View Full Version : Had enough dont know what to do

11-24-2013, 05:06 PM
Ok iv had enough now. I suffer with anxiety but the problem is the pain I get in my stomach. No matter what I do and how much I listen to the doctors it makes no difference. I get this gnawing burning crippling pain in my upper stomach. To the point where I want to throw up and get rid of it but I can't because I have a phobia of sick. I take my lansoprazole like the doctor tells me and I also take domperidone before meals like the doctor tells me. But these make no difference. I'm still up half the night In pain. An I'm still struggling through the days with pain also. I drink gaviscon like its water and suck Polos too. Its wearing me down so much it's affecting my sleep massively and I'm going into my 3rd week off work sick which I can't afford. I don't see this getting any better as iv been bad for about 4 weeks now but on and off since beginning of September.

Anyone have any ideas. When the pain comes I don't have that anxious feeling of knotted stomach or butterflies I get hot n sweaty and have to scratch an can't sit down as the pain is worse.

People tell me it's in my head but how can it be when I'm in so much pain to the point where I cry almost all day long

11-24-2013, 05:14 PM
Have you been checked for things like Ceoliac disease and lactose intolerance, just to eliminate some genuine stomach complaints? Both of those can cause severe stomach pain, and are untreatable unless you avoid the problem food. They can be extremely painful, as well as cause anxiety.

Around 1 in 40 has either, so, it's not like they are massively rare either.

11-24-2013, 05:20 PM
Funny u say that as I was thinking celiac disease today. No iv not been checked the doctor don't think I need to

11-24-2013, 05:27 PM
Worth testing for, only takes a simple blood test. I know stress can cause bad symptoms, but stomach agony for virtually all of the day? I dunno, more testing needs to be done I think, just to rule stuff out.

Pity you can't get any Valium to take for a week, to lower your stress totally, and see how it affects your stomach.

Out of curiosity, what would you rate your anxiety out of 10? (10 being hell to live)

11-24-2013, 05:29 PM
Funny u say that as I was thinking celiac disease today. No iv not been checked the doctor don't think I need to

I actually have it, 5 years my doctor sent me away. I had stomach pains, headaches, really bad anxiety. Only when I went for a private blood test did they find high levels for it. Sometimes doctors are totally crazy!!!

11-24-2013, 05:40 PM
When I get this pain my anxiety is 10/10 it's so bad comes in waves and I get all sweaty and stomachs crippling. I want to call an ambulance not sure if I should?

I'm desperate for help the pains terrible and I can't cope anymore I'm getting depressed coz I don't want to go out as I'm scared the pain will come on and I can't cope with the pain and makes me feel sick and I freak out.

11-24-2013, 05:41 PM
I can't sit down it's worse when I'm sitting coz my stomachs squished more

11-24-2013, 05:50 PM
Definitely rule out the ceoliac disease for one, as my symptoms were a lot like yours. Tell your doctor a family member has it if he resists, or something like that, that way they won't argue and just test you.

What tests have you had so far to rule out severe stuff. Did you have any X-rays, CT scans, MRI, endoscopys etc?

Are you anxious about what the pain means, I.e. You're scared it's something serious, or are you just anxious cos you hate severe pain like normal people do?

11-24-2013, 05:54 PM
The doctor has just given me tablets and sent me on my way iv been to see the doctor 6 times in 4 weeks. And finally he sent me for bloods bt only to check my liver kidneys and blood count.

The pain frightens me because when I had the 24hour sickness bug this is how I felt before I was sick. And as I have a phobia of that it makes me think I could be sick again. But for 4 weeks of it and not being sick I'm starting to wonder if it's a bit more serious.

I begged the doctor for a camera or scan on my stomach but he refused. I know everyone hates pain but I'm getting so depressed and tired from it all I can't cope.

11-24-2013, 06:01 PM
I mean there are all kinds of things that can erode the stomach, lactose and wheat allergies being one of them. If those things are happening, no drug will ever help. There's also lots of stuff that could happen in the stomach that could cause severe pain.

