little one doing today?

I haven't been diagnosed with depression either but last week I was having done pretty low thoughts when I was feeling bad these last 2 days I have been feeling better with reducing my dose of propanolol it feels weird feeling my heart beating that touch faster

She is better today but loaded with cold I put her in a pre school September gone because she was born in November so misses the school year she was going to be almost 4 before she started nursery but she has been more off school than she has been in because she has caught everything possible I am glad it's hit now tho so she has a week to get over it before christmas I don't sleep on Christmas Eve being excited for her but this year she has clicked really fast and is excited herself and this is the first year I have wrapped all her presents so its going to be a mess lol

12-17-2013, 04:33 PM
I haven't been diagnosed with depression either but last week I was having done pretty low thoughts when I was feeling bad these last 2 days I have been feeling better with reducing my dose of propanolol it feels weird feeling my heart beating that touch faster

She is better today but loaded with cold I put her in a pre school September gone because she was born in November so misses the school year she was going to be almost 4 before she started nursery but she has been more off school than she has been in because she has caught everything possible I am glad it's hit now tho so she has a week to get over it before christmas I don't sleep on Christmas Eve being excited for her but this year she has clicked really fast and is excited herself and this is the first year I have wrapped all her presents so its going to be a mess lol

Actually, I can totally relate to your daughter being out of school a lot due to illness....when I just had my son....I stayed home for the first six months....he never got sick. When I put him in daycare, we were constantly in the urgent care with him....he caught everything under the sun....even though the staff was constantly cleaning everything. You just can't avoid it because people will drop their children off, sick or not. I am anticipating this for my daughter when she starts school next yeae because she never really was in daycare...she was always home with me.

So you are done wrapping already? You are well ahead of the game! I still don't have the kids gifts yet! I will most likely be up late on Christmas Eve, wrapping everything! Lol.

I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better....the reduction in meds is probably taking effect. You sound like your anxiety isn't too bad either so that's a good thing. I have been doing ok........I notice that while on my meds I don't really lose patience as easily as I used to......I feel like i keep myself quite level headed which is a good thing....lol.

12-17-2013, 05:07 PM
Actually, I can totally relate to your daughter being out of school a lot due to illness....when I just had my son....I stayed home for the first six months....he never got sick. When I put him in daycare, we were constantly in the urgent care with him....he caught everything under the sun....even though the staff was constantly cleaning everything. You just can't avoid it because people will drop their children off, sick or not. I am anticipating this for my daughter when she starts school next yeae because she never really was in daycare...she was always home with me.

So you are done wrapping already? You are well ahead of the game! I still don't have the kids gifts yet! I will most likely be up late on Christmas Eve, wrapping everything! Lol.

I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better....the reduction in meds is probably taking effect. You sound like your anxiety isn't too bad either so that's a good thing. I have been doing ok........I notice that while on my meds I don't really lose patience as easily as I used to......I feel like i keep myself quite level headed which is a good thing....lol.

She has really been ill with different stuff lately and I understand people dropping their kids off because some people have no choice but this is when other kids get sick

I haven't wrapped my partners yet or my mothers I have also just added 2 new things to my little girls list just small things tho

I haven't kept my cool the past couple if days but my daughter is the devil in disguise she is a chronic climber and falls off everything and very cheeky I def got my devil child first haha

12-17-2013, 06:20 PM
She has really been ill with different stuff lately and I understand people dropping their kids off because some people have no choice but this is when other kids get sick

I haven't wrapped my partners yet or my mothers I have also just added 2 new things to my little girls list just small things tho

I haven't kept my cool the past couple if days but my daughter is the devil in disguise she is a chronic climber and falls off everything and very cheeky I def got my devil child first haha

Lol......watch out....you may think she's a handful then number 2 will really have you on the run....lol....my second one is super busy, loves to talk and is into everything.

Yep....I know that some people definitely do not have a choice but to drop their kids off....but then all the kids end up sharing all their germs ......lol. The doctors at our urgent care knew us by name.....and we were even in there one Christmas night.....lol.

So what's your Christmas day plans? I still have no idea what I'm cooking but I guess I will figure that out by this weekend.

12-18-2013, 01:20 AM
Lol......watch out....you may think she's a handful then number 2 will really have you on the run....lol....my second one is super busy, loves to talk and is into everything.

Yep....I know that some people definitely do not have a choice but to drop their kids off....but then all the kids end up sharing all their germs ......lol. The doctors at our urgent care knew us by name.....and we were even in there one Christmas night.....lol.

So what's your Christmas day plans? I still have no idea what I'm cooking but I guess I will figure that out by this weekend.

Well I am hoping for a quiet one next time haha from about 6 month old she never slept through the day not even in her pram

Oh don't get me wrong it annoys me as I keep my little girl off when she is not well my friend doesn't tho she takes her with chest infections and all sorts it's not only got your child in distress but making other children sick, christmas in urgent care not good

Christmas Day we have a busy day we get up we have about an hour to an hour nd half then off to my partners dads, then we will come back to my mams for dinner then off to my nanas to see all the family then back home to try move presents to somewhere so I can sit down, last christmas I was really unwell with a chest infection so I didn't enjoy it I would love to stay in the house and do dinner etc but there's just too many people to take into my 2 bedroom flat haha

12-18-2013, 07:48 AM
Well I am hoping for a quiet one next time haha from about 6 month old she never slept through the day not even in her pram

Oh don't get me wrong it annoys me as I keep my little girl off when she is not well my friend doesn't tho she takes her with chest infections and all sorts it's not only got your child in distress but making other children sick, christmas in urgent care not good

Christmas Day we have a busy day we get up we have about an hour to an hour nd half then off to my partners dads, then we will come back to my mams for dinner then off to my nanas to see all the family then back home to try move presents to somewhere so I can sit down, last christmas I was really unwell with a chest infection so I didn't enjoy it I would love to stay in the house and do dinner etc but there's just too many people to take into my 2 bedroom flat haha

Wow! You are going to be super busy for Christmas! Ugh....that is terrible being sick on Christmas. .........
I also prefer to be home on Christmas. I like to just lounge around after all the gifts are open and food has been cooked....I usually call my family in Trinidad and find out how they are celebrating the holiday and what they plan to do for Boxing day, which we don't celebrate here.......

