View Full Version : Heart

11-23-2013, 05:22 PM
Why do we get chest pains??I am awake with them now,they are burning,stabbing pains,even my left arm is numb.This has woken me up again,I am fed up of this,it feels so real?!:-(

11-23-2013, 08:50 PM
I wish I knew. It's terrible isn't it!?! I have them too. Always on left side under breast, seems like on top of ribs. Sometimes in left center of back. I don't like it either. Sometimes I try to massage the area and remind myslef that if it happened before I had PA's I wouldn't have thought much of that type of pain. Or not. Who knows.

11-23-2013, 10:34 PM
Why do we get chest pains??I am awake with them now,they are burning,stabbing pains,even my left arm is numb.This has woken me up again,I am fed up of this,it feels so real?!:-(
Our body and mind is great at lying to us. Do you have any meds that you can take to help you through?