Giving you drugs is kinda dumb when they aren't working. Have you told him they aren't working? How does he know you don't have an ulcer? Keep moaning at him. Go all the time. Moan really badly. Sadly those are the only people that get what they want a lot if the time. With budget cuts, and balancing books, they are reluctant to test people further for things.

It's silly to say it's just anxiety at this stage, when you're in so much pain, and lots of things haven't been ruled out, ya know.

You said it started badly in September, did anything happen then that triggered it? Are you taking an antidepressant?

11-24-2013, 06:11 PM
I mean there are all kinds of things that can erode the stomach, lactose and wheat allergies being one of them. If those things are happening, no drug will ever help. There's also lots of stuff that could happen in the stomach that could cause severe pain. Giving you drugs is kinda dumb when they aren't working. Have you told him they aren't working? How does he know you don't have an ulcer? Keep moaning at him. Go all the time. Moan really badly. Sadly those are the only people that get what they want a lot if the time. With budget cuts, and balancing books, they are reluctant to test people further for things. It's silly to say it's just anxiety at this stage, when you're in so much pain, and lots of things haven't been ruled out, ya know. You said it started badly in September, did anything happen then that triggered it? Are you taking an antidepressant?

He says if it's an ulcer then I'm already on the tablets they give for it. He's given me a tablet that reduces the stomach acid and he thinks it's just the acid causing the pain when I'm hungry or anxious but I get the pain after eating or in the night or before bed I can't get it any time of the day.

As soon as I mentioned anxiety to the doctor he had it Sussed an said it's just anxiety but I'm sorry I don't believe him as I'm in crippling pain every day now. The tablets worked for about 4 weeks and then they sort of stopped. So I came off them for a couple of days and the nights were worse so I went back on them, told the doctor and he said I need to be on the tablets.

I'm not on any tablets for my anxiety no.

It got bad when my sister fell ill with a stomach bug and was sick. Then my mum was sick. It freaked me out and I went to my bfs for a week. The whole week I was away my stomach was burning I was struggling to eat and my anxiety was getting worse at the thought of coming home. And then I was sick with it and it's got worse the pain ever since. The last 4 weeks it's been every day sometimes more than once.

11-24-2013, 06:15 PM
I get terrible burping too. Constantly all day long so the doctor thinks I have reflux disease. But I read that if celiac isn't found it can cause reflux and digestion problems

11-24-2013, 06:31 PM
It got bad when my sister fell ill with a stomach bug and was sick. Then my mum was sick. It freaked me out and I went to my bfs for a week. The whole week I was away my stomach was burning I was struggling to eat and my anxiety was getting worse at the thought of coming home. And then I was sick with it and it's got worse the pain ever since. The last 4 weeks it's been every day sometimes more than once.

It does sort of correlate then, if when it got real bad was at a high stress point. And the burping and stuff, of course can be other stuff, but as you may have seen on here, a LOT of people list that as a severe anxiety symptom.

Get the coeliac test, of course, worth seeing and ruling out, even if the odds are low, like you said, undiagnosed Ceoliac causes havoc with the stomach and moods.

Have you thought about trying to take an antidepressant to lower stress? If stress is causing this problem, which your doctor believes, perhaps taking something to help with that will also help a lot with the pain? It's gonna be really hard to narrow things down until you've seen how lower stress and anxiety affects your problem.

11-24-2013, 06:41 PM
I didn't want to take tablets for the anxiety as I'm paranoid they will make me worse for a while when I start them and they Arnt long term answer and it's just covering up the problem.

See now the burning has subsided my stomach feels hungry and wants feeding. I'm so confused :(.

I just find it so hard to believe that anxiety can cause all this pain and discomfort

11-24-2013, 07:01 PM
Anxiety can cause anything. Really really anything :-/... The stomach is so open to stress. Stress changes blood flow in the stomach, it changes acid levels, it can cause muscles down there to tense and spasm, and most of your serotonin is in the gut area, so when that's disrupted, it can make you feel sick, or make your stomach hurt.

Try and get the tests. Even just for your minds reassurance. If the tests come back ok, you can kinda be sure it's stress related. Until that, there's always a little doubt.