Hmmm.....you could maybe get creative and find a way to have everyone over.......lol...although on the other hand, that could be anxiety provoking......

12-18-2013, 08:22 AM
Wow! You are going to be super busy for Christmas! Ugh....that is terrible being sick on Christmas. .........
I also prefer to be home on Christmas. I like to just lounge around after all the gifts are open and food has been cooked....I usually call my family in Trinidad and find out how they are celebrating the holiday and what they plan to do for Boxing day, which we don't celebrate here.......

Hmmm.....you could maybe get creative and find a way to have everyone over.......lol...although on the other hand, that could be anxiety provoking......

No ways too much hassle haha I don't mind having people over but me and his family don't really see eye to eye

I would like to be able to just sit with presents all day and not move but its just not going to happen

12-18-2013, 06:23 PM
No ways too much hassle haha I don't mind having people over but me and his family don't really see eye to eye

I would like to be able to just sit with presents all day and not move but its just not going to happen

Oh then.....definitely not....if you don't get along with them........not good Christmas company then.....ha ha......

How was your day anxiety-wise? Mine was actually not bad, I went out and did my shopping with my daughter, came home, cooked dinner, finished up a school project with my son and did it all with my anxiety in check. Thats something I haven't done without anxiety in a long time. My sons homework alone is enough to get me anxious. Lol.

12-19-2013, 11:17 AM
Oh then.....definitely not....if you don't get along with them........not good Christmas company then.....ha ha......

How was your day anxiety-wise? Mine was actually not bad, I went out and did my shopping with my daughter, came home, cooked dinner, finished up a school project with my son and did it all with my anxiety in check. Thats something I haven't done without anxiety in a long time. My sons homework alone is enough to get me anxious. Lol.

I have had such a busy day today I got up went into the city centre to get a few more bits then back home to sort my partners Buffett out for work tomorrow then back to doctors then back shopping and then home

My anxiety has been good for this week just had my dose of Sertraline upped to 100mg but going to stick to 50 over the Xmas how you been today?

12-19-2013, 02:17 PM
I have had such a busy day today I got up went into the city centre to get a few more bits then back home to sort my partners Buffett out for work tomorrow then back to doctors then back shopping and then home

My anxiety has been good for this week just had my dose of Sertraline upped to 100mg but going to stick to 50 over the Xmas how you been today?

Thats great that you got so much done today! Tomorrow I will be going out to finish up the last of my shopping. I will breath a sigh of relief once I've finished. Then I have to do my food shopping and get all the things I need for all the baking and cooking my mom and I plan to do on Christmas Eve. I find shopping or going to the store very overwhelming. ....even shopping for clothing isn't really fun for me. I do a lot of online ordering..... So, I know the grocery will be super packed because of the holidays so I am thinking that maybe I might use the online grocery delivery service so that I can avoid the crowds. On the other hand though, I feel like doing that is kind of avoidance behavior. ..and maybe I should just go.

On another topic, if you are doing ok with the anxiety, why does the doc want to up the amt?

12-19-2013, 04:47 PM
Thats great that you got so much done today! Tomorrow I will be going out to finish up the last of my shopping. I will breath a sigh of relief once I've finished. Then I have to do my food shopping and get all the things I need for all the baking and cooking my mom and I plan to do on Christmas Eve. I find shopping or going to the store very overwhelming. ....even shopping for clothing isn't really fun for me. I do a lot of online ordering..... So, I know the grocery will be super packed because of the holidays so I am thinking that maybe I might use the online grocery delivery service so that I can avoid the crowds. On the other hand though, I feel like doing that is kind of avoidance behavior. ..and maybe I should just go.

On another topic, if you are doing ok with the anxiety, why does the doc want to up the amt?

I am not sure I think he might not want to dishearten me by saying it but I think I think I am doing better than maybe I am

I am not sure what I would advise there because busy crowds stress me out and the more stressed I get the more I feel the anxiety coming on but at Xmas it's got to be done

12-19-2013, 04:53 PM
I hope things do get better for you, WorriedMummy. I have tried Zoloft before and had good luck. I switched to a different SSRI because my body built up a tolerance and that continued for a while. Now, I'm considering taking an SSRI again because my panic has worsened. It's such an individual thing and I do hope it's a good fit for you. Keep us updated :)

12-19-2013, 05:00 PM
yep its normal not to worry your meds will work soon

12-20-2013, 06:20 AM
I am not sure I think he might not want to dishearten me by saying it but I think I think I am doing better than maybe I am

I am not sure what I would advise there because busy crowds stress me out and the more stressed I get the more I feel the anxiety coming on but at Xmas it's got to be done

I believe we know our bodies best.....my doc originally thought I would need more zoloft too but the small amt seems to work fine for me. How do you feel about increasing your amt?

Yeah, I had a stressful night.....disagreement witg my husband. ...sometimes I feel like he tries to provoke me instead of trying to keep things calm because he knows how arguments don't help my anxiety condition. On the outside, I don't ever let it show what's bothering me then he tells me that I seem like I don't care. I think he would be happier if I was having an anxious fit and crying....like to him, that would prove something to him. I did confirm something though. I felt like although he is my husband, I depend on him too much. Last night he actually told me " you need me more than I need you". I just thought that was so hurtful. I told him that wasn't true. He smugly says " well, prove me wrong then...". I didn't sleep at all last night and started work at 6am. I'm so tired. I'm really beginning to believe that my husband is a big factor as to why I suffer from anxiety. I don't really have any other family around.

