View Full Version : it is affecting my whole life

11-24-2013, 10:08 PM
I have been panic attacks since July this year. I thought they would go away in a few months but it is still here. It is affecting my life. I feel scared all the time. I feel miserable. I am scared to be alone at home. Last Friday all I did was a slow jog. EVerythign was ok until I stopped. I started panicking, wondering why my heart rate is still not lowered. Then i tried to breathe deeply. My limbs started to feel numb. I called my bf. I managed to get home but as there was noone at home, my heart rate was still fast. limbs numbed again. I quickly ate propanolol and dashed out of the house and tried to go to a nearby clinic but there were all closed. I called my parents to come home quickly. It was only after my parents were home, then it subsided.

I used to be active at the gym, going for classes til 10pm, doing zumba, high intensity classes with no problem. When my panic attack started, I stopped weight lifting classes cos I felt breathless once in class. For these few months i just did zumba and slow jogged. From exercising 5 times a week to 2 times a week. I tried to do pilates yesterday and just trying to balance on one leg, my whole body shivered, shaked. I have become so weak. Is there something wrong with me physically?