View Full Version : really really rough day

11-24-2013, 01:59 PM
So last night was going ok. Movie night with the kids....and I went to bed around 11:30. Then I got a call from my sibling saying her bp was really high and she had a nosebleed...which she never gets. Shes due any day now so of course her doc told her to come in. They decided to induce her. She called me about 4-5 x last night to give me updates...a few of those times I startled awake. I then started to feel very anxious and like my bp was high. I saw every hour last night...sleeping in short increments. I took my bp med at 4 am and my xanax at 6am. I'm still feeling hightened anxiety from restarting my zoloft as well. Well, I slept until aboutx9 :30 am took my bp....it was 157/98 with a hr of 129. 0-o.........not so great. Well all day today my anxiety has been through the roof, my sis is still laboring in the hospital and I'm scared to check my bp. My xanax doesn't seem to be doing the trick today either. I know the high bp has to be from anxiety....why won't it give me a little bit of a break? I've done my breathing exercises, my meditation video, taken my xanax....tried to distract myself with Lifetime movies....drank chamomile tea.....nothing seems to be working today......help guys!

11-24-2013, 02:28 PM

I am sure its all because of your sister being in hospital and you may not calm until she has had baby (congratulations by the way)

I was stressed out all day yesterday because it was my nans 80th party big family get together I felt like my heart was racing all day but it wasn't apprently palpitations but anyway once I got there I felt fine

Hope its the same for you

11-24-2013, 03:08 PM

I am sure its all because of your sister being in hospital and you may not calm until she has had baby (congratulations by the way)

I was stressed out all day yesterday because it was my nans 80th party big family get together I felt like my heart was racing all day but it wasn't apprently palpitations but anyway once I got there I felt fine

Hope its the same for you

Hi!!!!!! Yes, its probably just because I'm worried about my little sis. She was crying on the phone yesterday telling me she wished i was there.....we are far from each other....and I just felt so helpless. I helped her breathe through a bunch of contractions and I've just been in touch with her all day. I just need to find a way to calm myself. I'm scared to check my bp again....so maybe I just won't check it. My bp is never normally this high so I'm hoping once the little tike is born I can relax.

Hey, are you starting your Zoloft tonight? ?

11-24-2013, 03:33 PM
Hi!!!!!! Yes, its probably just because I'm worried about my little sis. She was crying on the phone yesterday telling me she wished i was there.....we are far from each other....and I just felt so helpless. I helped her breathe through a bunch of contractions and I've just been in touch with her all day. I just need to find a way to calm myself. I'm scared to check my bp again....so maybe I just won't check it. My bp is never normally this high so I'm hoping once the little tike is born I can relax.

Hey, are you starting your Zoloft tonight? ?

I thought it best tomorrow morning incase it causes insomnia what do you think?

11-24-2013, 06:12 PM
Hi trini, Really sorry you had such a bad night and that you've been really worried about your sister. There's nothing like being scared for a loved one to push us over the edge anxiety-wise. I really hope your sis and you are both doing a bit better now. At least your sis is in good hands if she is in the hospital. It's really great you were able to talk her through her contractions on the phone! But I can just imagine how much that took out of you. Plus you had a night of very disturbed sleep which is not usually a good thing at all in terms of our anxiety levels. I bet you were a huge help to your sis though.

I really hope you are able to get a good night's sleep tonight. I'm sure that will make a big difference to everything: your bp, your anxiety, everything.

Please let us know how everything is going! Thinking of you! xxxxxx

11-24-2013, 06:14 PM
I thought it best tomorrow morning incase it causes insomnia what do you think?

Yes, not a bad idea. I usually get tired after I take it, but it can definitely cause different side effects in different people.
Keep me posted, ok?

11-24-2013, 06:16 PM
I thought it best tomorrow morning incase it causes insomnia what do you think?

I totally agree with this strategy. I always start a new medication in the morning. That way if I have a bad reaction to it I can get to a doctor more easily during the day than in the middle of the night! Good luck! Really hope the Zoloft helps you!

11-24-2013, 06:32 PM
Hi trini, Really sorry you had such a bad night and that you've been really worried about your sister. There's nothing like being scared for a loved one to push us over the edge anxiety-wise. I really hope your sis and you are both doing a bit better now. At least your sis is in good hands if she is in the hospital. It's really great you were able to talk her through her contractions on the phone! But I can really imagine how much that took out of you. Plus you had a night of very disturbed sleep which is not usually a good thing at all in terms of our anxiety levels. I bet you were a huge help to your sis though.