I would really consider an antidepressant too. You say they only mask the problem, that's partly true, but they often also stop the problem getting worse. If you're in a tonne of pain as stress is that bad, it will only go one way, downwards - causing more stress. They are there to make life easier, not cure you. They improve your mood a bit, and help you live life normally. Then you can work through your anxiety with CBT.

Otherwise, feeling low, being in pain, having trouble sleeping, having a hard time at work - it all makes the problem worse. You aren't even dealing with your anxiety right now, as just the symptoms are causing you so much hard work. At least if you could pause it all for a bit, you could get some real useful stuff done.

It's worth thinking about, you know your body best of course. Perhaps wait until tests come back before deciding. Really be firm with your doctor. Don't let them do to you what they did to me, and keep passing off an important potential issue for 5 years. That's a long time to be hurting!

Really hope it gets better soon little one :)

11-25-2013, 12:07 PM
Doctors testing me for coeliac disease and changed my tablets for the stomach acid. And then next week we going to talk about anxiety pills.

11-25-2013, 12:21 PM
A good probiotic may help ease the pain, also high doses of glutamine around the 40gram mark can help heal the stomach

11-25-2013, 01:02 PM
That's good news hun that they are now testing you and not just leavung it and making you wonder

11-25-2013, 01:14 PM
A good probiotic may help ease the pain, also high doses of glutamine around the 40gram mark can help heal the stomach

I have no idea what they are

11-25-2013, 02:05 PM
I have no idea what they are

Good bacteria. They have good results for anxiety too really. Sort of like Yakult, only the tablets are usually more concentrated. All health shops have them.

Anyway, I'm glad your doctor has changed things a bit! No point staying with what isn't working.

I hope the new tablets make some difference. Let me know how things go, ok?

11-25-2013, 02:08 PM
Ye he wants me to go back next Monday and review the new tablets so I'm glad he's making me feel like he's interested lol. He said will take about 2 weeks for blood results but if I have it then they will refer me to a specialist so I'm glad.

11-25-2013, 02:23 PM
Did you go in there with your mean girl face on? :p

He sounds like a totally different doctor to before.

11-25-2013, 02:31 PM
He was a totally different doctor to the ones iv seen before. But I'm seeing him when I go back Monday.

I was very distressed today and very very upset so that prob got him worried. I just losing it more and more every day

11-25-2013, 02:47 PM
Did he say how long until the new tablets should be making a difference?

11-25-2013, 02:58 PM
A couple of days hopefully. Iv got everything crossed lol

11-25-2013, 03:30 PM
Ok iv had enough now. I suffer with anxiety but the problem is the pain I get in my stomach. No matter what I do and how much I listen to the doctors it makes no difference. I get this gnawing burning crippling pain in my upper stomach. To the point where I want to throw up and get rid of it but I can't because I have a phobia of sick. I take my lansoprazole like the doctor tells me and I also take domperidone before meals like the doctor tells me. But these make no difference. I'm still up half the night In pain. An I'm still struggling through the days with pain also. I drink gaviscon like its water and suck Polos too. Its wearing me down so much it's affecting my sleep massively and I'm going into my 3rd week off work sick which I can't afford. I don't see this getting any better as iv been bad for about 4 weeks now but on and off since beginning of September. Anyone have any ideas. When the pain comes I don't have that anxious feeling of knotted stomach or butterflies I get hot n sweaty and have to scratch an can't sit down as the pain is worse. People tell me it's in my head but how can it be when I'm in so much pain to the point where I cry almost all day long. I knw how u feel I had a blood test 2 yrs ago to rule out celiac disease and chrons disease and they sd it was ibs but the pain wakes me up it's that bad it goes under my left rib nd under my breast it burns and I've had 3 children without pain relief so I do have a high pain threshold but this pains horrible wen it starts I can't eat anything as it sets it off I shld really go bk to docs but don't really want cameras down my throat :( and it makes me feel winded to like someone has hit me in the back hard to. I knw anxiety does make it worse and stress cuz mine will play up more then nd the time if the month it gets really bad too.

11-25-2013, 03:41 PM
I don't get any pain lower down or in my bowels and I don't suffer with pooing due to my anxiety but I used to in the past so that's why I find it hard to believe this is just my anxiety causing all of this.