12-20-2013, 07:16 AM
I believe we know our bodies best.....my doc originally thought I would need more zoloft too but the small amt seems to work fine for me. How do you feel about increasing your amt?

Yeah, I had a stressful night.....disagreement witg my husband. ...sometimes I feel like he tries to provoke me instead of trying to keep things calm because he knows how arguments don't help my anxiety condition. On the outside, I don't ever let it show what's bothering me then he tells me that I seem like I don't care. I think he would be happier if I was having an anxious fit and crying....like to him, that would prove something to him. I did confirm something though. I felt like although he is my husband, I depend on him too much. Last night he actually told me " you need me more than I need you". I just thought that was so hurtful. I told him that wasn't true. He smugly says " well, prove me wrong then...". I didn't sleep at all last night and started work at 6am. I'm so tired. I'm really beginning to believe that my husband is a big factor as to why I suffer from anxiety. I don't really have any other family around.

Oh no that's awful thing to say even if he knows it or not its the same with my partner but the othe rway around he needs me but I am not saying I don't need him because I do we work well as a team I am also like you I can be so hard faced

I am not going to start it until after the christmas just because he gave me 50mg tablets so I will stick to 50 for now I don't want to start fresh with my tablets and side effects over Xmas because its sooo busy for me

12-20-2013, 10:46 AM
Oh no that's awful thing to say even if he knows it or not its the same with my partner but the othe rway around he needs me but I am not saying I don't need him because I do we work well as a team I am also like you I can be so hard faced

I am not going to start it until after the christmas just because he gave me 50mg tablets so I will stick to 50 for now I don't want to start fresh with my tablets and side effects over Xmas because its sooo busy for me

Yes, it is terrible....and I still cant believe he
said that. My job might be outsourced soon so I might not have a job soon and with my anxiety disorder I think he feels that I need him. You just don't say that to someone though. To me, we should be a team......when one person is down the other person should help. Well, I will have to prove him wrong I suppose.

Yes, I think that is a good idea to wait until after Christmas to start so you aren't dealing with side effects during the holiday.

Well, I'm going to take a quick nap, and try to catch up on some sleep. Then I have to finish up my Christmas shopping.

I will check back in with you later on.....


12-20-2013, 01:39 PM
Yes, it is terrible....and I still cant believe he
said that. My job might be outsourced soon so I might not have a job soon and with my anxiety disorder I think he feels that I need him. You just don't say that to someone though. To me, we should be a team......when one person is down the other person should help. Well, I will have to prove him wrong I suppose.

Yes, I think that is a good idea to wait until after Christmas to start so you aren't dealing with side effects during the holiday.

Well, I'm going to take a quick nap, and try to catch up on some sleep. Then I have to finish up my Christmas shopping.

I will check back in with you later on.....


That is still no reason to say that at least you are working through your anxiety and getting help your not letting it consume you, he should be really proud

I have eventually finished my christmas shopping and I now can relax

Had CBT again today starting to feel repetitive tho covering things I already know not to do

12-20-2013, 05:30 PM
That is still no reason to say that at least you are working through your anxiety and getting help your not letting it consume you, he should be really proud

I have eventually finished my christmas shopping and I now can relax

Had CBT again today starting to feel repetitive tho covering things I already know not to do

Well, he finally apologized. I have been short with him and virtually silent throughout the day when it came to him. I think he got the point.
I finally got my shopping for the kids done. I was SO overwhelmed in the store and had to take some time to regroup and calm down, then I was able to finish the shopping. The stores were crazy!!!!!!! Now I only have my mother in laws gift to get...im only getting her a gift card though. ..so that's easy.

Yes when I was doing CBT I felt like the initial few appointments were kind of self explanatory stuff........but I still felt like it kind of helped somewhat. Im thinking of maybe restarting it but its just so difficult to get appointments and always requires that I take time off of work....I guess though if its going to help me...I just need to do it.

12-20-2013, 09:34 PM
(I didn't read anyone elses' posts so I don't know if it's been said)

That's normal. The first few days are kind of like that. When I first started taking Zoloft, I felt unreal and weird. It fades as your body gets used to it.
Zoloft really helped me turn into the person I used to be before anxiety. So let it run its course, even if it doesn't seem like it's working for a while.

12-21-2013, 01:37 PM
Well today has been an ok day didn't do much boyfriend was out at his works Xmas party last night and he was very very drunk he bounced off every wall possible so today has been more or less me telling him to stop snapping or go to bed lol

My daughter has had a cold since last Sunday and not long ago had a chest infection, so the cold has been aggravating the cough but today the cough didnt sit right with me I had a feeling it was turning into another infection so took her to the walk in clinic who checked her over and said she was all clear but she actually had a ear infection so she is now back on anti biotics poor kid hasn't had a break since starting school one thing after another

How is it at your end today?

12-21-2013, 05:38 PM
Well today has been an ok day didn't do much boyfriend was out at his works Xmas party last night and he was very very drunk he bounced off every wall possible so today has been more or less me telling him to stop snapping or go to bed lol

My daughter has had a cold since last Sunday and not long ago had a chest infection, so the cold has been aggravating the cough but today the cough didnt sit right with me I had a feeling it was turning into another infection so took her to the walk in clinic who checked her over and said she was all clear but she actually had a ear infection so she is now back on anti biotics poor kid hasn't had a break since starting school one thing after another

How is it at your end today?

Oh no.......yes, im telling you, this time of year the babies stay sick.....poor baby...how long does she have to take the antibiotics for? My son was complaining of sore throat last night so I gave him some medicine but this morning he said he felt better....so I hope he really is feeling better.....

