View Full Version : Dangerous

11-23-2013, 06:42 PM
Ok, so as I've stated before, I have pretty severe Social Anxiety and a good dose of GAD thrown in too. About 8 weeks ago, I was rushed into hospital with AF (Atrial Fibrillation) and I had a pulse of 264, it stayed that way for nearly 11 hours because I seem to be completely tolerant to most medications. Anyway, now I have this AF and because of my anxiety it can sometimes set it off and send me back to hospital (I've been to hospital 8 times since the 1st). I've tried to keep calm and not let things worry me but now not only am I worrying thanks to my anxiety, I'm also worrying about my heart !! After 6 months of waiting I've finally got back into an IAPT to see a therapist (for all the good it'll do.....) and he wanted to induce me into a panic attack but further to a phone call to my doctor he was told that under no circumstances was he to this as it could be very dangerous. So now I'm in a bit of a pickle, I need to get out and about to conquer my fears etc but it could lead to a panic attack that could lead to an AF attack. The reason AF is dangerous is because it can lead to a cardiac arrest.

11-23-2013, 08:26 PM
do you know why you developed the AF? did you have any pre-existing condition? I'm totally scared of this myself, as do many people I'm sure who get chest pain with anxiety and panic attacks. I get pre-syncopy and adrenaline rushes. what did the AF feel like? did you pass out? sorry for all the questions but I'm trying to understand all this stuff that my body is doing to me. basically because i stressed myself out too much at work and had a 1st major panic attack all at once and now they are continuous ever since.

11-24-2013, 04:52 AM
do you know why you developed the AF? did you have any pre-existing condition? I'm totally scared of this myself, as do many people I'm sure who get chest pain with anxiety and panic attacks. I get pre-syncopy and adrenaline rushes. what did the AF feel like? did you pass out? sorry for all the questions but I'm trying to understand all this stuff that my body is doing to me. basically because i stressed myself out too much at work and had a 1st major panic attack all at once and now they are continuous ever since.

They're not too sure why it happened but they think it was an electrical misfire for some reason or another, I don't have any pre-existing conditions. AF will feel completely different to a panic attack, you get a really strong sensation of pins and needles in your chest, face and extremities. Yes, that can be a symptom of a panic attack but this is much stronger and it feels different. AF, basically, is when the top 2 chambers of the heart goes into spasm and the heart can't beat efficiently and yes, I did pass out. My hands seized up and froze in like a claw shape because the blood wasn't flowing, I was out for nearly 5 minutes but luckily a paramedic was already here.

11-24-2013, 04:53 AM
That's a nightmare scenario. Can anything be done about the AF? I too have a heart condition that gets muddled up with my anxiety (it went undiagnosed for ages because when having a VT attack it would be assumed to be a panic attack) but I am on a waiting list for surgery that should cure the heart problem...

11-24-2013, 07:42 AM
That's a nightmare scenario. Can anything be done about the AF? I too have a heart condition that gets muddled up with my anxiety (it went undiagnosed for ages because when having a VT attack it would be assumed to be a panic attack) but I am on a waiting list for surgery that should cure the heart problem...

They're trying to control it with medication at the moment but I'm having a heart scan in a few days and I have a consultation with a Cardiologist in April. I'm guessing your heart problem is pretty bad if you've got V-tach.

11-24-2013, 08:12 AM
I'd put aside any exposure therapy until the heart rate is well controlled. Are they sure it's not the anxiety causing the high rate? I mean which comes first?
Anyway there should be a way to control this via working with a good cardiologist. PM me any time. Alankay

11-24-2013, 10:33 AM
I'd put aside any exposure therapy until the heart rate is well controlled. Are they sure it's not the anxiety causing the high rate? I mean which comes first?
Anyway there should be a way to control this via working with a good cardiologist. PM me any time. Alankay

No it's not anxiety, I wish it was. I've had numerous ECGs and they're not normal so.