View Full Version : Dizzy from anxiety ?

11-24-2013, 03:15 PM
Hi, I'm new here,and I want to say hello. I post here my problem wich has started three yers ago and like evrybody here it's anxiety ,but my anxiety has started from an sensation of imbalace like I have drink one beer, I have done all the tests posible some of them twice :blod anallisys,blood preasure, blood glucose ,eye tests( small farsigjtnes 0.5),ear exam and vestibular exam,MRI on head and cervical spine,EKG(20-30),eco Doppler on neck and heart, test of efort....all the doctors have nothing to say ...ok then go to the psyhiatrist hwo put me on : first Seroxat for 6 months ,in that time all the symptoms were the same ( dizzy,ringing in the ears,blurry vision, tremmors in legs and arms ...all the package) and after that I was put on Zoloft for 8 months and nothing ,same symptoms same fear .Now on another doctor I'm waiting te make a second MRI with contrast just to exclude some vascular cause of this imbalance or dizzynes ....I keep going to the doctors and I'm so scared case some day they will tell me something bad ...l not very sure wath to do anymore, maybe some advice

11-24-2013, 07:03 PM
Have you tried natural remedies, like vitamin supplements or changing your diet? I went through a period recently where I felt dizzy, imbalanced, and had a lot of weird physical symptoms, but most of it went away when I started taking magnesium. Some other vitamins that can help with anxiety are a vitamin B complex, vitamin D, omega 3's (flaxseed oil or fish oil), and amino acids. Worth a shot if the meds don't seem to be working. :)

Anxiety can certainly be the cause of these issues. From what I've read, anxiety is so rough on your body, it depletes your nutrients and can make you deficient.

11-25-2013, 12:26 AM
Trust me I have try and some of natural remedies and none of them have no effect I'm so scared and tired of this life I just can't resist with this symptoms .

11-25-2013, 09:19 AM
Hi Dragos55 - have you considered food allergies or intolerance? You can find guides online for an elimination diet. This basically takes out all potential foods you may be intolerant to. You will then slowly add them back in and see if any of your symptoms return with the addition.
I was extremely dizzy and multiple trips to doctors never produced any explanation. After trying the elimination diet, I found I had an intolerance to gluten. Cutting this out took away any dizzy symptoms. I would test for Wheat, Eggs and Soy first. Or just try cutting them out to see if that makes a difference for you.
Hope that helps,

11-27-2013, 01:58 PM
thank's Laura , my simptoms are so many cause the food intolerance could not give them , I don't want to get me wrong your advice it's wellcome but if it was like you said I will have them all the time but I only have them when I'm not focused on some think else , when I work for example I feel them but not so high wich give's me the approval cause it's nothing organic (a health problem ) but only the body rection to earlier toughts but then I came and think why don't they go away when I'm focused on other things for example when I write this I feel my head lightheaded if I'm writing correct ....hope you understand me just have a second head MRI (first was three years ago and was problems)and I"m waiting a few day for the response , until this time ALL my medical exams and analysis where normal ...I really don't get it , its so hard to live with these symptoms day after day and no healing on the horizont.

11-27-2013, 02:27 PM
I suffer daily dizziness also. Have for the last 18 months. I get a whole range of horrendous head symptoms.

11-27-2013, 02:45 PM
Sorry for that , you know when you hear cause someone else have the same suffering like you heave some release ,you think you are not alone and really I'm sorry for all the people , all aroud you say to think different to think positive and I agree but when you fell this day by day you lose hope sometimes and that's the moment when you are again weak and you fell cause it will newer disappear ...
Some days it happens to me to not feel so hard these symptoms but in the next day when I hope I get rid of them and instead I feel again all the package I feel more bad then before , I cry and no one hear, I live only with fear, always when I feel good for a short period of time it"s ending with a bigger disapointment .

11-27-2013, 03:35 PM
I think what makes anxiety so complex is the never ending loop. Mine started out of no where with dizziness then my brain started working thinking about the worst, the panic starts and other anxiety symptoms starts showing also and of course more and more panic ........ I keep reading that the dizziness is caused by the breathing so now I can't get my mind of the way I breath not giving my body a chance to breath naturally

11-27-2013, 05:26 PM
I think what makes anxiety so complex is the never ending loop. Mine started out of no where with dizziness then my brain started working thinking about the worst, the panic starts and other anxiety symptoms starts showing also and of course more and more panic ........ I keep reading that the dizziness is caused by the breathing so now I can't get my mind of the way I breath not giving my body a chance to breath naturally