So today has been on and off for me. I have this weird slight dull ache when I bend over....like in my kidney area. It really doesn't hurt too much when I stand up straight but I am wondering if it is just gas ( I hadn't had much to eat today....no appetite still) but of course with anxiety issues you always think the worst so I was thinking it was a kidney infection or a kidney problem. I don't think it could just start up just like that but then I was wondering if my lack of appetite could be due to that. Honestly, it started right as I was taking the Zoloft. ...and I have had times ( like when I was in Boston) when my appetite kind of came back....and every evening I get hungry.....so I think it most likely due to the Zoloft, right?
Anyway....it was really warm here today...just about 70 degrees...so I just got out and enjoyed the day.

Lol....my husband went out last night too.....didn't drink too much....but I've been in your boat before. Not fun at all!

12-22-2013, 12:45 PM
Oh no.......yes, im telling you, this time of year the babies stay sick.....poor baby...how long does she have to take the antibiotics for? My son was complaining of sore throat last night so I gave him some medicine but this morning he said he felt better....so I hope he really is feeling better.....

So today has been on and off for me. I have this weird slight dull ache when I bend over....like in my kidney area. It really doesn't hurt too much when I stand up straight but I am wondering if it is just gas ( I hadn't had much to eat today....no appetite still) but of course with anxiety issues you always think the worst so I was thinking it was a kidney infection or a kidney problem. I don't think it could just start up just like that but then I was wondering if my lack of appetite could be due to that. Honestly, it started right as I was taking the Zoloft. ...and I have had times ( like when I was in Boston) when my appetite kind of came back....and every evening I get hungry.....so I think it most likely due to the Zoloft, right?
Anyway....it was really warm here today...just about 70 degrees...so I just got out and enjoyed the day.

Lol....my husband went out last night too.....didn't drink too much....but I've been in your boat before. Not fun at all!

Do you have a temperature or pain when you go toilet or when sitting? I am prone to kidney infections so I know how to spot one

She is on antibiotics for a week she is still her happy self but got a terrible cough

I normally get anxiety on a Sunday because I always have a busy day but today was anxiety free

12-22-2013, 04:19 PM
Do you have a temperature or pain when you go toilet or when sitting? I am prone to kidney infections so I know how to spot one

She is on antibiotics for a week she is still her happy self but got a terrible cough

I normally get anxiety on a Sunday because I always have a busy day but today was anxiety free

No temperature and no real pain....just like a dull ache in my kidney and lower abdomen area. It comes and goes. Im wondering if it may just be gas. It doesn't seem to be getting any worse though....so I guess that's a good thing.

Awww...ugh...those antibiotics are terrible....at least your little one is still in
good spirits!

That's great that you were anxiety free today!!!!!! To be honest, it seems like you are doing so well on your current dosage!!!! Im having a lot less ongoing anxiety these days.....just a touch of it here and there.....which I can handle.

12-22-2013, 05:22 PM
No temperature and no real pain....just like a dull ache in my kidney and lower abdomen area. It comes and goes. Im wondering if it may just be gas. It doesn't seem to be getting any worse though....so I guess that's a good thing.

Awww...ugh...those antibiotics are terrible....at least your little one is still in
good spirits!

That's great that you were anxiety free today!!!!!! To be honest, it seems like you are doing so well on your current dosage!!!! Im having a lot less ongoing anxiety these days.....just a touch of it here and there.....which I can handle.

This is brilliant news about your dose starting to take effect my CBT therapist told me it won't ever go away it will always keep flaring up we just need to be able to rationalise it

I think with health anxiety this will be hard because feeling fine for say a month then you start feeling pains and stuff it could all spiral out of control very quickly

12-23-2013, 07:12 AM
This is brilliant news about your dose starting to take effect my CBT therapist told me it won't ever go away it will always keep flaring up we just need to be able to rationalise it

I think with health anxiety this will be hard because feeling fine for say a month then you start feeling pains and stuff it could all spiral out of control very quickly

Yes, you are right. And I dont know about you but it can shift from one thing to the next. It does indeed spiral out of control quickly and can take over. It's gotten better since starting the Zoloft but not completely gone.

How's the little one doing? Feeling a little bit better?

I think im getting a bit of a cold.

12-23-2013, 09:26 AM
Yes, you are right. And I dont know about you but it can shift from one thing to the next. It does indeed spiral out of control quickly and can take over. It's gotten better since starting the Zoloft but not completely gone.

How's the little one doing? Feeling a little bit better?

I think im getting a bit of a cold.

Yeah it does one minute I am fine the next I will get a palpitation and I am thinking the worst or I will go a little bit dizzy and thinking I am going to pass out

She still has a raging cough but seems to be ok I have just been food shopping but it was so hectic I ended up giving up and getting something for tea tonight hahaha

12-23-2013, 02:43 PM
Yeah it does one minute I am fine the next I will get a palpitation and I am thinking the worst or I will go a little bit dizzy and thinking I am going to pass out

She still has a raging cough but seems to be ok I have just been food shopping but it was so hectic I ended up giving up and getting something for tea tonight hahaha

Oh yes, the stores are crazy with everyone trying to do last minute shopping. My husband went to the mall yesterday and called me to tell me how insane and crowded it was.

I went ahead and ordered groceries for delivery tonight. I just couldn't bring myself to fight the crowds at the grocery store tonight.

I get the dizzy spells too sometimes.

12-24-2013, 08:16 AM
If I dont speak to you before, have a merry Christmas! !!!!! Enjoy your day!!!!!

12-24-2013, 08:53 AM
If I dont speak to you before, have a merry Christmas! !!!!! Enjoy your day!!!!!

You aswell I have been so busy today I was up mega early then cleaned all day and done my little girl a santa message on the computer

12-24-2013, 09:15 AM
You aswell I have been so busy today I was up mega early then cleaned all day and done my little girl a santa message on the computer

I actually have to work until about 2PM...then I get started on my baking and later tonight....my wrapping!