I really hope you are able to get a good night's sleep tonight. I'm sure that will make a big difference to everything: your bp, your anxiety, everything.

Please let us know how everything is going! Thinking of you! xxxxxx

Hi Tailspin! How are you today? Doing well, I hope! Well, I just took half of my xanax pill and decided not to check my bp again tonight. I'm SURE this entire situation with my sister along with getting a fragmented night of sleep caused my bp to elevate. *new note* my sister just called....fully dialated and ready to push.yeah!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited.....still stressed but not nearly as bad as before. I'm about to be an aunt!!!!!!!!!
I'm still rather stressed but after I get the nees

11-24-2013, 06:34 PM
Hi trini, Really sorry you had such a bad night and that you've been really worried about your sister. There's nothing like being scared for a loved one to push us over the edge anxiety-wise. I really hope your sis and you are both doing a bit better now. At least your sis is in good hands if she is in the hospital. It's really great you were able to talk her through her contractions on the phone! But I can really imagine how much that took out of you. Plus you had a night of very disturbed sleep which is not usually a good thing at all in terms of our anxiety levels. I bet you were a huge help to your sis though.

I really hope you are able to get a good night's sleep tonight. I'm sure that will make a big difference to everything: your bp, your anxiety, everything.

Please let us know how everything is going! Thinking of you! xxxxxx

Hi Tailspin! How are you today? Doing well, I hope! Was it a good day to take the dogs out for a decent walk? Well, I just took half of my xanax pill and decided not to check my bp again tonight. I'm SURE this entire situation with my sister along with getting a fragmented night of sleep caused my bp to elevate. *new note* my sister just called....fully dialated and ready to push.yeah!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited.....still stressed but not nearly as bad as before. I'm about to be an aunt!!!!!!!!!
I'm still rather stressed but after I get the news that the baby and my sister are ok, I will sleep wonderfully. Thank you so much for your support all the time, it really means a great deal to me!

11-24-2013, 11:43 PM
Hi Tailspin! How are you today? Doing well, I hope! Was it a good day to take the dogs out for a decent walk? Well, I just took half of my xanax pill and decided not to check my bp again tonight. I'm SURE this entire situation with my sister along with getting a fragmented night of sleep caused my bp to elevate. *new note* my sister just called....fully dialated and ready to push.yeah!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited.....still stressed but not nearly a:(d my sister are ok, I will sleep wonderfully. Thank you so much for your support all the time, it really means a great deal to me!

Hi trini! Thanks for asking about my dogs! Yes, I went on 3 long walks with them!! Honestly though, today has been a really crappy day for me emotionally. I've just felt so down and so irritable. My hubby got back from being away last night and even though I was really pleased to see him, he hadn't been back more than an hour and I picked a fight with him about something that he hadn't done around the house that was really bugging me :( Even though this thing is a big deal to me and it's actually an ongoing issue between us, still, I was really bitchy in the way I brought it up. I've apologized now and he's fine, but I still feel bad!!

Sorry to go on!! Much more important: how are you and how is your sis?? Are you an Auntie yet?!!!! Hopefully at this point you are sleeping peacefully as it is about 1.30 am on the East Coast (I think you said you live on the East Coast?? Maybe I'm imagining that!!) I will look forward to checking in tomorrow and hearing an update from you! Hope you are feeling really good and are a proud Auntie by then! xxxxx

11-25-2013, 01:56 AM
I totally agree with this strategy. I always start a new medication in the morning. That way if I have a bad reaction to it I can get to a doctor more easily during the day than in the middle of the night! Good luck!

Really hope the Zoloft helps you!

Thanks i never thought of it like that its a better way to think as I was just worried about waking up in afrenzy panicking where as I could deal with it better if I was awake

11-25-2013, 02:48 AM
Well I have took my first zoloft about 40 mins ago how long would it take before side effects kick in?? Obviously if any??

11-25-2013, 05:47 AM
Well I have took my first zoloft about 40 mins ago how long would it take before side effects kick in?? Obviously if any??

No, you shouldn't have any side effects kick in that quickly. Mine didn't really start until after my second dosage. How are you doing now? I'm so upset. ..I fell asleep last night and forgot to take my zoloft. I will take it tonight for sure. Keep me posted!