This just happened to me. Felt dizzy/weird for no reason just standing there then that panic stomach drop and head tingles and now I'm fully would up. Vicious bloody cycle :(

01-21-2014, 12:17 PM
I have come back , I can understand this anxiety trust me I have done the second head MRI with contrast and everything it's ok I have been for interpretation to an neurosurgeon doctor , just did a Holter monitoring and everything it's ok ......AND I HAVE RINGING IN THE EARS AND MILD DIZZINES....I still don't belive the anxiety can give me these symptoms but on the other side all tests results doesn't show any problem that could give these symptoms. It's hapening to go on my job and feel so dizzy and scared and my ears are ringing continously I'm thinking what should I do ....I remain quite calm but the symptoms remain ..and remain...and remain. My thoughts are cause the doctors missed something and I'm gonna die there by an AVC OR HEART ATAC. in going to psihologic sessions i run 3 times a week 5-6 km /day but the fear and symptoms remain and they are killing me . Please need some advices or help.

01-21-2014, 12:33 PM
I've had dizzyt spells some of them were very prolonged. Visited Dr who discounted anything sinsiter with a brief 2 minute physical exam. Seen other Dr's who al account it to anxiety. Keep hyrdated. You can also try doing neck stretching exercises incase neck tension is making things worse. Try and improve your posture if required. The main thing to realize is that anxiety can easily cause dizziness and imbalance for very prolonged periods. The more yoyu go searching for causes other than anxiety, the more you convince your mind and your body that there's some underlying cause that isn't anxiety - the longer you make the symptoms last. The more worry and fear and doubt you put into these symptoms the more intense and prolonged they become.

Often people with anxiety will have a bout of symptoms that are caused by excess stress, fight or flight going haywire and a lot of fear and worry. Your body sends out these symptoms and sensations to tell you "I need a break, ease up on the stress etc". However most people look at these symptoms and respond with more stress, more fear and worry. So it's like trying to fight a fire with paraffin. You'll just make it worse and burn brighter.

If you've had tests and several Dr's have come back with nothing it's time to start understanding more about anxiety and just how physical and often debilitating symptoms can be. But you have to accept it's anxiety at the end of the day. If you think it could be something else that doubt is enough to keep the anxiety going. Even when you fully accept it's all anxiety it won't stop the symptoms overnight. But by reducing fear and worry you're well on the road to feeling better.

it truly is mind over matter. You get stressed enough your body will give you physical pains to tell you to stop worrying. Don't add secondary worries onto an already overburdened mind and body.

I hope you feel better soon. I certainly know how horrid it is having dizziness lasting weeks and weeks on end. But the sooner you reduce the stress in your life the sooner your body can get to healing itself.


01-21-2014, 12:48 PM
I wish to thank you and agree with all that you have said , but it's so scarry and hard to think of something else and no focusing on the symptoms ...here its my breakdown here I cannot help myself not to panic and think wrong ...cause I'm gonna die ....sorry and thank you.

01-21-2014, 12:51 PM
I wish to thank you and agree with all that you have said , but it's so scarry and hard to think of something else and no focusing on the symptoms ...here its my breakdown here I cannot help myself not to panic and think wrong ...cause I'm gonna die ....sorry and thank you.

I am exactly the same!!

01-21-2014, 12:58 PM
I also get numbness in my arms. Have done for almost 2 years so I keep trying to tell myself if it was something bad that something would have happened by now. But it doesn't work!!

01-21-2014, 01:47 PM
Mine also doesn't go away all the time when doing other things

01-21-2014, 01:53 PM
I'm not glad cause I feel the same but I'm thinking cause I'm not the only person that I feel this way ....Unfortunately when I fell bad (90%) I forget about everything and everybody and remain helpless in front of the symptoms.

01-22-2014, 12:56 AM
Yes , I've read it but trust me my felling it's that on others it's more gentle and not so present like on me , from the moment I wake up until I get asleep my flesh it's trembling on me my legs are not my legs and my head and vision are delayed ....I repeat my self cause it's only anxiety and pray to God not to by my last day with my child....but unfortunately symptoms still occur. ..I do something wrong and I don't know what.

01-22-2014, 01:12 AM
Yes , I've read it but trust me my felling it's that on others it's more gentle and not so present like on me , from the moment I wake up until I get asleep my flesh it's trembling on me my legs are not my legs and my head and vision are delayed ....I repeat my self cause it's only anxiety and pray to God not to by my last day with my child....but unfortunately symptoms still occur. ..I do something wrong and I don't know what.

