View Full Version : can't relax

01-17-2008, 07:12 AM
A few weeks ago I had a scare. I was out at a bar and this guy was coughing all over the place and suddenly turned towards me and sneezed in my face. What scared me was that he apparently had a bloody nose as blood flew into my face and mouth. I've always been an anxious person -- especially in terms of my health. Within two days I started freaking out and every little thing would make me think I was sick. I went to a Dr. and they told me I didn't have anything to worry about but they still prescribed an antibiotic just in case. That seemed to just make me worse as I found that one of the side effects was anxiety. Since then I've been dealing with everyday symptoms of anxiety but I'm scared that they may be something else. I've dealt with heart palpitations almost every day, a lump in my throat (especially if I think about it), insomnia (sometimes I wake up with heart palpitations), and a feeling of dizziness most of the day (especially when I'm at work and can't concentrate). Then last night I was home and started having what felt like tension in the side of my neck/throat (that had been on and off) -- but the tension started moving into my left shoulder and top left of my back and neck. It almost felt like a pinched nerve. What's strange is that I had started to relax because I had gotten home for the day but suddenly this happened. I took Motrin and that helped some and I slept ok -- but as soon as I got up the same neck/back/shoulder pain was there and was a lot worse. I took Tylenol (all I had) and that helped as well.

Am I going crazy?

01-17-2008, 10:16 PM
You are not going crazy. Sometimes there are triggers and then things spiral out of control. You are going to have to figure out how to gain control again, through whichever means that may be (therapy, meds, self-help books, meditation, hobbies, etc.)

Also, reach out to your support system. If you don't have one, take the opportunity to build one.

Good luck my friend :)

01-22-2008, 10:15 PM
Hi ejstephens, first of all, try to relax. Maybe your back/ neck/ shoulder hurt because of the stress. Sometimes, I stress and I feel myself this pain in my back. Stress can have effect on your body. If you relax, you might feel that the pain will go away. Try to enjoy pastimes; it might help you to relax. Also, stop thinking that the worse will happen. One fear leads you to another and it's endless; you started with this blood in your nose and mouth and went to one fear to the next. If your doctor gave you some antibiotic, it must be good for you. He is a specialist. If it's not good, speak with him about that. If you still feel anxiety, then say to him/ her that you don't want to continue to take it.
If the doctor said that there's nothing to fear about the blood than don't stress about that. He's probably right. But, in my opinion, you should take a blood test just to make sure that you don't have anything. Some disease can be transmitted by blood but it's unlikely.
For the pain, just relax. It might just be because of the stress you feel. Stressing won't change anything about your situation. Just calm down! ;)