12-25-2013, 03:01 PM
Merry Christmas! Hope you are enjoying the day!!!!!

12-27-2013, 08:54 AM
Merry Christmas! Hope you are enjoying the day!!!!!


We had a great day got spoilt rotten did you have a good day?

I was feeling a little anxious on christmas morning I dropped my night time propanolol dose to 10mg on Monday and felt crap all Xmas eve and christmas morning until I took my afternoon dose of propanolol so I gather I won't be able to come off it for now but sticking at 20 three times a day instead of 30

How you feeling?

12-27-2013, 04:32 PM

We had a great day got spoilt rotten did you have a good day?

I was feeling a little anxious on christmas morning I dropped my night time propanolol dose to 10mg on Monday and felt crap all Xmas eve and christmas morning until I took my afternoon dose of propanolol so I gather I won't be able to come off it for now but sticking at 20 three times a day instead of 30

How you feeling?

Hey!!!! I've been doing really well for the past couple days! No major anxiety. Maybe because my parents are visiting until the 2nd....I've been kind of distracted. Sorry you had a rough start to Christmas, but it seems like you are doing better...that's good!!!!!!

12-27-2013, 04:32 PM
Hey!!!! I've been doing really well for the past couple days! No major anxiety. Maybe because my parents are visiting until the 2nd....I've been kind of distracted. Sorry you had a rough start to Christmas, but it seems like you are doing better...that's good!!!!!!

Oh...and Christmas was lovely....I had a great day and so did my kids.

12-30-2013, 08:38 AM
Oh...and Christmas was lovely....I had a great day and so did my kids.

I am glad you had a good xmas I have been so busy but now back to normal

I havent weaned offmy propanolol yet as when I dropped to 10 at night I felt really anxious the next day so I have stuck at 20 20 20 and on wednesday I will move up to 100 sertraline

How you getting on?

12-30-2013, 10:01 AM
I am glad you had a good xmas I have been so busy but now back to normal

I havent weaned offmy propanolol yet as when I dropped to 10 at night I felt really anxious the next day so I have stuck at 20 20 20 and on wednesday I will move up to 100 sertraline

How you getting on?

Sorry to hear you've been anxious....it should soon resolve once you up your Zoloft. Let me know if you get a bit more anxious once you up your Zoloft. Ive been doing pretty good! No major anxiety for some time now and my appetite seems like its coming back. I still have my days that are tougher than others but for the most part, im doing better!!!

12-30-2013, 10:55 AM
Happy Holidays to you all! I wish for our good days to outweigh our not so good ones :)

12-30-2013, 02:00 PM
Happy Holidays to you all! I wish for our good days to outweigh our not so good ones :)

Thanks! Same to you!

12-31-2013, 04:14 AM
Sorry to hear you've been anxious....it should soon resolve once you up your Zoloft. Let me know if you get a bit more anxious once you up your Zoloft. Ive been doing pretty good! No major anxiety for some time now and my appetite seems like its coming back. I still have my days that are tougher than others but for the most part, im doing better!!!

Thats great I am sure the eating will come back soon

Are you doing much for new year? I am off to my nanas and my little girl is experiencing it for the first time this year thats if she lasts haha

12-31-2013, 09:27 AM
Thats great I am sure the eating will come back soon

Are you doing much for new year? I am off to my nanas and my little girl is experiencing it for the first time this year thats if she lasts haha

No...not doing anything special. My parents are visiting so I plan on letting my kids stay up late and watch the festivities on tv! Lol....you have to let me know if your daughter makes it to midnight! !!!!!!

01-06-2014, 06:05 PM
No...not doing anything special. My parents are visiting so I plan on letting my kids stay up late and watch the festivities on tv! Lol....you have to let me know if your daughter makes it to midnight! !!!!!!

Hey sorry i havent beeb on in a while xmas period is so busy for me hope you had a good one

So I have increased my dose today and thought I was doing really well until tonight it has really hit me and the anxiety has been through the roof but manageable still convincing myself its my heart but know I have felt all this before and I seem to stop the thoughts

I have also developed a bad stomach I am gathering my eating will go downhill aswell as I left most of my dinner tonight

I could go back down to 50mg but I am not going to as I was starting to have more bad than good days again so figured increasing my dose was the best thing

Hope you are well

01-06-2014, 06:35 PM
Hey sorry i havent beeb on in a while xmas period is so busy for me hope you had a good one

So I have increased my dose today and thought I was doing really well until tonight it has really hit me and the anxiety has been through the roof but manageable still convincing myself its my heart but know I have felt all this before and I seem to stop the thoughts

I have also developed a bad stomach I am gathering my eating will go downhill aswell as I left most of my dinner tonight

I could go back down to 50mg but I am not going to as I was starting to have more bad than good days again so figured increasing my dose was the best thing

Hope you are well

Happy New Year! I am sorry you are having a rough time with the increase. In all honesty, I think you might experience some side effects with the increase.....remember that stomach upset or unsettled stomach/loss of appetite is one of the major side effects of Zoloft. You may just have a few days or a week of uncomfortable feelings while the increase settles into your system.

Just continue to tell yourself that your heart is fine. It is just the anxiety playing games with your mind. Just chat here if you need to talk!

Im still on my current dosage and holding steady. I am having mostly good days but still struggle some days.

01-07-2014, 08:55 AM
Hello ladys I've not been on this thread for such a long time I'm also on setraline/Zoloft
I come off it because I was feeling fab,and not did I ask the doctor (silly me for doing that I'm now back to square one) but I know this med really works well,keep with it as I will be again lol
Be nice to share day to day how we feel :)
Im Emma by the way :)

01-07-2014, 06:18 PM
Hey Em! !!!

Yeah I was just like you. I was doing so well on zoloft when I took it initially I thought I didnt need it anymore and stopped taking it. Restarting it was difficult.