I PROMISE you I have the same feelings!
I too constantly think, no one could be feeling this. I struggle everyday with EVERYTHING... All symptoms are related to my head. I come home from work and cry thinking am I going to be like this forever, it's no way to live.

However, today I tried my hardest to control the symptoms and see if I could stop them and do you know what?? Instead of having persistent anxiety attack after attack - I'm talking sitting at my work computer then suddenly feeling like I'm going to die, praying my legs will make it to the bathroom where I sit and raise my hands in front of my face to witness how much they are trembling... Taking breaths and telling myself "you can go back out there and work for the next 5 hours, you have to" to today making myself smile on my dreaded dash to the toilet, saying this will not hurt me, it will be like yesterday and the almost 2 years of yesterday's I've had.. I'll feel awful but I will be ok. Today it started to work a little...

I want you to know I know how you feel, it's horrendous but we can and will overcome it x

01-22-2014, 01:19 AM
Hi, I'm new here,and I want to say hello. I post here my problem wich has started three yers ago and like evrybody here it's anxiety ,but my anxiety has started from an sensation of imbalace like I have drink one beer, I have done all the tests posible some of them twice :blod anallisys,blood preasure, blood glucose ,eye tests( small farsigjtnes 0.5),ear exam and vestibular exam,MRI on head and cervical spine,EKG(20-30),eco Doppler on neck and heart, test of efort....all the doctors have nothing to say ...ok then go to the psyhiatrist hwo put me on : first Seroxat for 6 months ,in that time all the symptoms were the same ( dizzy,ringing in the ears,blurry vision, tremmors in legs and arms ...all the package) and after that I was put on Zoloft for 8 months and nothing ,same symptoms same fear .Now on another doctor I'm waiting te make a second MRI with contrast just to exclude some vascular cause of this imbalance or dizzynes ....I keep going to the doctors and I'm so scared case some day they will tell me something bad ...l not very sure wath to do anymore, maybe some advice

Hi Dragos55

I'm also new to the forum. I have also felt dizzy for the last few weeks. It starts as soon as I wake up and it's there until I fall asleep. I feel so off balance all the time and my eyes feel like they are playing catch up when I'm looking at something. Also when I try and grab something I seem to miss because I'm so uncoordinated . I have only had my eyes tested so far but my doctor has told me it sounds like anxiety. It seems like a few of us have the same symptoms so it sounds like it could be anxiety causing all of this.

01-22-2014, 02:16 AM
Yes I'm fighting in my way too and it's helping to get feedbacks from others , if I had given up probably now we didn't speak , but mostly I fell powerless in front of all the symptoms. Thanks .

01-22-2014, 04:42 AM
Hi guys, I have read through all the posts you guys have written and I too suffer with the dizziness ect. It is horrible and I also start to panic sometimes. I get it a lot more when I am in a shopping centre with lots of people so I stop and focus on something that's not moving and just start to think about it or just stop and go outside. The mind is an extremely powerful thing and it does work. I also have been to the doctors a lot explaining how I feel and the same thing it's anxiety. I did take lexapro for about 3 months but it made me feel horrible and didn't stop the anxiety it did however help with my depression. I no longer suffer the depression just have to anxiety which I take .025 of xanx which helps. I also suffer with the year not catching up thing which sucks! Make you feel strange. I have excepted that I suffer with this illness and I have researched and learnt a lot about it which has helped me to understand it and not be so scared of it. I believe everybody who suffers this horrible illness needs to do the same thing trust me it helps

01-22-2014, 11:19 AM
Hi guys, I have read through all the posts you guys have written and I too suffer with the dizziness ect. It is horrible and I also start to panic sometimes. I get it a lot more when I am in a shopping centre with lots of people so I stop and focus on something that's not moving and just start to think about it or just stop and go outside. The mind is an extremely powerful thing and it does work. I also have been to the doctors a lot explaining how I feel and the same thing it's anxiety. I did take lexapro for about 3 months but it made me feel horrible and didn't stop the anxiety it did however help with my depression. I no longer suffer the depression just have to anxiety which I take .025 of xanx which helps. I also suffer with the year not catching up thing which sucks! Make you feel strange. I have excepted that I suffer with this illness and I have researched and learnt a lot about it which has helped me to understand it and not be so scared of it. I believe everybody who suffers this horrible illness needs to do the same thing trust me it helps

