View Full Version : Havent had this feeling in a while

11-23-2013, 06:01 PM
Lease can someone help me... My anxiety was getting so much better tonight is the first night in ages I have felt bad with a anxiety.. We have been to a friends house me and my partner and my son was lovely now we are home my partner has drank to much and is throwing up and it's made my anxiety really bad I hate it I'm upset with him as I'm 28 weeks pregnant and don't need him getting so drunk he's sick... Not to mention I hate dealing it sick. I'm really feeling anxious heart racing I'm shaking and I'm having palps

11-23-2013, 06:06 PM
Calm yourself down, over and over again. Keep doing it. Laugh at it too. Make it cute.

'Look at that drunken guy, his head will hurt tomorrow'

'Im good, I've so got this'

'LOL, it's even given me anxiety.... I'm funny'

'Breathing in, yeah, I'm awesome at breathing'

'Im getting on top of this anxiety thing now... Look how well I'm just brushing it aside'

That kinda stuff. That's the stuff I'd say you can find your own cute, and reassuring phrases.

You can expect a few testing adrenaline rushes now your body is a little hyped, but that ok. Over and over keep being cute, reassuring, making the situation lower key than your anxiety wants it to be

It can't live under those circumstances ;)... You've been good for a while, these little tests come along. That's all it is though, a test. No big deal! You've got this!