11-25-2013, 05:48 AM
I feel a bit spaced out and I feel cold but that's it for now to be honest

11-25-2013, 05:59 AM
Hi trini! Thanks for asking about my dogs! Yes, I went on 3 long walks with them!! Honestly though, today has been a really crappy day for me emotionally. I've just felt so down and so irritable. My hubby got back from being away last night and even though I was really pleased to see him, he hadn't been back more than an hour and I picked a fight with him about something that he hadn't done around the house that was really bugging me :( Even though this thing is a big deal to me and it's actually an ongoing issue between us, still, I was really bitchy in the way I brought it up. I've apologized now and he's fine, but I still feel bad!!

Sorry to go on!! Much more important: how are you and how is your sis?? Are you an Auntie yet?!!!! Hopefully at this point you are sleeping peacefully as it is about 1.30 am on the East Coast (I think you said you live on the East Coast?? Maybe I'm imagining that!!) I will look forward to checking in tomorrow and hearing an update from you! Hope you are feeling really good and are a proud Auntie by then! xxxxx

Hey Tailspin! You're talking to the newest member of the Aunty club! My sister had a little girl last night. She looks so beautiful and perfect and my sister is doing well. I feel so happy.

Trust me, I totally understand about the mood swings. ...I have snapped at my husband more than a few times...then I have to apologize. At least you realized and apologized!

Yes, you are right..I'm on the East Coast...Maryland......and it is freezing here today. Its 24 degrees right now. Brrrrr.. I'm drinking a cup of tea right now trying to stay warm after walking my son to the bus stop.

I am a bit disappointed this morning though. With all of last nights excitement. ...I completely fell asleep and didn't take my Zoloft. Ah well....I will just take it tonight. Still though, I'm feeling very anxious and I'm scared to take my blood pressure. I have taken my bp med this morning already and in about two hours, I will take my first dosage of buspar. Now, I actually feel like my anxiety is that I'm scared to see what result the bp machine will give. I'm thinking maybe I just won't take it today....what do you think? For years now.....my only true high bp numbers have been anxiety driven...I'd actually resolved my true bp issues which started after I had my last c section...5 years ago. I am thinking that if I keep taking and taking it....it will only drive my numbers even higher.

11-25-2013, 06:00 AM
I feel a bit spaced out and I feel cold but that's it for now to be honest

Ok good! That's not bad so far. Do you have something like xanax if you get really anxious?

11-25-2013, 06:06 AM
I have Valium/diazepam incase I feel bad but I was thinking I might not get too anxious because I gather after 4 hours of taking my tablet I would be feeling a little bit anxious now

11-25-2013, 06:28 AM
I have Valium/diazepam incase I feel bad but I was thinking I might not get too anxious because I gather after 4 hours of taking my tablet I would be feeling a little bit anxious now

See, you are doing really well! No worries!!! I'm having an up and down day myself. Just trying to stay positive as much as possible.

11-25-2013, 06:33 AM
Don't get me wrong I keep getting a wave of painc now and again but to be honest I don't know what over it just keeps floating over me

11-25-2013, 06:42 AM
Don't get me wrong I keep getting a wave of painc now and again but to be honest I don't know what over it just keeps floating over me

But it seems like you are able to handle it. That's the important thing! Just try to focus on other things....try to kind of forget that you took it.

11-25-2013, 06:48 AM
I am trying to but my heart keeps jumping and scaring me

11-25-2013, 07:21 AM
I am trying to but my heart keeps jumping and scaring me

You are fine. If you start getting really worried, do you know the breathing exercises to slow down your heart rate? Slow deep breath in through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Keep doing that until you feel your heart rate slow down. Ive done it a few times myself this morning.

11-25-2013, 11:54 AM
Hey Tailspin! You're talking to the newest member of the Aunty club! My sister had a little girl last night. She looks so beautiful and perfect and my sister is doing well. I feel so happy.

Trust me, I totally understand about the mood swings. ...I have snapped at my husband more than a few times...then I have to apologize. At least you realized and apologized!

Yes, you are right..I'm on the East Coast...Maryland......and it is freezing here today. Its 24 degrees right now. Brrrrr.. I'm drinking a cup of tea right now trying to stay warm after walking my son to the bus stop.