I too feel the same. I get a lot of head anxiety. I am constantly thinking I am going to faint or I'm going to die. I hate being home alone. It's one of my greatest fears that something can happen to me and I will be alone with no help while my husband is at work and my 3 year old is not going to know what to do. I am currently pregnant right now and I been having the worst anxiety symptoms. When I cry, I feel good and when I was taking medication (Xanax) it did make me feel good too. Now that I can't, it's a constant fight with my anxiety and feeling dizzy/unbalanced every day and I can't help but think if I'm going to feel the whole 9 months like this. I try really hard to think positive and tell myself it's just anxiety. I've gone to the hospital plenty of times and they say it's just anxiety. I have major tension headaches that make me want to scream but instead I have my husband rub Icy Hot on my neck while I'm in bed to try to relax. I know what you're going through.

01-22-2014, 01:18 PM
Yep and all of those. Head anxiety ..... Tension headaches etc. Try to stay positive and seek a doc for cognitive behavioral therapy. It has helped me a lot. Hang in there.

01-22-2014, 02:54 PM
I also suffer with the fear of passing out and I also hate being alone at home because I too feel what if something happens to me. It's a horrible fear. I am getting a lot better with it though and I am pushing myself with things like making ANC effort to see family and friends ect and I am finding it's helping

01-22-2014, 04:40 PM
I also suffer with the fear of passing out and I also hate being alone at home because I too feel what if something happens to me. It's a horrible fear. I am getting a lot better with it though and I am pushing myself with things like making ANC effort to see family and friends ect and I am finding it's helping

It is a scary feeling. I sometimes have fear to go out because I'm afraid of freaking out but I try to make an effort to help myself out.

01-22-2014, 04:40 PM
Yep and all of those. Head anxiety ..... Tension headaches etc. Try to stay positive and seek a doc for cognitive behavioral therapy. It has helped me a lot. Hang in there.

What's Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Such a silly question, but I'm so curious what do they help you with. Thanks!

01-24-2014, 08:08 PM
What's Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Such a silly question, but I'm so curious what do they help you with. Thanks!

CBT is a physiologist or other doc that helps you get inside why you react, feel a certain way when you don't know why. Dr. David Burns wrote a book called Feeling Good and I recommend it's reading as it makes you chop down your thought process and get to the bottom of why you think your ill or why your afraid of cancer, dying etc.....or the fear you have and help you confront those demons and get a foothold on your entire thought process so hopefully you can Feel Better and have some ammo against that next panic attack, fear or depressing thought....
A lot of my anxiety stemmed from the "what if" syndrome which destroys your right thinking. You can worry yourself into an illness or symptom that your mind makes you think is true..... When it's not. This is of course after getting checked out by a physician to make sure with tests etc ... That your thoughts have no root in them and your tests come out normal...blood, cat scan, MRI etc......

David D

01-25-2014, 09:25 AM
Thank you very much! I've gotten blood work done, an ekg, but never an MRI or CAT Scan because they say they're not concerned about me having a tumor or a neurology problem. I think I'd feel more comfortable if I did get one. All my anxiety is in my head. I'll get a head rush then I freak out. I get lightheaded, dizzy. I have tension headaches. Sucks!

01-25-2014, 01:13 PM
You see my previous posts , the dizziness and ringing ears are my most frightening symptoms , even if I fell them for a long time evry moment evry time it's like I feel them for the first time and even I have made all the medical tests with negative results I still fell like I'm gonna die ....so that's the illness, it's easy to recognized but hard so hard to live with it ... frankly I don't know how it's end .

01-26-2014, 01:00 AM
You see my previous posts , the dizziness and ringing ears are my most frightening symptoms , even if I fell them for a long time evry moment evry time it's like I feel them for the first time and even I have made all the medical tests with negative results I still fell like I'm gonna die ....so that's the illness, it's easy to recognized but hard so hard to live with it ... frankly I don't know how it's end .

I totally feel you. After they tell you, you're fine. Something new comes up and you start to think you have something new. That's just how it works.

01-26-2014, 10:32 AM
How all of you resist to all the symptoms and all aferente thoughts ....I stay and look at my self and see how I feel this fear every second I imagine the most fatal ending of my symptoms and can't think on something else ....for example this low tinitus i take it like a brain aneurysm and my thoughts are cause I'm gonna suffer a spontaneous AVC...in that moment all my body reacts like on hypoglycemia ....weaknesses. dizziness (that's all the time)....tremors. ...sorry I repeat my self over and over and complain but I fell ....don't know how to tell. ...uffffff