01-07-2014, 08:03 PM
Worriedmummy, when you increase your dosage with Zoloft/sertraline, it will take at least 2 weeks before it reaches full potential. Typically 100 mg is considered therapeutic dosage. Initial period for potential is 6-8 weeks. Anytime you increase it is usually additional 2 weeks.

I tried to switch to a different drug last year and that didn't work so well for me. So I went back to the Zoloft. I had to reween back up on it. That was the worst two months of my life. I got through it though and so glad I am feeling back to normal (or what is my new normal in these day and ages).

You may get a bit of the intestinal stuff going on again. But, it will subside. Good Luck. I hate that weening period whether it be to get off a drug or to get back on.

01-08-2014, 03:11 AM
Hey Em! !!! Yeah I was just like you. I was doing so well on zoloft when I took it initially I thought I didnt need it anymore and stopped taking it. Restarting it was difficult.

I don't know why I did that tho
I'm paying for it now tho,off I go again lol

01-08-2014, 04:13 AM
Happy New Year! I am sorry you are having a rough time with the increase. In all honesty, I think you might experience some side effects with the increase.....remember that stomach upset or unsettled stomach/loss of appetite is one of the major side effects of Zoloft. You may just have a few days or a week of uncomfortable feelings while the increase settles into your system.

Just continue to tell yourself that your heart is fine. It is just the anxiety playing games with your mind. Just chat here if you need to talk!

Im still on my current dosage and holding steady. I am having mostly good days but still struggle some days.

I am good through the day but on a night I am lightheaded and the vivid dreams are back

I had a bit of a stressful night I found a rash on my partners back which was not fading when presses or when a glass rubbed over it so my mind went into over drive with meningitis I was wondering if it was contagious and all sorts. It has disappeared this morning so i am more relaxed

Its my partners 30th next week so just planning that

01-08-2014, 04:15 AM
Hey em

Yes keep checking back and also let us know how your getting on anyone is welcome with more input and also just to generally chat about this awful time

How many days you been back on it? Or weeks?

01-08-2014, 04:17 AM
Worriedmummy, when you increase your dosage with Zoloft/sertraline, it will take at least 2 weeks before it reaches full potential. Typically 100 mg is considered therapeutic dosage. Initial period for potential is 6-8 weeks. Anytime you increase it is usually additional 2 weeks.

I tried to switch to a different drug last year and that didn't work so well for me. So I went back to the Zoloft. I had to reween back up on it. That was the worst two months of my life. I got through it though and so glad I am feeling back to normal (or what is my new normal in these day and ages).

You may get a bit of the intestinal stuff going on again. But, it will subside. Good Luck. I hate that weening period whether it be to get off a drug or to get back on.

Thank you

I had been on it 6 weeks but only 4 when he increased my dose he gave me 50 mg tablets to increase it when I felt ready well I hit my 6 week mark andni started feeling more bad than good so decided it was the time to increase my dose

01-08-2014, 04:24 AM
Hey em Yes keep checking back and also let us know how your getting on anyone is welcome with more input and also just to generally chat about this awful time How many days you been back on it? Or weeks?

About a week and a half now I think
Once the meds kick in they are really good I have to say,tho it just takes a while,your sleeping and eating will come back fine after a while
I eat like a horse on these when they kick in

01-08-2014, 05:43 AM
About a week and a half now I think
Once the meds kick in they are really good I have to say,tho it just takes a while,your sleeping and eating will come back fine after a while
I eat like a horse on these when they kick in

So very true. I lost so much weight in the beginning and now im slowly gaining it back. I get so hungry sometimes.

01-08-2014, 05:45 AM
I am good through the day but on a night I am lightheaded and the vivid dreams are back

I had a bit of a stressful night I found a rash on my partners back which was not fading when presses or when a glass rubbed over it so my mind went into over drive with meningitis I was wondering if it was contagious and all sorts. It has disappeared this morning so i am more relaxed

Its my partners 30th next week so just planning that

I had a rough night too. Didnt sleep well at all and was dealing with some reoccurring thoughts. I was able to finally get myself back to sleep eventually. Oh Im glad that the rash has subsided.....I tend to worry about things like that too. Whats the plan for his birthday?

01-08-2014, 06:43 AM
Yeah before I started my increase I

01-08-2014, 06:45 AM
Yeah before I started my increase I was eating loads but now I am loosing my appetite again I know it wilk come back eventually i dont do too bad with the side effects when I initially started the med it was awful

01-08-2014, 06:57 AM
I get thoughts to they are nasty and that's what kicks my anxitey off,the panic attacks are nasty don't get me wrong but I think they can't as won't kill me but the thoughts are going around and around in my head

01-08-2014, 08:50 AM
I've been on Zoloft for almost 10 years now. It works quite well for me. I still get breakthrough anxiety, and sometimes a panic attack or two, but for the most part it keeps everything manageable. I am also on the last leg of peri-menopause so hormones are playing a huge role in my anxiety and panic. I cannot control what my hormones are doing, but I know they are wacked because my face has been breaking out like I am a teenager again, and I am getting cramping and sore (ahem) boobs again. I haven't had any of this for years. I am really hoping and praying that when I finally hit menopause, all this stuff will resolve. It's been a long time coming. I'm looking forward to the pay off.

I've also been getting hot flashes and night sweats again too. I really hope this is just the last hoorah before its done. I hate all this stuff. Really makes being a female unappealing.

01-08-2014, 09:01 AM
I've been on Zoloft for almost 10 years now. It works quite well for me. I still get breakthrough anxiety, and sometimes a panic attack or two, but for the most part it keeps everything manageable. I am also on the last leg of peri-menopause so hormones are playing a huge role in my anxiety and panic. I cannot control what my hormones are doing, but I know they are wacked because my face has been breaking out like I am a teenager again, and I am getting cramping and sore (ahem) boobs again. I haven't had any of this for years. I am really hoping and praying that when I finally hit menopause, all this stuff will resolve. It's been a long time coming. I'm looking forward to the pay off. I've also been getting hot flashes and night sweats again too. I really hope this is just the last hoorah before its done. I hate all this stuff. Really makes being a female unappealing.

