View Full Version : Root of the problem

11-24-2013, 09:04 PM
So I've battled with anxiety for a long time, mostly to do with self confidence and my education which quite often was labled 'writers block' by me and 'laziness' by everyone who wasn't there to observe me spending 10x as much time studying as everyone else. But it still seems like no matter how much work I put in I still felt as though my grades were something that was out of my control. This led to even more anxiety attacks which would even make me freeze up during exams and eventually just sitting at my desk trying to do normal work.. even with maths which i'm supposed to be good at.

So I've been seriously working at it for the past year or two and I am happy to say that my depression is pretty much gone and my anxiety is getting less and less. I'm even studying at university which is something I didn't think was possible. (physics and maths, very fascinating, love the stuff)
The thing is, I've been talking to my psych about what the cause of it all was and we've kind of narrowed it down to being extreamly left brain hemisphere dominant. Weather the whole left vs right brain thing is scientificly acurate or not (neuroscience isn't quite as advanced as I'd like it to be) it does point out that as a child I have had very little practice or even encouragement when it comes to talking. So much so that when a word and asked to think of the first word that comes to my head, I usualy just freeze up.

Now thats not to say i'm an idiot, although i used to believe it, and sometimes still do despite the fact that everyone tells me otherwise and also because I have evidence to back it up. But thats only one hemisphere (to come back to that). I'm sure if you saw someone who had one giant muscley arm and one tiny vestigal arm you'd think 'Whhhyyy?' So I can answer assignment questions at the moment but only as long as it's mostly math or extreamly logical, and then not very much of it. What I need to do is excersize my right hemisphere so that they can then work together and so I can actually write.

The latest excercise I've been given to help with this is whenever I watch something I have to ask myself why i'm enjoying it. But at the moment I still can't quite seem to be able to. I feel as if I've been asked to excersize a muscle I don't have, or to practice moving things with my mind. No one has a actual manual and all they've been telling me is that if I hold something in my mind and squeeze really hard, then my brain will magicly give me an answer.

So uhh, long story short.. Please talk to your kids, like ask them 'why' questions. It's SO important for them.