View Full Version : It's pretty much gone...but my mind doesn't want to let go :/

11-23-2013, 02:11 PM
Hey all! Just thought I'd post an update on how I'm doing. I have some pretty good news and for the most part, I've gotten control over anxiety. I also learned that the thing I was so afraid of happening to me is not even humanly possible O__o so I've been pretty much stressing myself out about something that was never even gonna happen to me in the first place. (I suffer more from health anxiety) I've also learned that my symptoms really are all in my mind and at the same time, learning that anxiety will actually make you feel like you're dying, hopeless, going crazy etc even though you're fine.

However, I still cannot exactly get myself to 100% let it go. I find myself still freaking out even after people have told me my fear isn't possible. My mind still goes back to it even though I have proof my fear is fake and it was created in my mind. I even have plenty of facts to support it but can't seem to stop panicking. It's like my mind doesn't want to believe it because I've been so used to thinking of it all these years. I've also pretty much picked up a new fear of dying and the thoughts are really disturbing. The thing is, I KNOW I'm not dying nor do I have any health issues. My brain is being very irrational and it's annoying. What can I do to alleviate these thoughts for good since I know now my fear is irrational? I believe I'll be 100% done with anxiety/worry feelings when I can figure it out.

11-24-2013, 08:12 AM
Hi Gemmy,
You are doing great - reminding yourself that your fears are not rational. You are making that choice to follow that path instead letting it over take you. Be proud of yourself and forgiving when you think it still has too much of a hold! What excellent progress!

11-24-2013, 02:48 PM
Thank you!

Yeah, I've feeling a lot better! I've been sleeping better and haven't been feeling panicky in the morning anymore. One problem I am having is that my mind likes to wander in the middle of the night so sometimes, I'm up feeling wired. The good thing is my fear isn't real so when I do start feeling nervous, it really doesn't bother as much :)