Oh that's good to know it's worked
Well for you :) I have to say it's working fab for
Me to,tho i very naughty and cut it down myself,I won't be doing that again,tut tut to me i know

01-08-2014, 09:14 AM
I know exactly what you mean em. I tried to go to a different drug last year because I could only use the brand Zoloft, not generic as I broke out in hives when it first hit the market in generic. The Zoloft kept increasing in price and I was paying way too much every month for it. So I decided I would try a different drug that came in generic that was in the same family as Zoloft. I think I switched to the generic of Celexa. Well, that was a disaster. The Celexa made me feel like I was going a mile a minute. I did not like it at all! So, I decided to give the generic of Zoloft a try again since the original manufacturer of the generic no longer produced it, and different manufacturer's use different fillers (I think that is what I was allergic to). Luckily I had no adverse affects to the generic again, so I had to ween myself back up to my previous dosage. That was the worst two months of my life! The anxiety and panic came roaring back like it had never gone and I was a mess! Once I hit that 8 week mark again, everything began slowly subsiding (Thank Goodness!). Now I am back to feeling like myself with the occasional break through. I will never do that again...sertraline and me are best buds now!

01-08-2014, 09:19 AM
I know exactly what you mean em. I tried to go to a different drug last year because I could only use the brand Zoloft, not generic as I broke out in hives when it first hit the market in generic. The Zoloft kept increasing in price and I was paying way too much every month for it. So I decided I would try a different drug that came in generic that was in the same family as Zoloft. I think I switched to the generic of Celexa. Well, that was a disaster. The Celexa made me feel like I was going a mile a minute. I did not like it at all! So, I decided to give the generic of Zoloft a try again since the original manufacturer of the generic no longer produced it, and different manufacturer's use different fillers (I think that is what I was allergic to). Luckily I had no adverse affects to the generic again, so I had to ween myself back up to my previous dosage. That was the worst two months of my life! The anxiety and panic came roaring back like it had never gone and I was a mess! Once I hit that 8 week mark again, everything began slowly subsiding (Thank Goodness!). Now I am back to feeling like myself with the occasional break through. I will never do that again...sertraline and me are best buds now!

I love that last line it made me laugh lol
What dose are you on? I'm on 50mg

01-08-2014, 01:01 PM
I totally agree with you....Zoloft and I are best buds too. Im not making the same mistake again!

01-09-2014, 03:59 AM
I switched in the past thinking there might be something better instead of just staying where I am.
I won't do that again either. I'm sticking with one med. The initial side effects are rough, but hopefully the payoff will be worth it.
Good luck to everyone!


01-10-2014, 02:11 AM
Well I am now on day 5 of 100mg and the headaches are killing me but this happened when I initially started 50mg so I know it's just the Sertraline!!

One thing that is happening tho is I get the slightest bit hot and I break out into a massive sweat this is unusual for me I don't sweat much so it has really been bothering me is this a side effect?

I also have a bit insomnia staying awake until almost 2am then up with my little one I think it causing exhaustion which sets my anxiety off ohhhh roll on my 8 week mark!

01-10-2014, 02:25 AM
Yes I got all that when I stared again,feeling hot and not sleeping,foggy head etc,it does pass tho

01-10-2014, 12:33 PM
Well I am now on day 5 of 100mg and the headaches are killing me but this happened when I initially started 50mg so I know it's just the Sertraline!!

One thing that is happening tho is I get the slightest bit hot and I break out into a massive sweat this is unusual for me I don't sweat much so it has really been bothering me is this a side effect?

I also have a bit insomnia staying awake until almost 2am then up with my little one I think it causing exhaustion which sets my anxiety off ohhhh roll on my 8 week mark!

Yes, you are right. Its the Zoloft. I used to get the hot flashes too......especially during the nighttime. I would wake up in a sweat.

01-10-2014, 12:50 PM
I am actually feeling alot better today my chest pain has gone

I completely forgot about my CBT session tho ooopppssss she rang me to make sure I was ok as I hadn't turned up it totally slipped my mind she was fine about it

01-10-2014, 01:07 PM
I am actually feeling alot better today my chest pain has gone I completely forgot about my CBT session tho ooopppssss she rang me to make sure I was ok as I hadn't turned up it totally slipped my mind she was fine about it

Oh that's good news :) opps never mind

01-10-2014, 03:53 PM
I am actually feeling alot better today my chest pain has gone

I completely forgot about my CBT session tho ooopppssss she rang me to make sure I was ok as I hadn't turned up it totally slipped my mind she was fine about it

Im glad the chest pain has gone...thats great! Ive forgotten appts too.....I have to put ALL of my appts into my phone otherwise I will forget also. Dont feel badly!

I had a rough day....low appetite and a slight headache all day. I just took a nap and still trying to not let it hold me back. I did have to break down and take a Motrin.

01-11-2014, 03:56 AM
Glad to hear you're feeling better! I'm having what feels like hot flashes too,but they don't last long and I remember having them with all the SSRIs I've taken. Insomnia too. It will all get better. It already is! :)

01-11-2014, 04:03 AM
Glad to hear you're feeling better! I'm having what feels like hot flashes too,but they don't last long and I remember having them with all the SSRIs I've taken. Insomnia too. It will all get better. It already is! :)

Oh I get that to,oh the joys lol
How long have you been on yours again? What dose are you on and have you always been on the same dose?

01-12-2014, 06:15 AM
Over the years, I've tried Zoloft, Paxil, Pexeva, and Lexapro. I had the rare "brain zap" side effect, so decided to try Prozac because it has a longer half life. I'm on the lowest dose of 10mg daily & will increase to 20mg soon. I've only been on Prozac for a week, but I feel pretty good. I don't know if it's placebo or real, but whatever it is, I'll take it! :) Sweet relief.