It's such a hard pain to describe but it really takes ur breathe away and really hurts so much. And even when I'm describing it I don't always feel iv got the description right if u know what I mean lol

11-25-2013, 03:48 PM
I didn't want to take tablets for the anxiety as I'm paranoid they will make me worse for a while when I start them and they Arnt long term answer and it's just covering up the problem. See now the burning has subsided my stomach feels hungry and wants feeding. I'm so confused :(. I just find it so hard to believe that anxiety can cause all this pain and discomfort

I was also paranoid about taking meds. They only time I took meds was before bed time to help me sleep. Sleep is one of the most important things if you want to defeat this. I took ativan and trazadone. It takes months to get hooked on ativan especially if you are taking it in low doses. Trazadone is labeled an antidepressant but it is considered a sleeping pill and is very easy to get off of. I was diagnosed with panic disorder. The disorder gives you severe anxiety. I did not have an appetite but I forced myself to eat. it caused major acid reflux to the point where I had to eat food in small portions because it felt like it was getting pushed up. My entire body was out of whack including my nervous system. The acid reflux didn't happen all of the time. I am now back to normal after 8 months. It was a long hard fought battle but I had to fight for my life back. I hated taking meds so I fought through severe anxiety during the day but took the meds at night. I did not want to use the meds as a crutch so I decided that I was going to learn how to fight and beat this. The most important thing is sleep. If you don't sleep your mind is weak. If your mind is weak your anxious thoughts take over. I advise you to take the meds at least to help you sleep. The human body can endure a tremendous amount of stress. Don't worry about what your body is going through now because your body is strong and can endure a lot. Remember that there are people that live with panic disorder and anxiety their entire lives and they have lived for many years. If you want advise on how to beat the anxiety message me. I beat panic disorder probably faster than anyone who has had the illness. It was extremely hard but you have to fight for your life back. Your anxiety can be defeated but it will ultimately take you to do so.

11-25-2013, 04:02 PM
I was also paranoid about taking meds. They only time I took meds was before bed time to help me sleep. Sleep is one of the most important things if you want to defeat this. I took ativan and trazadone. It takes months to get hooked on ativan especially if you are taking it in low doses. Trazadone is labeled an antidepressant but it is considered a sleeping pill and is very easy to get off of. I was diagnosed with panic disorder. The disorder gives you severe anxiety. I did not have an appetite but I forced myself to eat. it caused major acid reflux to the point where I had to eat food in small portions because it felt like it was getting pushed up. My entire body was out of whack including my nervous system. The acid reflux didn't happen all of the time. I am now back to normal after 8 months. It was a long hard fought battle but I had to fight for my life back. I hated taking meds so I fought through severe anxiety during the day but took the meds at night. I did not want to use the meds as a crutch so I decided that I was going to learn how to fight and beat this. The most important thing is sleep. If you don't sleep your mind is weak. If your mind is weak your anxious thoughts take over. I advise you to take the meds at least to help you sleep. The human body can endure a tremendous amount of stress. Don't worry about what your body is going through now because your body is strong and can endure a lot. Remember that there are people that live with panic disorder and anxiety their entire lives and they have lived for many years. If you want advise on how to beat the anxiety message me. I beat panic disorder probably faster than anyone who has had the illness. It was extremely hard but you have to fight for your life back. Your anxiety can be defeated but it will ultimately take you to do so.

I havnt got 8 months. I don't know how to fight anymore. I feel like I'm kicking a brick wall and every day just rolls into another and it's another day gone by where iv failed.
Thing is I used to love sleep and my parents couldn't get me out of bed and now I'm struggling to get to sleep and struggling to sleep for a decent amount of time. And I know the less sleep I have the worse I feel but it's staying asleep that's the problem.