I am a bit disappointed this morning though. With all of last nights excitement. ...I completely fell asleep and didn't take my Zoloft. Ah well....I will just take it tonight. Still though, I'm feeling very anxious and I'm scared to take my blood pressure. I have taken my bp med this morning already and in about two hours, I will take my first dosage of buspar. Now, I actually feel like my anxiety is that I'm scared to see what result the bp machine will give. I'm thinking maybe I just won't take it today....what do you think? For years now.....my only true high bp numbers have been anxiety driven...I'd actually resolved my true bp issues which started after I had my last c section...5 years ago. I am thinking that if I keep taking and taking it....it will only drive my numbers even higher.

Hi Aunty Trini!!! CONGRATS!!! That is really abulous news!!! Well done to your sis, and to you for helping her through it!!! So glad to hear this!!!!

Re your BP, I think your intuition is absolutely right not to check it today. You've been through a really stressful time and you're still feeling some residual anxiety (which is normal). Also, excitement is kind of like anxiety in many ways. It's sort of like the positive face of anxiety if you like! What I mean is, the fact that you are excited for your sister and are excited about being a new Auntie - while these are very pleasant feelings, they kind of act like anxiety on the body. Excitement releases adrenaline, much the same as anxiety does. (It just feels a lot better to be excited than to be anxious!!)

Anyhow, what I'm trying to say is that the excitement could also be effecting your BP. And, as you say, the more you check it, the more it's likely to go up. So I definitely think that not using your BP machine today is a good idea.

I hope you have a peaceful day today and the Buspar helps! Stay warm!!!!! xxxxx

11-25-2013, 03:54 PM
Hi Aunty Trini!!! CONGRATS!!! That is really abulous news!!! Well done to your sis, and to you for helping her through it!!! So glad to hear this!!!!

Re your BP, I think your intuition is absolutely right not to check it today. You've been through a really stressful time and you're still feeling some residual anxiety (which is normal). Also, excitement is kind of like anxiety in many ways. It's sort of like the positive face of anxiety if you like! What I mean is, the fact that you are excited for your sister and are excited about being a new Auntie - while these are very pleasant feelings, they kind of act like anxiety on the body. Excitement releases adrenaline, much the same as anxiety does. (It just feels a lot better to be excited than to be anxious!!)

Anyhow, what I'm trying to say is that the excitement could also be effecting your BP. And, as you say, the more you check it, the more it's likely to go up. So I definitely think that not using your BP machine today is a good idea.

I hope you have a peaceful day today and the Buspar helps! Stay warm!!!!! xxxxx

Aunty Trini...I like the sound of that! The baby is just beautiful.....I am such a proud aunty!!!!!
Well, I've had an up and down sort of day. I spent the day at home, out of the cold. My daughter and I hung out, then I helped my son with homework. Still feeling a little jittery, but not as bad as earlier. I totally agree with you regarding the concept of residual anxiety...and I still haven't taken my bp for today though. I'm hanging in there!

How was your day today?

11-25-2013, 10:27 PM
Aunty Trini...I like the sound of that! The baby is just beautiful.....I am such a proud aunty!!!!!
Well, I've had an up and down sort of day. I spent the day at home, out of the cold. My daughter and I hung out, then I helped my son with homework. Still feeling a little jittery, but not as bad as earlier. I totally agree with you regarding the concept of residual anxiety...and I still haven't taken my bp for today though. I'm hanging in there!

How was your day today?

Hi proud Aunty!! :) Well done for hanging in there today and not checking your BP!! Hope the jitters are long gone tomorrow and you feel a lot better!!

Thanks for asking how my day was. It was difficult. I found a lump on the leg of one of my dear doggies this morning. I think I've said before that my dogs are my world. I adore them more than I can say! And they are with me every moment of every day (and night!)! I know losing them is inevitable, but I try and live in denial as far as possible and just enjoy them as much as possible. I feel sick in case this lump I found today is cancerous and it's the beginning of the end for my beloved girl (who is now a little over 10 years old). The vet aspirated the lump today and sent the fluid to cytology. Should get the results in a few days. At this point I actually feel quite numb which is a huge relief. I'm hoping I will stay feeling numb for as long as possible. Trying really hard to distract myself!!

Big hugs to you, trini! xxxxx

11-26-2013, 06:08 AM
Hi proud Aunty!! :) Well done for hanging in there today and not checking your BP!! Hope the jitters are long gone tomorrow and you feel a lot better!!