01-13-2014, 05:01 AM
Over the years, I've tried Zoloft, Paxil, Pexeva, and Lexapro. I had the rare "brain zap" side effect, so decided to try Prozac because it has a longer half life. I'm on the lowest dose of 10mg daily & will increase to 20mg soon. I've only been on Prozac for a week, but I feel pretty good. I don't know if it's placebo or real, but whatever it is, I'll take it! :) Sweet relief.

Oh that's so good :) I think if it works stay on it

01-13-2014, 12:10 PM
My monthly is here....and im struggling with my anxiety again.....although im on the same dosage, etc..I seriously can't wait for menopause. I hate this monthly torture. I just keep fighting my thoughts....telling myself that its only anxiety that is causing me to feel so terrible....not the flu or some other ailment. Im exhausted mentally!!!!!!

01-13-2014, 12:15 PM
Oh I get the same,I took myself off my pill for a rest (why I did that I don't know) but I'm back on it now thank god things have gone back to normal,I definitely think it's the hormone change

01-13-2014, 05:50 PM
I haven't been on in a couple of days I have a nasty ear infection which has set my anxiety off I can't sleep and I keep getting shooting pains in my ear!

Dizziness seems to have gotten alot worse but I think that may have something to do with the ear infection.

I litterally can not enjoy cooking now when I turn the cooker on I have to go put shorts and a vest top on just to stay cool

01-14-2014, 06:21 AM
Hey! Sorry to hear you've had a rough few days..I'm sure the dizzy feeling is due to the ear infection. ...its still terrible though. Im still over here on this end struggling as well. Mother Nature isn't making this month easy for me....cramps, body aches, nausea, the list goes on. I hate my monthly and im super crabby and snappy with everyone these days. I felt so bad, I kind of snapped at my mom yesterday. I apologized and explained myself though. I HATE this time of the month. Not even Zoloft can help me during this time. My mood is all over the place.

01-18-2014, 01:28 AM
Hey! Sorry to hear you've had a rough few days..I'm sure the dizzy feeling is due to the ear infection. ...its still terrible though. Im still over here on this end struggling as well. Mother Nature isn't making this month easy for me....cramps, body aches, nausea, the list goes on. I hate my monthly and im super crabby and snappy with everyone these days. I felt so bad, I kind of snapped at my mom yesterday. I apologized and explained myself though. I HATE this time of the month. Not even Zoloft can help me during this time. My mood is all over the place.

Ah no not nice it's hard when your not feeling great you find everything irritates you but I am sure your mom understood

Insomnia is kicking my butt this time around its totally exhausting me and if that's not bad enough when I actually do fall asleep I am having the most disturbing dreams which are waking me every hour!

I actually dreamt there was a man stapled to my ceiling and when I woke I thought I could see him if that's not freaky I don't know what is

01-18-2014, 03:55 AM
Hello ladys how's things going ?

01-18-2014, 09:24 AM
Wow....ive had some pretty vivid dreams as well......not every night but periodically. I think sometimes, at least for me, I start to dread nighttime for that reason. Ive been doing ok....but still having a hard time keeping my OCD under control. The flu is widespread here and if I could I would just keep my kids and I in the house until flu season is over. Even though we have gotten our flu shots im still so worried about one of my kids getting it or me getting it. This years flu seems especially harsh.

01-19-2014, 05:32 PM
Hey em and Lisa

Starting to feel a little bit ok now had a full night sleep last night but still the dreams were there but not as bad so didnt wake me

The headaches are terrible so paracetamol is my new best friend! I am also still battling this insomnia my partner is off for 2 weeks now so I will be able to catch an hour through out the day if need be

I don't think there is anything to worry about if you have had your flu shots you should be ok you can still feel a little groggy but shouldn't get any worse if you caught the flu!

If you don't mind me asking what is it you obsess about? I am wondering incase I have OCD

01-20-2014, 12:57 PM
Hey! Im glad to hear the insomnia has cut back a little! Everything a day at a time!

Well, my OCD centers around cleanliness. I have an issue with maintaining a certain level of cleanliness or just an issue with sickness and or germs. Things like flu, stomach bugs, even dealing with colds are a bit overwhelming for me. I always have hand sanitizer, hand wipes, clorox wipes on me. I dont like touching doorknobs, escalator handrails, I dont like using public restrooms. I dont walk barefoot, ever. I will say this though. ...I have been doing much better since starting the Zoloft. ....those uncomfortable feelings have cut back alot.

01-20-2014, 01:19 PM
I have intrusive thoughts,really scary stuff that's why I went to the docs as I thought I was going mad that's why she put me on the setraline I can handle the panic attacks and the feelings,(I've had them
For so long now and I know they make me
Feel like crap but I know they are not going to harm me

01-20-2014, 07:33 PM
I have intrusive thoughts,really scary stuff that's why I went to the docs as I thought I was going mad that's why she put me on the setraline I can handle the panic attacks and the feelings,(I've had them
For so long now and I know they make me
Feel like crap but I know they are not going to harm me

How are you feeling these days? Is the setraline working for you?

01-21-2014, 02:51 AM
How are you feeling these days? Is the setraline working for you?

Hi ya :) yes it's been really good I've not had no side affects or anything the panic attacks I deal with anyway as I've had them
So long on and on,I do a lot of reading on it as I think that's a massive help,how are you feeling?

01-21-2014, 07:48 AM
Ive been doing well. I still struggle on certain days....like typically before my monthly is about to start, I chalk that up to my hormones just being out of whack during that time...but other than that...ive been far more calm and less anxious. I would say its working for me. I have xanax for panic attack situations and haven't had to use it recently at all. My BP has been perfect recently too.