Any help is appreciated

11-25-2013, 10:35 PM
This is why I am explaining to you not to be afraid of the meds. Trazadone is probably the less addictive med out there. Like I said it is labeled as and antidepressant but in reality it is just a potent sleeping pill or tranquilizer. I used to take100 mg of Trazadone and .05 mg of Ativan every night. I did not get hooked on either drug. Ativan can become addicting if you take it a couple of times a day. But I only took it at night right before bed time. At that dose it will take close to 6 months or more for Ativan to stick. I would ask the doctor to prescribe those to you to help you sleep. I did not have any withdraws from either. I took the Trazadone for about 5 months and stopped cold turkey and I did not have any issues because the dosage was low. The first order of business is working on getting you to sleep. Secondly, you have be accepting of what you have. There is no miracle cure or quick fix for this illness. The day that you accept and embrace what you have is the beginning of the end. When I first got panic disorder I could not sleep at all. I did not know that I had panic disorder for 2 weeks and those 2 weeks were hell with no sleep. Once I found out I had panic disorder my sleep pattern was horrible for a couple of months. The drugs helped me tremendously getting to where I needed to be. Once I was diagnosed and knew what I had that is when I became villigiant. I know I am making this sound easy but it was the hardest battle that I have ever endured. There were peaks and valleys. In the beginning more valleys than peaks. There were times I wanted to give up but I didn't. I knew that if I was once normal I could get there again. I refused to let this illness beat me!! And I meant it!!! That how I knew I was accepting of it. Once you get a handle on the anxiety your body will slowly return back to normal. Your stomach issues will slowly disappear. How bad do you really want that? If you want it badly than you have to get your sleep in order by taking the meds and embrace what you have. By saying and believing that you are kicking a brick wall and there is no end to this madness is not going to get you there.

Now let's talk about the anxiety. Panic disorder gave me severe anxiety. I felt anxiety on almost every part of my body. Arms, chest, and legs. Panic disorder made my nervous system go out of whack. I would wake up trembling for no reason. My right side of my body would tremble all of the time. My ears were sensitive to sounds. Clanging of the dishes hurt my ears pretty good. I would experience dizziness and blurred vision. Acid reflux and heart palpitations. It also gave me agoraphobia which is fear of being around people and crowds. This was the most horrible experience of my life!! The first thing that helped me was my psychiatrist. The reason why is because she once had panic disorder. She understood exactly what I was going through. Although, the basic information helped me a little there was one thing that she taught me that was the most important. I asked her "Right before you got better what was the deciding factor that helped you?" She responded "I lost fear of it." I racked my brain by trying to figure out what she meant. For months I was trying to figure that out. But I slowly learned. And this is what put me over the top. Everytime I would start to get anxiety I would automatically pay attention to it. The sensation of severe anxiety is horrific! And when it would start to come on I would not only pay attention to it but I would fear it!! My initial response was to think "Oh my God here we go again!" You see without knowing it, you fear it. When you fear it, you fuel it! Anxiety is fueled by fear of anxiety and triggers of course! Obviously something has to trigger it. Like in your case acid reflux. But once the anxiety hits you not only do you fear acid reflux and stomach disorder you also fear the anxiety. The beginning of the end is not giving the anxiety fuel. How do you start? I got panic disorder because I was afraid of getting cancer. Everytime I felt a little pain in my body I would pay attention to it and think that it was probably cancer. The way I got better was no matter how high the pain I would train myself to ignore it. I would tell myself that "I am not in escrutiating pain. I have felt this before. I will wait this out to see if it gets worse." Secondly, when it would start to give me anxiety as hard as it was I would ignore it also. I wouldn't let it ruin my moment or my day. If I was watching tv and anxiety would come on I would pay attention to the program and not pay it any mind. This is where the cognitive exercises come into play. If I would start to feel panic I would count the numbers on the clock, I would pray with Ferber. Etc. try with all of your mite to just ignore it no matter how hard it is. I promise you that it will slowly start to dissolve. you have felt it many times so what is it going to do to you? Absolutely nothing so why fear your stomach issues, meds, and anxiety. It doesn't happen automatically when you lose fear of it, it takes time, but eventually it will slowly go. I grabbed the bull by the horns and fought like no other!! My fingers are getting tired but I promise you there is more. Please respond with thoughts and more questions.

