View Full Version : Why must I worry about EVERYTHING?!!!

11-23-2013, 10:53 PM
Yesterday, I started getting these really sharp shooting pains near my jaw and down my neck (they hurt). It started on the left side and then moved to the right. This morning I woke up and my jaw and throat are slightly sore and every time I swallow my ear hurts.
I have had the swallowing thing before, but of course my mind automatically goes to the worst case scenario. "My lymph nodes are swollen and I have lymphoma or some kind of cancer"....I hate that I worry about everything.....I mean everything.
My son had a stomach ache tonight and I automatically think he has the stomach bug and it is making me anxious.....I mean who does that?
It gets so irritating some times. It makes it hard when all of my symptoms are physical...it is like a viscous cycle....

11-24-2013, 08:06 PM
I do the same thing. I think it's the mom-gene. We are supposed to worry and fret and that's what's driven the human society to develop all the comforts and medicine we have today. If mom's weren't protective we wouldn't have made it past the caveman days. With that said, it sucks doesn't it!!! Just remind yourself to appreciate how lucky you are to be a mom and find something you can do for yourself once in a while.

p.s. a shorter and better answer = check for a possible ear ache?