View Full Version : A day in my life.

11-25-2013, 08:14 AM

So I was wondering what everyone feels like an a day to day basis, what you go through physically or mentally etc. My day starts off with me waking up, and the very first thing I do is "check in" with life, look around the room and see how I feel. Do I feel spaced out, disconnected or just feeling sick or wonder how I am going to feel that day. Sometime I wake up feeling like I am going mad / racing thoughts or having a heart attack. Not sure if this is normal.

On the drive to work I already start to feeling worse, my eyes feeling heavy, jaw clenching a little and often feel like I am on auto pilot and need to check back in with "reality", like staring at an object in the vehicle.

At work I find that if I am working on a task that requires concentration I kind of some zone out while doing it, then I come back to reality again. This kinda scares me and I need to take a walk outside to get some fresh air. I also find that direct conversations with people tend to push me over the edge and I get really spaced out and need to "escape", the escaping could be the though of going crazy in front of them.

As the day progresses I find that I get more spaced out, my jaw is clenching, my neck is tight and just cannot concentrate because I feel so weird. At this point I just wanna go home.

At home I feel a little better, but still spaced out / weird kind detached feeling from life, but my girlfriend is very supportive and gives me some space to try relax.

Does anyone else feel like this everday? I often wonder if I have some other sort of mental or physical problem, because I am not really worried about anything, just really detached from reality which causes me to be more freak out and feel terrible all the time.


11-25-2013, 12:48 PM
Am I the only person that feels like this?

11-25-2013, 01:06 PM
Hi strepsils, you are definitely not alone that really felt like reading how my life was a month ago. I have been taking antidepressants and beta blockers which took a while to help but are finally. I am also having CBT which is helping me cope better. I have been diagnosed now with GAD and depression I was first diagnosed with health anxiety, but it's normally general worrying that starts me off. I hope you get some help soon

11-25-2013, 04:50 PM
This is quite different from my day to day experience. I usually wake up and feel miserable. I'll also be tired because I never sleep well. I'll struggle to get out of bed because I'll know the day doesn't hold anything good for me. Then in the evenings/nights I feel wired but not in a good way. I'll be angry/frustrated/tearful but hyper. Late evenings are the time I tend to self-harm most too.