11-25-2013, 10:55 PM
I havnt got 8 months. I don't know how to fight anymore. I feel like I'm kicking a brick wall and every day just rolls into another and it's another day gone by where iv failed. Thing is I used to love sleep and my parents couldn't get me out of bed and now I'm struggling to get to sleep and struggling to sleep for a decent amount of time. And I know the less sleep I have the worse I feel but it's staying asleep that's the problem. Any help is appreciated

This is why I am explaining to you not to be afraid of the meds. Trazadone is probably the less addictive med out there. Like I said it is labeled as and antidepressant but in reality it is just a potent sleeping pill or tranquilizer. I used to take100 mg of Trazadone and .05 mg of Ativan every night. I did not get hooked on either drug. Ativan can become addicting if you take it a couple of times a day. But I only took it at night right before bed time. At that dose it will take close to 6 months or more for Ativan to stick. I would ask the doctor to prescribe those to you to help you sleep. I did not have any withdraws from either. I took the Trazadone for about 5 months and stopped cold turkey and I did not have any issues because the dosage was low. The first order of business is working on getting you to sleep. Secondly, you have be accepting of what you have. There is no miracle cure or quick fix for this illness. The day that you accept and embrace what you have is the beginning of the end. When I first got panic disorder I could not sleep at all. I did not know that I had panic disorder for 2 weeks and those 2 weeks were hell with no sleep. Once I found out I had panic disorder my sleep pattern was horrible for a couple of months. The drugs helped me tremendously getting to where I needed to be. Once I was diagnosed and knew what I had that is when I became villigiant. I know I am making this sound easy but it was the hardest battle that I have ever endured. There were peaks and valleys. In the beginning more valleys than peaks. There were times I wanted to give up but I didn't. I knew that if I was once normal I could get there again. I refused to let this illness beat me!! And I meant it!!! That how I knew I was accepting of it. Once you get a handle on the anxiety your body will slowly return back to normal. Your stomach issues will slowly disappear. How bad do you really want that? If you want it badly than you have to get your sleep in order by taking the meds and embrace what you have. By saying and believing that you are kicking a brick wall and there is no end to this madness is not going to get you there.

Now let's talk about the anxiety. Panic disorder gave me severe anxiety. I felt anxiety on almost every part of my body. Arms, chest, and legs. Panic disorder made my nervous system go out of whack. I would wake up trembling for no reason. My right side of my body would tremble all of the time. My ears were sensitive to sounds. Clanging of the dishes hurt my ears pretty good. I would experience dizziness and blurred vision. Acid reflux and heart palpitations. It also gave me agoraphobia which is fear of being around people and crowds. This was the most horrible experience of my life!! The first thing that helped me was my psychiatrist. The reason why is because she once had panic disorder. She understood exactly what I was going through. Although, the basic information helped me a little there was one thing that she taught me that was the most important. I asked her "Right before you got better what was the deciding factor that helped you?" She responded "I lost fear of it." I racked my brain by trying to figure out what she meant. For months I was trying to figure that out. But I slowly learned. And this is what put me over the top. Everytime I would start to get anxiety I would automatically pay attention to it. The sensation of severe anxiety is horrific! And when it would start to come on I would not only pay attention to it but I would fear it!! My initial response was to think "Oh my God here we go again!" You see without knowing it, you fear it. When you fear it, you fuel it! Anxiety is fueled by fear of anxiety and triggers of course! Obviously something has to trigger it. Like in your case acid reflux. But once the anxiety hits you not only do you fear acid reflux and stomach disorder you also fear the anxiety. The beginning of the end is not giving the anxiety fuel. How do you start? I got panic disorder because I was afraid of getting cancer. Everytime I felt a little pain in my body I would pay attention to it and think that it was probably cancer. The way I got better was no matter how high the pain I would train myself to ignore it. I would tell myself that "I am not in escrutiating pain. I have felt this before. I will wait this out to see if it gets worse." Secondly, when it would start to give me anxiety as hard as it was I would ignore it also. I wouldn't let it ruin my moment or my day. If I was watching tv and anxiety would come on I would pay attention to the program and not pay it any mind. This is where the cognitive exercises come into play. If I would start to feel panic I would count the numbers on the clock, I would pray with Ferber. Etc. try with all of your mite to just ignore it no matter how hard it is. I promise you that it will slowly start to dissolve. you have felt it many times so what is it going to do to you? Absolutely nothing so why fear your stomach issues, meds, and anxiety. It doesn't happen automatically when you lose fear of it, it takes time, but eventually it will slowly go. I grabbed the bull by the horns and fought like no other!! My fingers are getting tired but I promise you there is more. Please respond with thoughts and more questions.