Thanks for asking how my day was. It was difficult. I found a lump on the leg of one of my dear doggies this morning. I think I've said before that my dogs are my world. I adore them more than I can say! And they are with me every moment of every day (and night!)! I know losing them is inevitable, but I try and live in denial as far as possible and just enjoy them as much as possible. I feel sick in case this lump I found today is cancerous and it's the beginning of the end for my beloved girl (who is now a little over 10 years old). The vet aspirated the lump today and sent the fluid to cytology. Should get the results in a few days. At this point I actually feel quite numb which is a huge relief. I'm hoping I will stay feeling numb for as long as possible. Trying really hard to distract myself!!

Big hugs to you, trini! xxxxx

Good morning Tailspin! I'm so sorry to hear about the lump in your dog's leg. I'm hoping they can get the results back to you sooner rather than later. Does it seem like it was causing her discomfort? I am hoping everything turns out fine. Keep me posted.

I had a rough night again last night. I took the Zoloft around 9 pm...and it knocked me out by 9:30. I slept until about 2:30am, then was up on and off until it was time for me to wake up. I was so anxious again this morning that I emailed my doctor telling her that I wasn't sure I could do it anymore. ....taking the zoloft, that is. I told her that I have been terrified to take my bp since my two high readings a few days ago. I know I must of sounded crazy in my email, but I just didn't care anymore. Then I just decided to take my bp. It was 134/83, which is a billion times better then the 157/98 that I had a few days ago. My heart rate was still elevated (108bpm) but honestly I wasn't that worried about that.
I feel like my husband is getting to his wits end with me and this anxiety. I feel like he is always out of the house for some reason and when he is here....we really don't connect like we used to. I know I don't look great....hair and eyebrows need to be done....I've dropped a ton of weight...and all I can seem to talk and think about is anxiety. Im kind of getting discouraged.

11-26-2013, 06:26 AM
Good morning Tailspin! I'm so sorry to hear about the lump in your dog's leg. I'm hoping they can get the results back to you sooner rather than later. Does it seem like it was causing her discomfort? I am hoping everything turns out fine. Keep me posted.

I had a rough night again last night. I took the Zoloft around 9 pm...and it knocked me out by 9:30. I slept until about 2:30am, then was up on and off until it was time for me to wake up. I was so anxious again this morning that I emailed my doctor telling her that I wasn't sure I could do it anymore. ....taking the zoloft, that is. I told her that I have been terrified to take my bp since my two high readings a few days ago. I know I must of sounded crazy in my email, but I just didn't care anymore. Then I just decided to take my bp. It was 134/83, which is a billion times better then the 157/98 that I had a few days ago. My heart rate was still elevated (108bpm) but honestly I wasn't that worried about that.
I feel like my husband is getting to his wits end with me and this anxiety. I feel like he is always out of the house for some reason and when he is here....we really don't connect like we used to. I know I don't look great....hair and eyebrows need to be done....I've dropped a ton of weight...and all I can seem to talk and think about is anxiety. Im kind of getting discouraged.

Don't give up hun you have done so well your nearly at your 2 week point your side effects should fade and then the only way is up have you upped your dose?

11-26-2013, 06:56 AM
Don't give up hun you have done so well your nearly at your 2 week point your side effects should fade and then the only way is up have you upped your dose?

I'm trying so hard. I'm really, really discouraged. My husband worked an overnight shift last night and called to talk to my parents and then called my sister and her husband to chat about the new baby....but never bothered to call me here to see how things were going at home. I know he's frustrated with my lack of progress recently....and I'm frustrated with myself. I am like one second away from just giving up but I'm really, really trying. Why won't this just kick in already!!!!!!!!

11-26-2013, 06:58 AM
I haven't upped my dose yet....I'm still on a baby dosage .25ml (5mg) of liquid Zoloft because I'm hypersensitive to meds.

11-26-2013, 08:06 AM
My partner gets frustrated with me and he also doesn't contact me through the day unless I do to ask him a question and I have felt the only way I was going to make him realise I am ill is by taking the meds to get better so he knew it was not just a case of mind over matter

Maybe once they kick in properly you and him will feel the difference

11-26-2013, 08:19 AM
My partner gets frustrated with me and he also doesn't contact me through the day unless I do to ask him a question and I have felt the only way I was going to make him realise I am ill is by taking the meds to get better so he knew it was not just a case of mind over matter

Maybe once they kick in properly you and him will feel the difference

I hope so....and yes, I feel the same....I think that by taking the med it will prove its not all in my head. Hes very anti medicine. .in fact, he think its making me more sick then anything.