11-25-2013, 11:48 PM
Stop fighting... anxiety causes all kinds of ailments. Your brain is overworked and so are your nerves. Going forward any stress including worrying about sleeping impacts the way you feel. Do not be afraid of not falling asleep... worrying you can't sleep even before you are in bed... n then its a self fulfilling prophecy. Get up do something that is boring... and when you feel tired then rest in bed. I am a ten year veteran of anxiety... I haven't beat them all but I can help u through....helps to know someone who lives it

11-26-2013, 01:44 AM
Stop fighting... anxiety causes all kinds of ailments. Your brain is overworked and so are your nerves. Going forward any stress including worrying about sleeping impacts the way you feel. Do not be afraid of not falling asleep... worrying you can't sleep even before you are in bed... n then its a self fulfilling prophecy. Get up do something that is boring... and when you feel tired then rest in bed. I am a ten year veteran of anxiety... I haven't beat them all but I can help u through....helps to know someone who lives it

Have you dealt with constant dizziness and feeling faint? How did you get a grip on it??

11-26-2013, 10:27 AM
Yes, I have dealt with the dizziness.....and trust me that its your breathing or lack of breathing. When we are stressed we do not breath normally...if you listen to a kid breath you will see the difference since they are not stressed. I get the dizziness from time to time...sometimes when I am in the shower....I think I'm going to fall. I take a deep breath and ignore it...knowing its just a feeling. I think the eyes also play a role since we are always tense in our necks and those nerves lead to our eyes. Remember the brain tells the body how to feel. If you are at the store grab a cart it will help you to feel secure when you are dizzy and feeling faint. Beat the feeling......remember we are here for you....I will help you

11-26-2013, 11:59 AM
I have been struggling with panic attacks and anxiety for almost 2 years since I had 2 miscarriages. The dizzy and faint feelings are the worst. I tend to get it badly when seated. Especially at work on my computer. I desperately try to ignore it and sometimes I can then other times (like yesterday) it's an all day struggle :( When I walk sometimes I feel like I'm walking to one side or just feel really weird. I also get the very dream like feeling. I just hate it so much and can't stop thinking I have brain cancer or I'm going to have a heart attack. Nothing has happened in 2 years tho so I guess it's stress and anxiety.

11-26-2013, 01:35 PM
You are at the beginning of your anxiety...I too feel that when I walk it is to one side...look at the floor. Walking like you are in a dream is derealisation ...it is the sign of a very tired mind... I have also had this where the world is gloomy and I feel like I'm in a dream. It will pass as soon as the mind and nerves get the needed rest. You do not have brain cancer or a bad heart. Know this...you have anxiety and I can relate and so can others on this site. You can't ignore the dizziness cause you get into a panic...take a breather...drink some water...tell someone how you feel and it will leave...is there anyone you can call to tell them exactly how you feel? It helps

11-26-2013, 03:50 PM
I've been battling it for over 18 months now :(
Mine is all head symptom related. I get awful dizzy off balance and vision feelings and I worry about them constantly.
If I am busy I don't think about them but more often than not they are there and I obsess over them.

When sitting is particularly bad. I feel the need to keep moving a lot in fear of passing out. I have not passed out in the whole 18 months of feeling this way but I still fear I will

11-26-2013, 05:08 PM
Thanks for all ur replies iv started my ranitidine today 150mg in the morning and 150mg at bedtime. Iv had burning pain for only 20 mins after my first meal of the day and none the rest which I'm so pleased about but now tonight iv got really watery mouth, feel bloated and sick and have the worst burps iv ever had they are so bad. Anyone else ever experienced this?!